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Professional Agile Leadership Essentials™ (PAL-E) Immersion Training Example Agenda

The below is an example agenda. The number of sessions and cadence can vary according to the schedule the Professional Scrum Trainer (PST) sets, however, the course content does not. 
This agenda is an adapted flow of the Professional Agile Leadership Essentials™ (PAL-E) course for an Immersion Training class and includes assignments which are not part of a standard PAL-E course. These assignments are based on the learning objectives of the PAL-E course. 


PAL-E Immersion Training Example Agenda

Session Classroom Focus Assignment
1 Kickoff & Why Agile Matters Why Agile matters to us
2 Developing People Enabling Agile maturity
3 Leaders Grow Agility Creating an Agile Organization
4 Measuring Agility Metrics that help with goals
5 Challenges of an Agile Leader Mindset shift of an Agile Leader
6 Closing Take the PAL I assessment. Plan for continuous learning and improvement.