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Self-Management is Nuanced

March 20, 2024
Self-management doesn’t mean Developers can do whatever they want, and it doesn’t mean leadership should micromanage the Scrum Team, either. The reality is somewhere in the middle.
Blog Post

What’s the big deal about the Definition of Done in Scrum?

March 13, 2024
There are numerous benefits to a Definition of Done, but consider this: The entire purpose of Sprint is to deliver a done, usable increment at least once per Sprint. Shouldn’t we be clear about what done means to us in our context? In this article, we'll discuss 10 benefits of the Definition of Done in Scrum
Blog Post

Which Scrum Events Are Time Boxed?

February 5, 2024
Each of the five events in Scrum is time boxed. This means that every Scrum event has a maximum (but not a minimum) amount of time the Scrum Team will spend on the event every Sprint. By limiting the time spent in each Event, the Scrum framework pushes Scrum teams to maximize the quality of their time together.
Blog Post

Agile is not a Luxury

January 30, 2024
Agile is not a mere indulgence; it is a more innovative and more efficient way to navigate the intricacies of delivering products and services, particularly when the products or services being developed require creativity and complex problem-solving to deliver them.
Blog Post

Measuring the Wrong Thing is Worse Than Measuring Nothing

January 22, 2024
As organizations strive to quantify the productivity and effectiveness of their agile teams, the adage "you get what you measure" becomes increasingly pertinent. In pursuing metrics, it is crucial to recognize that measuring the wrong things can have detrimental consequences, potentially eroding the principles that make agile successful.
Blog Post

Why Predictability Matters in Scrum

January 22, 2024
Telling an important customer that “we will get there when we get there” could come across as dismissive, sending the message that the customer’s needs are unimportant to the Scrum Team.  All organizations have deadlines and need to navigate shifting priorities.  Agile approaches can help organizations meet tough deadlines and navigate shifting priorities by making teams more predictable rather than less.
Blog Post

False Dichotomy

January 12, 2024
An unusual article featured in the latest edition of the Harvard Business Review titled "Case Study: Should I Pitch a New Project-Management System?" raised several concerns and demonstrated misconceptions about Scrum. The piece created a false dilemma between "Scrum" and a hypothetical "Flow" process, essentially referring to Kanban.  
Blog Post

Good Intentions

January 2, 2024
Some well-intentioned practices sound reasonable, but a closer examination reveals potential pitfalls that can compromise the Agile manifesto principles or the Scrum guide's underlying Empiricism. By understanding the rationale behind these practices and exploring their drawbacks, teams can foster a more nuanced and practical approach to achieve true agility and continuous improvement.
Blog Post

"Scrum is Chaos" and other Scrum Myths

December 18, 2023
Myths can hold us back from our highest potential by creating confusion and misdirection. In this article, we will debunk 10 common myths about Scrum. Now, I'm not saying that chaos dragons are real, but I am saying that Scrum is not chaos.
Blog Post

“Agile Is Just for Software” and other Scrum Myths

December 8, 2023
The Scrum framework is deliberately incomplete, so when teams start to fall for Scrum myths, frequently these myths are actually holding the team back from embracing the true flexibility of Scrum. Teams should find out what works best for them, not works best for other people.
Blog Post

Dependencies Are the Death of Value Delivery

November 6, 2023
A dependency refers to a situation where one task, Product Backlog item, user story, or feature relies on another for completion or integration. In this article, we will discuss the impacts of high dependencies on value delivery.
Blog Post

The Purpose of Estimation in Scrum: Sizing for Sprint Success

October 16, 2023
The purpose of the Sprint is to deliver a done increment of valuable, usable product. In order to get there, it is important that higher ordered Product Backlog items are sized so that they are small enough to be completed within a single Sprint. The purpose of estimation in Scrum is to size higher ordered Product Backlog items so they can be completed within a single Sprint.
Blog Post

The Forgotten Scrum Event

October 3, 2023
What are the 5 events in Scrum? Can you name them? Chances are that you said something like “Sprint Planning, Daily Scrum, Sprint Review, Sprint Retrospective, and…. umm…..”
Blog Post

How Do I Measure the Success of a Scrum Master?

September 26, 2023
Determining whether a Scrum Master is effective can be challenging, as their impact is often indirect and not always easy to measure quantitatively. In this article, we will explore key indicators that can help you evaluate the effectiveness of a Scrum Master.
Blog Post

The Allure of "One More Change"

September 21, 2023
Incremental delivery - or delivering value frequently - is a core concept of Scrum and yet it is so often misunderstood. Some might argue that it's wasteful to not make a few additional small changes or updates when you're already deep in the code. However, this perception is often rooted in a misconception. In reality, not using incremental delivery can be far more wasteful and inefficient.
Blog Post

Non-Technical Leaders in Scrum

September 20, 2023
Scrum is utilized in various industries, and as a result, leaders from diverse backgrounds are tasked with guiding Scrum Teams. While technical expertise can be an asset, it's not always a prerequisite for effective leadership in an Agile environment.
Blog Post

Can Developers be on More than One Scrum Team?

