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Top Ten Meanest Scrum Anti-Patterns with Professional Scrum Trainer Stefan Wolpers

October 14, 2021

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Let us delve into the abyss of Scrum anti-patterns — from bad to really bad to ultimate, baddest anti-pattern imaginable — and what you as a Scrum practitioner can do about it. In this Scrum Pulse webinar, Professional Scrum Trainer Stefan Wolpers brings his top ten Scrum anti-patterns for a 20-minute introduction to the topic: from using Scrum for the wrong reasons to lemon code to stuffing your Product Backlog to patronizing team members. And then, we have a Q&A session addressing the Scrum anti-patterns that are most challenging to you. After all, you need to excel at many things to become a good Scrum Team at the same time. Failing, however, is significantly “simpler.”

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