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Blog Post

Theory of Constraints - What to Improve and What Not to Change

March 1, 2023
This blog post discusses the Theory of Constraints and how it can be a valuable tool for improving business, organization, and personal performance. The author emphasizes the importance of identifying and focusing on the constraints that are limiting success in order to achieve more with less effort. He explains how local optimizations may not lead to the desired results and how working on the constraints is crucial for achieving the goals of the system. The author also shares his personal experience of discovering the Theory of Constraints as his most valuable perception mode. The post concludes by encouraging readers to take a step back and ask themselves what constraints are holding them back and what they can do to overcome them.
Blog Post

[BLOG/VLOG] 7 Meanings of Kanban - what is Kanban all about?

November 2, 2021
Supposedly, Confucius said once: "Let’s start fixing the nation with fixing the concepts first". Whether he really said it or not, nobody can be sure. But what is important, I would like to specify the meaning of Kanban. Very often people understand it in their own way and when two people talk to each other about it, they mean two different things.
Blog Post

[BLOG/VLOG] UX the Foundation of Agility

July 7, 2021
My experience tells me that IT industry has some huge problems! First, there are many products for a lot of money that do not make sense. Second, products are created that solve the right problems in the wrong way. Third, products are created that solve the right problems in the right way but are not "sexy" in the eyes of users. All these 3 problems are addressed by the so-called User Experience. Although I must say that this is an often confusing concept. Many people hearing User Experience mean User Interface, and this is only a part of the truth! UI design is included in UX, but UX is a much, much broader concept.
Blog Post

[BLOG/VLOG] Habits of Highly Effective Scrum Masters

June 29, 2021
"The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People" is an awesome book. It is one of the biggest inspirations in my life! It is written by Steven Covey. The book describes... surprise, surprise, the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People :) I will present them but in the context of Scrum Master's work.