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What Happened to Agile? Where Do We Go From Here?

December 5, 2024
Whether you're in the "Agile is Dead" camp or not, it is clear that the movement is not well. Agile Theater is rampant. The term Agile is toxic. Here's an alternative approach that you can use to get out of this mess or avoid it in the first place: Focus on agility rather than agile—principles instead of practices. Here's How.
Blog Post

🇮🇹 Oltre le feature: 5 modi per validare il valore del tuo prodotto

December 4, 2024
La validazione del valore di un prodotto va ben oltre l'implementazione di feature. Quante volte ti è capitato di rilasciare una nuova funzionalità, convinto che fosse esattamente ciò che i tuoi utenti desideravano, per poi scoprire che nessuno la utilizza? In questo articolo Fabio Panzavolta esplora cinque approcci concreti per assicurarti che il tuo prodotto stia effettivamente creando valore.
Blog Post

The Refinement Funnel

December 4, 2024
There is no such thing as pre-refinement. Instead, all work associated with adding order, size and detail to items in the Product Backlog is refinement, whether it takes place in a meeting or whether it's work done by an individual outside of a meeting.
Blog Post

Unpacking Composite Attributes

December 4, 2024
Vague terms like "agility" and "value" lead to misunderstandings in product development. By breaking them down into measurable "supporting attributes," teams can create clearer goals and run experiments to achieve them. The three-step approach described here helps product development move beyond buzzwords and toward real progress.
Blog Post

🇮🇹 Origini di Scrum [E37]

December 3, 2024
In questo episodio Fabio Panzavolta analizza le origini di Scrum con il documento originale presentato da Ken Schwaber che ha introdotto Scrum al mondo, esplorando le origini del framework e come i suoi principi fondamentali sono rimasti rilevanti fino ad oggi. Scopriremo come Scrum è nato come risposta alla complessità dello sviluppo software e come ha influenzato l'Agile Manifesto.
Blog Post

Business Problem Statements

December 2, 2024
Framing work as problems to solve encourages individuals to think creatively and generate innovative solutions. Implementing solutions based on this problem-solving approach involves experimentation. Instead of relying on a single solution, teams test their ideas on a smaller scale, gather feedback, and refine their approach based on the results. This iterative process allows for continuous improvement and refinement of solutions.
Blog Post

🇩🇪 AI Steroide für Scrum Master: Answer Leveling 🇩🇪

December 2, 2024
Answer Leveling ist eine simple Technik um AI-Chatbots wie ChatGPT, Gemini oder Claude aus der Reserve zu locken und spannende, tiefergehende Antworten zu erzeugen. In diesem Blogpost erfährst Du, wie Scrum Master diese Technik nutzen können, auch ohne ausgereiftes Prompt-Engineering detailliertere und durchdachtere Antworten zu teambasierten Problemstellungen aus den LLMs zu gewinnen.
Blog Post

🇮🇹 Scrum: Performance e Risultato [E35]

December 1, 2024
In questo episodio Fabio Panzavolta esplora la differenza fondamentale tra performance e risultato in Scrum, analizzando come questi due elementi si relazionano nel contesto aziendale. Scopriremo perché è essenziale distinguerli e come uno Scrum Team può lavorare per migliorare entrambi gli aspetti.
Blog Post

How To Show Your Value As An Agile Coach Or Scrum Master?

December 1, 2024
Showing the value you offer to the organization is more critical than ever for Agile Coaches and Scrum Masters. It’s not easy, though. The three recommendations I provide in this blog post might help. If you’re interested, dig deeper into Evidence-Based Management, Kanban, and the scientific research behind Columinity.
Blog Post

🇮🇹 Evoluzione personale attraverso Scrum [E34]

November 29, 2024
In questo episodio, Fabio Panzavolta intervista Silvia Locati, sviluppatrice software e Scrum Master, che ci racconta la sua evoluzione personale attraverso Scrum ed il suo percorso di crescita professionale attraverso l'adozione di Scrum. Scopriremo come il framework ha trasformato non solo il suo team ma anche il suo approccio ai problemi complessi.
Blog Post

🇮🇹 Primo giorno da Scrum Master [E32]

November 27, 2024
In questo episodio Fabio Panzavolta esplora le prime azioni fondamentali che uno Scrum Master dovrebbe intraprendere quando inizia a lavorare con un nuovo team in una nuova azienda. Scopriremo l'importanza dell'osservazione, della costruzione della fiducia e dell'approccio empirico al miglioramento continuo.
Blog Post

Stepping Into Scrum

November 27, 2024
Starting with Scrum can feel overwhelming. It’s a framework with defined events, accountabilities, and artifacts that might seem rigid or even intimidating at first glance. But here’s the truth: it’s okay not to get everything perfect on day one. The real magic of Scrum unfolds as you practice and improve over time.
Blog Post

🇮🇹 Decisioni Efficaci Scrum Team [E31]

November 26, 2024
In questo episodio inauguriamo una nuova rubrica "A domanda risposta" dove Fabio Panzavolta risponde alle domande più frequenti che riceve durante le sessioni di coaching e formazione. Scopriremo come un team Scrum può prendere decisioni efficaci, mantenendo i valori Scrum e promuovendo la psychological safety.
Blog Post

Why Product Vision Matters?

