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Does Scrum Speed Up Your Product Launch?

May 24, 2024
Can Scrum really help you get your products to market faster and boost productivity? In this video, PSTs Greg Crown, Robert Pieper, and Jason Malmstadt discuss how Scrum focuses on removing waste and enhancing learning through smaller deliverables. They share practical tips on how to achieve your product goals sooner by staying sharp and avoiding unnecessary work.
Blog Post

How Do Scrum Roles Drive Team Success?

May 17, 2024
In this video, PSTs Robert Pieper, Greg Crown, and Jason Malmstadt break down the key accountabilities of Developers, Product Owners, and Scrum Masters. Discover how each role drives team success and uncover common misconceptions along the way.
Blog Post

How do you avoid Scope Creep in Scrum?

May 2, 2024
Scope Creep - the unintentional growth of the scope of a project - is a major concern in traditional, phased projects. How do you avoid scope creep in Scrum? Does the Scrum framework offer any tools or practices to avoid this destructive force? The answer is not as straight forward as you might think and may surprise you! Join PST's Robb Pieper, Greg Crown, and Jason Malmstadt for a discussion on how to deal with scope creep on a Scrum team.
Blog Post

Shocking Truth About Sprint Length in Scrum

April 22, 2024
Is your 2-week Sprint actually holding you back? In this Scrum Lightning Round, PST's Jason Malmstadt, Gregory Crown, and Robert Pieper reveal some surprising facts about Sprint lengths. Discover if you're making a common mistake and learn how to choose the best Sprint length for your team's success!
Blog Post

How to fix your boring Daily Scrum

April 10, 2024
Are your Daily Scrums dragging on and accomplishing nothing? Is it starting to feel like a waste of time? PSTs Robb Pieper, Greg Crown, and Jason Malmstadt share actionable tips to make your meetings impactful & efficient. Learn how to keep your Daily Scrums concise, focused, and genuinely productive towards your Sprint goal.
Blog Post

Does Virtual Scrum Training Work?

March 25, 2024
Is virtual Scrum training effective? In this Responsive Advisors Scrum Lightning Round, Professional Scrum Trainers Robb Pieper, Greg Crown, and Jason Malmstadt share their experiences and perspectives on virtual versus in-person Scrum training.
Blog Post

Scrum Trainers Share Their Personal Success Stories

March 7, 2024
In this Scrum Lightning Round, PSTs Robb Pieper, Greg Crown, and Jason Malmstadt share their personal triumphs and challenges with Scrum. They share a quick collection of real stories from the trenches of Scrum implementations. Discover how Scrum not only shaped their careers but also led to remarkable team transformations and product successes.
Blog Post

Why Engineers Resist Scrum & How to Win Them Over

February 19, 2024
Dive into the transformative power of Scrum with PST's Robb Pieper, Greg Crown, and Jason Malmstadt. This enlightening discussion unpacks the challenges and triumphs of adopting Scrum in engineering teams. Discover how Scrum's focus on customer satisfaction, team collaboration, and iterative progress can revolutionize your product development process. Whether you're seeking to bust myths surrounding Scrum or looking to enhance your team's agility, this video offers invaluable insights into making Scrum work for you.
Blog Post

These are the big things you should never do with Scrum.

January 29, 2024
What are the top things you should never do in Scrum? Do I have to just follow all the Scrum rules? Can I break some? In this Scrum Lightning Round, PST's Jason Malmstadt, Robb Pieper, and Greg Crown talk about what they feel are the most egregious offenses commonly done but should never be done when using Scrum.
Blog Post

How Does the Scrum Master Help the Product Owner Succeed?

January 24, 2024
Scrum Masters serve the Scrum Team, the Product Owner, and the organization. But in what ways does the Scrum Master serve the Product Owner? How do they help the Product Owner be successful? In this video Professional Scrum Trainers Jason Malmstadt, Robb Pieper, and Greg Crown talk about what Scrum Masters can do to help Product Owners succeed in maximizing the value the Scrum Team can deliver.
Blog Post

Can a Scrum Master have other Roles or Accountabilities?

January 22, 2024
What may happen if the Scrum Master has other jobs or roles within an organization? For example, they’re a people manager but also a team’s Scrum Master. Is this forbidden? In this Scrum Lightning Round, Professional Scrum Trainers Jason Malmstadt, Robb Pieper, and Greg Crown discuss the pros and cons of a Scrum Master who has other jobs or roles in the organization.
Blog Post

Does Scrum have Limitations or Gaps that it Can’t Solve?

December 15, 2023
Scrum is an excellent framework for solving complex problems and delivering value in an incremental, iterative, and adaptable way. But are there limitations or gaps in Scrum, and if so, what are they? Spoiler alert: Scrum won’t solve all your problems. In this Scrum Lightning Round, PST's Robb Pieper, Jason Malmstadt, and Greg Crown discuss the gaps in Scrum and how to augment the framework with additional practices.
Blog Post

Are all the Scrum Events mandatory?

