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Xagility Podcast - Discussing "Agendashift ™" with Mike Burrows

May 4, 2021


Mike Burrows brings his intellect and experience to the table on this episode of the Xagility™ podcast with PST John Coleman.

Have you read “Agendashift™” and thought “this is brilliant, I have to know more!”? I sure did! In fact, this is what inspired the making of this episode. 

Making this episode cured my curiosity regarding the underlying rationale as well as what inspired Mike to write “Agendashift™” - why and how was it written? What inspired the birth of such a spectacular book? But I must admit, it simultaneously encouraged me to probe deeper and think outside the box - it put clarity in a previously ambiguous, foggy if you will, area. This has been a welcome development in the world of agile and we must greatly celebrate it!

Great authors provoke their readers to go beyond the book and in search of answers to such thoughts. “Agendashift™” does this nicely - after finishing the book, readers often think about the bigger picture - how do we fit this in the larger framework? What does this look like in practice? 

What better than getting these answers from the author himself?

Get your snacks ready, turn your TVs off and be sure not to leave anything in the oven, this one is sure to captivate your interest!



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