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Coaching Agreements with Scrum

May 27, 2020

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From the previous webinar in January 2020, ‘Answering those hard questions about coaching in Scrum’, we received powerful questions and feedback from to continue the dialogue on Scrum and coaching. In this follow up webinar, we will bring these questions back to the discussion table. In the first webinar we touched on the International Coach Federation's (ICF’s) definition of coaching, coaching competencies and code of ethics. In part two, Dave West, Leslie Morse and Maaike Klasen take you along further unpacking the topic: working with the ICF coaching agreement in Scrum and explore:

  • Transparency & Confidentiality
  • Psychological Safety as a basis for (high) performance
  • Role taking in coaching and in Scrum
  • The Scrum Master establishes the coaching agreement

The webinar practices the following ICF competences:

  1. Meeting Ethical guidelines and professional standards in the role taking when working Scrum
  2. Creating the coaching agreement and starting the coaching trajectory with the Scrum team and its members
  3. Creating trust and intimacy and the Scrum Master initiating a chemistry meeting with the Scrum Team and its members
  4. Coaching presence and the Scrum Master offering partnering skills to the team and its members within the spectrum of all stances of the Scrum Master


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