Professional Scrum Certified Count
Over 1,063,300 Professional Scrum Certified
Note data was last updated February 1, 2025
At, we help ensure that individuals understand how to deliver high value software with higher levels of agility using Scrum. To help meet that goal, provides assessments that can be used as tools to examine, enhance, and certify knowledge of Scrum. Below, you can see the total number of Professional Scrum certifications held per assessment. You can also search for an individual certification holder here.
Open Assessments
Many certification test takers and others who are looking to assess their knowledge without certification take the Open Assessments. These tests are a great way to gauge your knowledge and find areas where improvement is required.
Professional Scrum Master
To be effective, Scrum Masters need to have a rock-solid understanding of the practices and values of Scrum. The Professional Scrum Master™ (PSM) assessments allow people to validate and certify their understanding of those practices and values, and how they would respond to situations that challenge them.



Professional Scrum Product Owner
The Professional Scrum Product Owner™ (PSPO) assessments allow people to validate and certify their understanding of the role of the Product Owner and how they would respond to real situations that would challenge them.



Professional Scrum Developer
The Professional Scrum Developer™ (PSD) assessment is available to anyone who wishes to validate their knowledge of how to build complex software products using Scrum. Those that pass the assessment will receive the industry recognized PSD Certification to demonstrate their mastery of the content.

Scaled Professional Scrum
An intermediate-level assessment, Scaled Professional Scrum™ (SPS) is available to anyone who wishes to validate his or her depth of knowledge of the scaling Scrum and the Nexus™ Framework. Those that pass this assessment will receive the industry recognized SPS certification that demonstrates their mastery of the content.

Professional Agile Leadership
The Professional Agile Leadership™ (PAL I) Assessment validates and certifies your knowledge of how agility adds value and why leadership understanding, sponsorship, and support of Agile practices are essential. This assessment was first made available on April 25, 2018.

Professional Agile Leadership - Evidence Based Management
The Professional Agile Leadership™- Evidence Based Management (PAL-EBM) Assessment assessment validates and certifies your knowledge as a leader with an advanced level of understanding about how an empirical approach helps organizations. This assessment was first made available on December 8, 2020.

Professional Scrum with Kanban
The Professional Scrum with Kanban™ (PSK I) Assessment validates and certifies your knowledge of how Scrum Teams can use Scrum with Kanban to support value creation, measurement and delivery. This assessment was first made available on April 25, 2018.

Professional Scrum with User Experience
The Professional Scrum with User Experience™ (PSU I) Assessment validates and certifies your knowledge of how Scrum Teams can integrate UX with Scrum to enhance value creation and delivery. This assessment was first made available on February 26, 2019.

Professional Scrum Facilitation Skills
The Professional Scrum Facilitation Skills™ (PSF) Skills Assessment proves an understanding on how to harness facilitation principles, skills and techniques, and how effective facilitation can help teams move forward toward their desired outcomes. This assessment was first made available on August 22, 2022.

Professional Scrum Product Backlog Management Skills
The Professional Scrum Product Backlog Management Skills™ (PSPBM) Skills Assessment validates your knowledge of skills and techniques and how they are applied. Earning the PSPBM Skills certification shows that you have demonstrated an understanding on how to effectively manage a Product Backlog which is both transparent and focused on value. This assessment was first made available on September 27, 2023.

Professional Product Discovery and Validation
The Professional Product Discovery and Validation™ (PPDV) validates ensures that you understand how to appropriately use discovery and validation techniques. Many questions ask you to think about how to use potential or current users to deliver the right product capabilities to market. This assessment was first made available on September 12, 2024.

Additional Notes
Please be aware that while the PSM I has been available since 2009, the PSPO I was only open to the public in February 2014. Following Scrum, we took time by having a smaller group attempt the PSPO I assessment first, learned, adapted and improved before opening it up to the public.
Please also note that what is now known as the PSM II only became available to the public in July 2016 and what was PSM II became PSM III. More information about this change can be found in this blog post.
Please also note that what is now known as the PSPO II only became available to the public in November 2019 and what was PSPO II became PSPO III. More information about this change can be found in this press release.
SPS was first introduced to students in August 2015, and was released to the public in November 2015.
PSU I was released to students only in March 2019 and to the general public in February 2020.