Sergey Lobin
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- English
About Sergey
In 2012 Sergey joined his first Scrum Team as a Development Team member. Since that moment he discovered a whole new world for creating successful products for happy customers. Together with his team-mates he employed powerful XP and DevOps practices in their product development process and created an internal community for spreading knowledge and skills across the company. For a couple of years he worked in both roles as a Dev.Team member and ScrumMaster.
Since the autumn of 2015 Sergey has worked for Alpha-Bank (the largest private bank in Russia) as the first full-time ScrumMaster there. He founded an in-house PSF-like learning program for teams to be introduced to working using Scrum. He with his colleagues built a large in-house scrum community (about 50 SMs in three different cities).
He is in love with humanistic management approaches and truly believes in self-organisation and flat structures in companies.
Now he is part of AgiliX network and works as an XP-coach and ScrumMaster.