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Complex product development requires an adaptive approach. In our latest podcast, join our hosts Jeff Lee and Patrick Campbell as they dive into the tools and practices that can help you improve your product delivery, even when firmware and hardware changes are involved.
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Project to Product states that product-based approaches will replace project-based approaches for delivering digital work. The book Project to Product by Mik Kersten describes this approach, comparing how BMW manages production to how a bank delivers digital products—highlighting the complexity, bur...
5 from 1 rating
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In diesem Artikel erklärt dir PST Simon Flossmann, wie du 3 unterschätzte Fehler bei Sprint-Reviews vermeiden kannst
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In questo episodio, Fabio Panzavolta approfondisce la Sprint Review, un evento di Scrum che si concentra sull'ispezione dei risultati dello Sprint e sull'adattamento dei piani futuri. Scopriamo come i Team Scrum possono trasformare questo evento da una semplice presentazione a una sessione di lavoro...
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In this Scrum Pulse Webinar, Agile experts Jeff Lee and Kelly Weyrauch share lessons learned from real-world engagements in FDA-regulated environments. Discover how organizations, from startups to large enterprises, have successfully implemented Agile development frameworks while maintaining full co...
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Blog Post
When teams first start adopting Scrum, it seems like they often encounter similar challenges. In this article, I will address some of the common commons facing new Scrum teams and how to overcome them.
3 from 1 rating
Blog Post
Does it make sense to aim for 100% utilization across the organization? Is that efficient?
Whether it’s an ad agency, a factory, a product development organization, or any organization – it has a constraint.
The constraint/bottleneck should be optimized, but other areas of the process shouldn’...
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Blog Post
Be mindful of your coaching distance. Too much distance from a team can lead to disconnection and false assumptions, while too close might block the team's growth and autonomy.
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Blog Post
In questo episodio, Fabio Panzavolta esplora il Daily Scrum, noto anche come daily standup, l'evento quotidiano di 15 minuti che permette ai Developer di sincronizzarsi e pianificare il lavoro delle successive 24 ore. Scopriremo come questo evento del framework Scrum contribuisce al successo dello S...
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
"Its a marathon, not a sprint". I used to think that comparing a race that takes a few hours to a transformational program wasn’t representative of how hard it is to get product development off the ground. My tune changed when I ran a half marathon over the weekend.
4.8 from 3 ratings
Blog Post
The effectiveness of a Sprint Review can influence a product’s future direction and success. It also helps understand possible challenges and how to overcome them in future development.
5 from 1 rating
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The Key to Sustainability and Flow w/ Jeremy Willets and Tom Cagley — Hands-on Agile #64
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In questo episodio, Fabio Panzavolta esplora lo Sprint Planning secondo la Scrum Guide (versione Novembre 2020). Analizziamo come questo evento dà il via allo Sprint e stabilisce le basi per il successo del team.
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Increasing the Agility of Biotech Companies by Tuning their Scrum:
A case study.
4.5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
Scrum and Lean UX share several similarities in their principles and practices, particularly in their focus on collaboration, iterative development, and delivering value to customers. Both Scrum and Lean UX embrace an iterative and incremental approach. Learn more in this blog post from PST Simon Kn...
5 from 2 ratings
Blog Post
In diesem Artikel gibt PST Simon Flossmann 3 Tipps, wie du Vielredner in Meetings unterbrechen kannst
4.5 from 2 ratings
Blog Post
In questo episodio, Fabio Panzavolta esplora gli Eventi Scrum secondo la Guida Scrum (versione Novembre 2020), con particolare attenzione allo Sprint come contenitore di tutti gli altri eventi. Analizzeremo come questi eventi creano regolarità e supportano l'ispezione e l'adattamento continui.
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Blog Post
In this podcast, we dive into a transformative case study with CAPITAL Services, a leading credit card servicer. Once reliant on traditional waterfall methodologies, they sought a faster way to innovate and maintain a competitive edge. By adopting Scrum, they set out to deliver the best work and get...
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Blog Post
In questo episodio, Fabio Panzavolta esplora il ruolo dello Scrum Master secondo la Scrum Guide (versione Novembre 2020). Analizziamo come questa figura chiave promuove e facilita l'adozione di Scrum, guidando team e organizzazioni verso una maggiore efficacia e agilità.
0.5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
Despite massive investments in Digital Transformation, with $6.3 trillion projected by 2024, failure rates remain high—around 84%. The issue? Many large organizations lean heavily on scaling frameworks like SAFe or LeSS, but without adapting them to their unique needs, they struggle to achieve Agile...
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Blog Post
Scrum is designed to help, not complicate. Uncover what ‘help’ truly means in Scrum and explore if it’s addressing the right challenges for you, your team, and your organization.
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Blog Post
In questo episodio Fabio Panzavolta esplora il ruolo del Product Owner in Scrum, le sue responsabilità fondamentali e come massimizza il valore del prodotto. Analizziamo le caratteristiche di un Product Owner efficace e le sfide comuni nelle organizzazioni.
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In this unique episode of the Community Podcast, Patricia Kong and PSTs Ryan Ripley, Todd Miller and Will Seele discuss the application of the Evidence-Based Management (EBM) framework to career management. (23:30 Minutes)
5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
Efficiency seems like an important word. Other words like productivity, specialization, capacity, utilization and standardization also sound pretty impressive. These words are important words for optimizing (another word!) repetitive processes. The problem is that these words are not as important wh...
