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Become a University Partner Program Member believes that individuals should have all the tools necessary to join the workforce as productive and valued members of their teams. Therefore and our community of Professional Scrum Trainers are pleased to work with universities to help their students understand and gain the practical skills necessary to work in a fast-paced digital environment that requires a relentless focus on providing customer value by continuously adapting based on learning. University Partners have recognized and addressed the importance of educating students about how work is done, and these universities provide graduate and undergraduate students with curriculums that incorporate education in the philosophy of Agile and Scrum. University Partners have either built their curriculum using the Scrum Guide, Resources, and/or integrated formal Professional Scrum Training into their curriculum. In all cases, Certification Assessments are used to measure and validate a students understanding of Scrum.

All University Partners:

  • Classes are a part of a larger curriculum and not standalone Scrum class
  • Classes are part of a broader degree program (i.e. masters, undergrad…)
  • Are accredited by their country governing body
  • Have in-person campus options

If you’d like to learn more about the University Partner Program, please contact us using the form below.