November 13, 2023
We all have a lot of meetings to attend. Some are useful and some are a complete waste of time. With that in mind, are all the Scrum Events (aka ‘Ceremonies’) mandatory? Can some of them be skipped? Professional Scrum Trainers Jason Malmstadt, Robb Pieper, and Greg Crown have some ideas to share about the consequences of skipping Scrum events in this Scrum Lightning Round.
Blog Post

Do Scrum Masters have to Facilitate all the Scrum Events?

November 6, 2023
Scrum Masters are often skilled facilitators, and use that skill to help their Scrum teams make decisions and conduct discussions an a positive, productive manner. But does that mean all the facilitation belongs to the Scrum Master? Can others step in as facilitators? And if so, how does a Scrum Master balance this? PST's Jason Malmstadt, Robb Pieper, and Gregory Crown have some ideas to share in today’s Scrum Lightning Round.
Blog Post

Can anyone edit the Product Backlog, or just the Product Owner?

October 31, 2023
The Product Backlog should be transparent and visible to the Scrum Team, Stakeholders, and the Organization. But what about Edit rights? Should the Product Owner be the only person allowed edit the Product Backlog, or can others be granted this level of access as well? PST's Robert Pieper, Gregory Crown, and Jason Malmstadt discuss the accountability of managing the Product Backlog in today’s Scrum Lightning Round.
Blog Post

Why are the Timeboxes in Scrum important?

October 25, 2023
In Scrum, each of the events within a Sprint have a timebox, a maximum amount of time for that event. This time constraint can seem arbitrary, and often garners resistance. Are the timeboxes in the Scrum really important? Why are they such a big deal? PST's Greg Crown, Robb Pieper, and Jason Malmstadt explore the value and purpose behind these enabling constraints in their latest Scrum Lightning Round.
Blog Post

How to Make Your Org More Agile

September 28, 2023
How do you “implement agile” in an organization that has no experience with agile practices? Or does the phrase “implementing agile” even make sense? If agility is more of an outcome than something you do, how do you take an organization that is new to agility, and help them become more flexible and adaptable? PST's Robert Pieper, Gregory Crown, and Jason Malmstadt share their thoughts.
Blog Post

Can Product Owners Delete Aging Product Backlog Items?

September 26, 2023
It's common for Product Owners to be concerned with keeping every idea on their Product Backlog until it's a delivered solution. But what if that idea has been there for 10 years… should it still remain? PST's Jason Malmstadt and Greg Crown give some ideas on how you can handle aging Product Backlog items.
Blog Post

How do I Order my Product Backlog?

September 22, 2023
Product Owners: have you been thrown into the deep end of the product management pool without a clear direction? Are you wondering how you can possibly begin to bring order to the chaos you’ve inherited? In this Scrum Lightning Round, PST's Greg, Jason, and Robb explore some key ideas and techniques to help you get started.
Blog Post

Defining Done with Dependencies

September 13, 2023
"How do you define Done when you’ve got dependencies outside the Scrum Team?” Dealing with Dependencies can throw a wrench into the process of even the most well-oiled Scrum Teams. It can be very challenging to get to a Done Increment when there’s something the team is depending on coming from outside the Scrum Team. How can a team best define Done in this scenario? PST'S Jason Malmstadt, Robert Pieper, and Gregory Crown have some surprising answers to this difficult question.
Blog Post

Breaking Down User Stories

August 29, 2023
Most people familiar with Scrum know that teams need to break User Stories or other types of work into small pieces that can be done in a sprint. But this can be done in many ways. Are there ways that are better than others? Should you break it down by task? By area of expertise or specialization? PST's Jason Malmstadt and Robert Pieper discuss these ideas in this quick Q&A video.
Blog Post

Greatest Benefits of Scrum

August 25, 2023
What are the biggest reasons to use Scrum? What should a team or an organization expect to gain when implementing this framework? Why should anyone care? In this short Q&A session, PST'S Robert Pieper and Jason Malmstadt tackle the value proposition of Scrum, exploring the real, tangible benefits to applying Scrum to build products and solve complex problems.
Blog Post

5 W's for Unplanned Work

June 16, 2023
Unplanned work can throw off even the most organized teams or companies. To adapt to unexpected situations, it's important to ask the five W's. I've put together a helpful tool to help manage unplanned work on a Scrum Team. Use these 5W Questions to think critically before adding new items to your Sprint Backlog.
Blog Post

Servant Leadership

May 19, 2023
While some find it a trendy fad, or a confusing concept, servant leadership can be the key to your agile team’s success and growth. Professional Scrum Trainer Gregory Crown and I will explore the concept of servant leadership, highlighting its historical roots and relevance in the agile community.
Blog Post

5 Myths Debunked: What Does a Scrum Master Do?

April 17, 2023
There are many myths about Scrum Masters out there. They can be the most difficult accountability to define in concrete terms. In this video, PST's Jason Malmstadt, Gregory Crown and Robert Pieper will debunk 5 of the myths and answer the question: What does a Scrum Master do?