introduces Immersion Training, a unique alternative to traditional 2-day courses. It offers a flexible format with short sessions over weeks, promoting practical learning through real-world application and guided reflections for skill improvement. Immersion classes have the same learning objectives as their corresponding versions in the traditional setup. So what do they bring? Curious if this new format suits your needs? Read on for a list of compelling reasons why choosing an Immersion class could be the ideal decision for you.

Theory is Great But Immediate Application Even Better
If you feel that the best way for you to understand and remember new concepts is by learning through practical experience, you will be delighted to join one of our immersion classes. In this format, the entire course is divided into smaller blocks, each containing assignments tailored for you. These assignments aren't formal tests to assess your theoretical knowledge; instead, they serve as invitations to apply the information and skills you've acquired in your working environment. As a result, you are not only learning but also benefiting your company through the application of this newfound knowledge. What might also be important to note is that you'll quickly learn by doing, with new learning opportunities arising with each session!
Incremental Approach Enhances Your Learning Process
It happens that some of the participants from the traditional classes feel they don’t know where to start applying changes after the class because the workshop was so intense and brought so many inspirations. ‘How should I choose?” they ask feeling both amazed and overwhelmed by the amount of information learned during just two days. If you prefer less information and topics covered in one session and need some time to digest the new knowledge, the new class format may do the job. During the Immersion workshop you learn a smaller portion of knowledge in one session, apply the learnings between the sessions and reflect and adapt in the next part of the training. Between the sessions, there is at least a few days (typically a week but it can be shorter or longer), providing you with the time and space to digest the material and prepare for the next session.
A Rubber Ducky Might Not Be Sufficient
While the rubber duck method can be very useful and valuable, sometimes it's good to talk to someone who will ask the right questions, provide a different perspective or suggest a new idea. Because of their structure, Immersion classes offer mentoring and coaching as part of the feedback loop regarding assignments. After each assignment you have the opportunity to talk to the trainer and exchange experiences, insights and ideas with other training participants. After all, while you were experimenting between sessions in your work environment, they were also conducting their own experiments. So if you’re looking for coaching and mentorship in managing organizational changes and improvements while learning new concepts, Immersion class could be a good starting point for you.
You Enjoy Exploring Together
Sessions for Immersion classes are spread over time. In each session first we gain knowledge and practice in a safe environment under the guidance of a trainer, and then we explore, test, apply the knowledge we have gained in our professional environment and the whole process repeats. Even if we participate in a private class within the same company, everyone comes back for another session with their story, with their lessons learned. Think of how many different stories you will hear in public classes! In a way, immersion classes are such a joint journey for the participants and the trainer. We set out together, support each other, learn and grow together, while maintaining the space for everyone to experience their own story and at the same time benefit from the process of exploration in which everyone participates.
Having Two Full Days in One Week May Overload Your Schedule
Last but not least, each of us has certain commitments in the workplace. There are other people around us who need us, important meetings or events, challenges we need to work on and we can't always reschedule them. There are times when someone opts out of attending a traditional training course because they feel they can't afford to take 2 full days off from work. In that case, Immersion classes can be a valuable solution, because they include partial-day sessions, and you can do the assignments independently on such a day, at such a time, that will be comfortable for you.
There is a flower that grows in Poland (although you can probably find it in various places around the world), which has beautiful phenomenal blue flowers. It is called common chicory (Cichorium intybus), and in Polish we call it “cykoria podroznik” (eng. chicory traveler), because it very often grows just by the roadside. When I think of what I associate hiking with, when I try to discover a new, unknown place step by step, this very flower appears before my eyes. For me, the chicory traveler is a symbol of the journey to which Immersion classes invite all of its participants.
Immersion Trainings expand the training offer, but do not replace traditional training. Traditional classes are still available for you and feel welcome to join if you believe this is the right fit for you. Both formats, Immersion and traditional ones, offer valuable learning experiences to cater to different preferences and schedules. If the above reasons have convinced you of the Immersion format, we invite you to our upcoming trainings!
Want to learn more?
Take a look at the Immersion Training overview and currently available public Immersion classes.
For private Immersion classes, contact one of the trainers offering training in this format.
See a blog post about Immersion Training by Sabrina Love, Product Owner of the portfolio of courses.
If you’re considering joining one of my classes and have any kind of question, you can contact me directly via LinkedIn:
or take a virtual coffee with me ☕