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Blog Post

Meaning of Purpose

June 15, 2022
Scrum Guide 2020 mentions Sprint Goal and Product Goal because Scrum teams must have a Share Goal. The Share Goal is always essential, even though the Scrum Guide didn't say it before. Basically, the Common Goal helps the Scrum Team become consciously Autonomous. Because Autonomy will lead to chaos if the group doesn't have a Share Goal. (See picture below) In this article, I would like to share the problems the Scrum Team usually faces when setting their goals and making plans not to be unified or linked to achieving a Common Goal. Thereby, I share with everyone a compact tool that makes it easier for you to define the valuable Share Goals.
Blog Post

Learning System & Scrum

February 28, 2022
A learning model is a must to build a learning organization/team. Identifying and creating learning loops and cycles within the learning model is extremely important. In this article, I would like to share a learning model that I applied to the teams, helping them learn and develop.
Blog Post

Five Essential Things Needed for Agile Transformation

July 12, 2021
If someone can give you the answer easily for: What is Agile Transformation? And how do we do? I bet that they don’t completely understand the question or don’t have enough experience. Transformation or change in a group or organization is always a challenge. It is complex work and needs a lot of effort.
Blog Post

​Keep One Point

March 2, 2021
You will fall down on the floor if you lost your balance, or any effect from the outside moves your body away from the center of your balance axis. How to avoid that? You need to know where is the point of your balance and how to keep it.
Blog Post

Change to Have a Chance

February 10, 2020
People often think that persistence or not giving up will bring them to success. However, looking back to your past, how many times you tried, but did not get a good result?
Blog Post

Build trust with Scrum

April 10, 2019
From my experience, nothing is more important for Teamwork than trust. If having the secondary importance, it’s TRUST as well. You can't build a good team while they lack of trust.