September 11, 2023
One question that often arises in the context of Scrum is whether individuals can be part of more than one Scrum Team. While there is no explicit rule against this in Scrum, it's essential to explore the implications of such arrangements on productivity and adherence to Scrum values.
Blog Post

The Power of Facilitation: Liberating Structures for Effective Collaboration

September 6, 2023
In a world marked by constant change and complexity, effective facilitation has become a critical skill for individuals and organizations alike. Whether you're leading a Sprint Planning event, a brainstorming session, or a strategic planning workshop, the ability to guide conversations, foster inclusivity, and elicit valuable insights is paramount. Facilitation is not just about orchestrating discussions; it's about creating an environment where everyone's voices are heard, ideas are explored, and decisions are made collaboratively. This is where Liberating Structures come into play, offering a toolkit of powerful facilitation techniques that can transform the way groups work together.
Blog Post

New Features vs. Technical Debt: A Product Owner's Dilemma

September 6, 2023
The Product Owner is the bridge between corporate strategy and the Scrum Team. The Product Owner must balance the demands of users against the need to ensure that the product remains up to date from a technical perspective. This often means that the Product Owner may need to choose between developing new features to satisfy customer requests and fixes for technical debt.
Blog Post

The Art of Prioritization: Coaching for Incremental Change in Teams

August 24, 2023
Coaching plays a pivotal role in guiding teams toward greater efficiency, collaboration, and overall success. It’s important to remember that you can't coach people out of every bad practice all at once. This article explores the wisdom behind focusing on the highest impact opportunities rather than attempting to create a perfect team overnight.
Blog Post

The Importance of Measuring Employee Satisfaction During Retrospectives

August 24, 2023
At the heart of Scrum lies the Retrospective, a crucial event where teams reflect on their work and identify areas for improvement. One often overlooked opportunity at the Retrospective is measuring employee satisfaction. This article highlights the opportunity of incorporating employee satisfaction measurement into Retrospectives and how it can contribute to team success.
Blog Post

The Surprising Impact of Limiting Work in Progress on the Flow of Work in a Scrum Team

August 11, 2023
The concept of limiting work in progress revolves around the principle that focusing on fewer tasks at a time leads to better outcomes. In a Scrum context, this involves setting a cap on the number of user stories, features, or tasks that the development team is actively working on during a sprint. By doing so, teams prevent themselves from spreading thin and promote a concentrated effort on a select number of items.
Blog Post

The Scrum Master Balancing Act

August 3, 2023
How do you uphold Scrum without becoming a Scrum dictator? How do you lead the Scrum Team to ever greater adoption of Scrum within the organization… without direct authority? This article explores the challenges faced by Scrum Masters in their balancing act and how they navigate through it to ensure effective team performance and continuous improvement.
Blog Post

The Indispensable Scrum Master Accountability in Scrum

July 31, 2023
At the heart of Scrum is a unique and indispensable accountability: the Scrum Master. This enigmatic figure may not possess the traditional authority associated with managers, nor do they hold executive powers. Yet, they play a vital and indispensable accountability in the success of the Scrum Team and the organization as a whole.
Blog Post

10 Interview Questions for the Scrum Master

July 17, 2023
The purpose of the Scrum Master is to enhance the efficiency and productivity of the Scrum team. It’s an important accountability for the success of the Scrum team, and yet, it is surprising that many people are uncertain about the qualities they should seek when hiring a Scrum Master. In this article, we will present ten interview questions that will aid you in selecting the perfect Scrum Master for your team.
Blog Post

10 Characteristics of a Great Scrum Master

July 10, 2023
The purpose of the Scrum Master is to improve the effectiveness of the Scrum Team. And yet, so many people don’t know what to look for in a Scrum Master or how to evaluate the Scrum Master’s performance. A great Scrum Master possesses a unique blend of technical expertise, leadership skills, and interpersonal qualities. In this article, we will explore the ten characteristics that define a remarkable Scrum Master.
Blog Post

5 Reasons Not to Skip the Nexus Sprint Goal

June 13, 2023
Nexus is a scaling framework that can be used to scale Scrum when there are three or more Scrum teams working together on the same Product. Teams using Nexus create a Sprint goal not only for each Scrum team, but also for all teams working together in the Nexus. This shared Sprint goal is called the Nexus Sprint Goal, and it should not be skipped.