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Team design in scaled scrum / nexus

Last post 08:02 am February 13, 2017 by Matthias Müller
2 replies
09:50 am February 10, 2017


I have a question regarding the team design within a scaled scrum / nexus. We are thinking about using nexus for a scaled scrum project with about 4 teams.

Our current discussion is about how to do the "team design", so if we should split the teams along the different business processes supported within the system or along the different architecture layers, e.g. one team responsible for the UI, one for the backend, and so on.

I really would appreciate your thoughts and experiences on this topic.

08:54 pm February 10, 2017

Each Development Team within a Nexus ought to be a fully-fledged Scrum Development Team.

Given that a Scrum Development Team ought to be able to provide a potentially releasable, feature-complete increment each Sprint, which of the options you have described would be the most preferable? Perhaps most importantly, can you see how an orientation around feature-teams would help to mitigate integration risk?

08:02 am February 13, 2017

Hi Ian,

Given your thoughts It's quite obvious to split along the business processes.


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