November 26, 2024
The Product Vision outlines what you aim for, inspires and aligns the team toward a common direction, and provides a sense of purpose. It serves as a foundation for all product-related decisions.
Blog Post

🇮🇹 Superare il concetto di ritardo con Scrum [E30]

November 25, 2024
In questo episodio Fabio Panzavolta esplora come superare il concetto di ritardo con Scrum per trasformarlo in un'opportunità di crescita quando Scrum viene applicato con competenza. Scopriremo come l'approccio empirico di Scrum permette di superare la visione tradizionale delle scadenze rigide, favorendo una gestione più efficace dei prodotti complessi.
Blog Post

Stop Fighting for People and Start Delivering Products

November 25, 2024
Have you ever felt like your team spends more time battling over "resources" (a.k.a. people) than strategizing over what is the highest value work? You're not alone. Many organizations struggle with this chaos. Many Product Owners are fighting a constant battle over which work is "actually" the highest priority for the organization, juggling dependencies and scrambling for people to do the work.
Blog Post

Transparency and Autonomy: Two Sides of the Same Coin

November 23, 2024
For a Scrum Team to gain autonomy, they must first show they are trustworthy. And how do you build that trust? By making your work visible. By embracing transparency, Scrum Teams can take greater control over their work and deliver even more value to their stakeholders and organizations.
Blog Post

Managing Distributed Scrum Teams: Long-Term Strategies

November 22, 2024
In the final part of this series, PSTs Robert Pieper and Greg Crown share strategies for working with Scrum teams across time zones. covering co-located team benefits, reducing communication barriers, and practical solutions like rotating off-hours, fostering cultural understanding, and arranging meetups.
Blog Post

Be Mindful Of Coaching Hierarchies

November 21, 2024
In large organizations, a Scrum Master’s focus is often a team; the Agile Coach works with multiple teams and their environments, and the Enterprise Agile Coach works with the broader organization. Be mindful of the consequences. It can limit the ability to remove impediments and improve team- and organizational effectiveness.
Blog Post

Making Sense of Scrum: A Series on Meaning and Impact

November 20, 2024
Words shape how we understand and apply Scrum. This post brings together all entries in the ‘Scrum Guide Explored’ series, diving into the key terms of the Scrum Guide and their professional meaning. Easily navigate through the series, organized by the guide’s structure, and gain deeper insights into how these words drive value, collaboration, and agility.
Blog Post

🇮🇹 Mindset agile. Perché ci dimentichiamo come si fa? [E26]

November 20, 2024
In questo episodio Fabio Panzavolta intervista Alessandro Bignami, un professionista con oltre 25 anni di esperienza nel mondo del software development, di cui gli ultimi 7 dedicati all'Agile e Scrum. Esploriamo come il mindset agile sia una caratteristica naturale che paradossalmente dimentichiamo con il tempo, e come riscoprirlo possa portare a risultati sorprendenti nei progetti software.
Blog Post

The Three Keys to Motivation

November 20, 2024
Motivation in professional teams goes far beyond traditional incentives like bonuses or perks. Drawing from software industry experience, I explore three fundamental aspects of motivation that can transform team engagement: product connection, technical craftsmanship, and team spirit. While rarely achieved together, even one of these elements can significantly change how teams approach their work.
Blog Post

🇮🇹 Intervista - Scrum e torta di mele [E25]

November 19, 2024
🎙️ In questo episodio speciale, Fabio Panzavolta intervista Emanuele Vecchio, sviluppatore software e appassionato di Scrum. Scopriamo il suo percorso di adozione di Scrum, i benefici ottenuti nel suo team e le sfide affrontate. Un'intervista ricca di spunti e riflessioni sul valore dell'empirismo e dell'approccio Scrum non solo nel lavoro ma anche nella vita.
Blog Post

Myth: Limiting Product Owners to One Scrum Team

November 18, 2024
There’s a persistent myth out there that a Product Owner should only support one Scrum Team. The idea behind this is that having more than one team will stretch the Product Owner too thin, leading to burnout and unnecessary stress. But that’s actually a huge misconception!