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Blog Post

Product Management with Purpose: Addressing the Problems Your Customers Face

September 12, 2024
Teams can build a product or feature exactly to specification and still fail if customers don’t respond positively to the product. In their haste to deliver the teams don’t have the necessary information to understand what their customers and users want nor why, so they build.. something. This blog discusses and suggests ideas for readers to consider when using product discovery in their product management process.
Blog Post

Making Measurement Meaningful with Evidence-Based Management

July 21, 2021
EBM provides organizations with an opportunity to use empiricism to improve customer outcomes by delivering greater value. It helps to improve collaboration by elevating conversations from opinion-based discussions to evidence-based discussions and decisions. EBM may feel awkward at first, but it will be rewarding. The seeds of learning and changing are there.
Blog Post

Nexus™ Guide Update, January 2018

January 17, 2018
In August 2015, Ken Schwaber and introduced the Nexus framework to the public via the Nexus Guide, the definitive guide to scaling Scrum. Today, on January 17, 2018, we release the first update to the Nexus Guide.