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Blog Post

What If A Scrum Team Doesn’t Want To Improve?

February 3, 2025
You can't force a team to improve; instead, create the conditions where they want to. Improvement must come from within, and your role as a Scrum Master, leader, or manager is to make that journey possible. In this article, I'll share questions to reflect on and offer tangible recommendations to get started.
Blog Post

When to Change the Rules of Scrum?

January 9, 2025
The Scrum framework offers clear rules, guidelines, and constraints. Teams can use these as boundaries to self-manage and self-organize their work, minimize risk, and deliver value to their stakeholders. When teams are relatively new to Scrum, strictly following the rules and constraints makes sense. But what if a team wants to change the rules of Scrum? In this blog post, I share my thoughts.
Blog Post

Why Flashlights Are An Essential Coaching Instrument!

December 31, 2024
Making the state of Agile transparent by shining light on problems, obstacles, and successes touches on the essence of what coaches and Scrum Masters should do. Yet many don't use a 'flashlight.' They wander through organizations in the dark, trying to figure out what’s happening. In this post, I explain why using a flashlight matters and how you can get started.
Blog Post

The Benefits Of Agile

December 22, 2024
Create a shared understanding of the benefits of Agile for your organization and make gaining them a shared responsibility. In addition, it creates a climate of continuous improvement in which progress is measured. How else would you know you're gaining the benefits of Agile?
Blog Post

How To Show Your Value As An Agile Coach Or Scrum Master?

December 1, 2024
Showing the value you offer to the organization is more critical than ever for Agile Coaches and Scrum Masters. It’s not easy, though. The three recommendations I provide in this blog post might help. If you’re interested, dig deeper into Evidence-Based Management, Kanban, and the scientific research behind Columinity.
Blog Post

Be Mindful Of Coaching Hierarchies

November 21, 2024
In large organizations, a Scrum Master’s focus is often a team; the Agile Coach works with multiple teams and their environments, and the Enterprise Agile Coach works with the broader organization. Be mindful of the consequences. It can limit the ability to remove impediments and improve team- and organizational effectiveness.
Blog Post

The Gut Feeling Agile Coach or Scrum Master

November 13, 2024
Gut feelings and intuition might be spot on, but they can be fraught with biases, personal preferences, and wrong heuristics. Agile Coaches and Scrum Masters would be wise to use a more data-informed, evidence-based, and scientifically validated approach to improve team and organizational effectiveness.
Blog Post

Increase Your Impact As An Agile Practitioner!

October 1, 2024
If Agile Coaches, Scrum Masters, and all other Agile practitioners want to survive, make more impact, and offer more value, they should use data, evidence-based feedback, and insights from scientific research to improve team and organizational effectiveness.
Blog Post

A Scrum Master Removes Impediments (Really?)

September 20, 2024
As a Scrum Master, solving problems for the team is acceptable for the right reasons. Don’t do it out of routine. Before solving a problem, consider if you’re helping the team grow in their ability to resolve similar problems independently.
Blog Post

Can You Do Projects With Scrum?

August 25, 2024
In this article, we address a myth that seems to be about words. “Products” or “projects,” who cares? But words have meaning and exist within a broader context. The purpose of the Scrum framework is much broader and deeper than merely changing the words we use to talk about work. And if you find yourself charging at everything that sounds like “projects,” you may be missing that bigger picture.
Blog Post

Why Shared Goals Matter!

August 14, 2024
Teams are more effective when they have clear and singular goals to guide their work. Goals are present in most Agile frameworks, like Sprint Goals and Product Goals in Scrum. Yet, most teams don’t use them. Learn why this happens and how to start improving.
Blog Post

Are Agile Coaches (And Scrum Masters) Burning Out?

August 7, 2024
I recently joined a conversation with Agile Coaches from various organizations. What started with lightweight chitchat ended with a depressing conclusion: many felt close to burning out. Learn more about the reasons, and how Agile Coaching Ethics and Liberating Structures can help.