4.5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
Agile teams often struggle with how to size and forecast upcoming work. Flow metrics offer a simple, effective way to solve that problem without the headaches that come from traditional estimation methods. In fact, flow metrics can provide more accurate planning and forecasting than using points or ...
3.5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
In diesem Artikel erklärt PST Simon Flossmann, wie du Ecocycle Planning nutzen kannst, um die Working-Agreements zu verbessern.
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
Keine andere Rolle in Scrum kann so sehr zu mittelmäßigen Ergebnissen beitragen wie der Product Owner: „Garbage in, garbage out“. Lernen Sie mehr über 33 Möglichkeiten, sich als PO zu verbessern.
5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
In questo episodio, Fabio Panzavolta esplora il ruolo dei Developer all'interno dello Scrum Team secondo la Scrum Guide (versione Novembre 2020). Analizzeremo le loro responsabilità chiave, l'importanza dell'auto-organizzazione e come contribuiscono al successo del team.
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In this webinar, Dave West, CEO, and Product Owner at, will describe the role of product thinking and how organizations are applying the idea of product to rationalize their portfolios, define their investment strategies, and align their digital teams. Dave will describe how to define a pr...
4.8 from 12 ratings
Blog Post
In questo episodio, esploriamo il concetto dello Scrum Team secondo la Scrum Guide (versione Novembre 2020). Analizziamo la sua composizione, caratteristiche fondamentali e le responsabilità specifiche dei suoi membri.
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Blog Post
The journey is about listening, adapting, empowering, and inspiring teams and organisations to create impactful, resilient, and valuable products by fostering the right environment and practices.
5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
Scrum introduit les redevabilités originales de Product Owner et de Scrum Master. Mais le Scrum Développeur porte lui aussi de nouvelles redevabilités ! Le Développeur est bien plus qu'un simple codeur.
5 from 2 ratings
Blog Post
In questo episodio, Fabio Panzavolta esplora i cinque valori di Scrum: impegno, focus, apertura, rispetto e coraggio. Scopriremo come questi valori sono importanti per una pratica professionale di Scrum e come possono trasformare la cultura aziendale, riportando umanità nel posto di lavoro.
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Blog Post
Risk management is often focused on preventing negative outcomes, but it's equally important to embrace positive risks. By encouraging experimentation and rewarding innovation, leaders can foster a culture that drives growth and breakthrough solutions.
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Paving the Way for the Agile Product Operating Model by Overcoming Classic Problems.
5 from 2 ratings
Blog Post
In diesem Artikel verrät dir PST Simon Flossmann, wie du als agile Führungskraft bessere Entscheidungen trfifst.
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
In questo articolo, esploreremo la teoria di Scrum basandoci sulla Scrum Guide (versione Novembre 2020) e sugli insegnamenti di Fabio Panzavolta, Professional Scrum Trainer. Analizzeremo come l'empirismo e il pensiero Lean si combinano per creare un framework efficace per la gestione di prodotti com...
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Blog Post
5 from 2 ratings
Blog Post
In questo episodio del podcast Scrum 🇮🇹, Fabio Panzavolta esplora la definizione ufficiale di Scrum dalla Scrum Guide (versione Novembre 2020) e analizza come questo framework leggero aiuta persone, team ed organizzazioni a generare valore attraverso soluzioni adattive per problemi complessi.
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Blog Post
While Product Operating Models focus on developing new Products, they have implications and potential benefits for the teams operating the business and supporting these products. How can we improve the interface between product and business operations? Which elements of product operating models can ...
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Blog Post
In questo episodio, Fabio Panzavolta esplora lo scopo della Guida Scrum (versione Novembre 2020) e analizza l'importanza di seguire il framework nella sua interezza e come la sua semplicità nasconde una profonda potenza nel rivelare opportunità di miglioramento organizzativo.
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Scrum’s strength lies in its simplicity. Discover why stripping down to only the essentials makes Scrum a truly lightweight framework that empowers teams to focus on what really matters.
5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
Struggling with unclear priorities, technical debt, or stalled progress with your Scrum Teams? Adopting a product-focused approach can unlock your team's potential and drive continuous value. Discover how one team went from nine months of frustration to delivering game-changing solutions in just wee...
5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
In diesem Artikel gibt die PST Simon Flossmann 5 Tipps, wie du dich auf deine nächste Sprint-Retrospektive vorbereitest.
5 from 1 rating
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In diesem Artikel stelle ich fünf umsetzbare Praktiken vor, wie Sie mit Retrospektiven zu echten Veränderungen gelangen.
0 from 0 ratings
In this Ask a PST session, Agile Director, Executive Coach and Professional Scrum Trainer Jay Rahman answers listener questions and offers advice about their Scrum challenges and obstacles. Jay offers strategies for avoiding and recovering from product delivery failures. (60:26 Minutes)
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Blog Post
Managing multiple products as a Product Owner presents both challenges and opportunities. In this video PSTs Greg Crown, Jason Malmstadt, and Robert Pieper share strategies for defining products more clearly, discuss the pros and cons of managing multiple products, and explain how diverse perspectiv...
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In this video, PST's Robert Pieper and Jason Malmstadt explore how technical debt impacts Scrum teams and whether it can be managed responsibly. Learn how balancing technical debt with strategic decision-making can lead to more effective development and avoid future pitfalls.
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Blog Post
Czy dane zawsze są kluczem do udanego rozwoju produktu? W tym artykule przyglądamy się, kiedy zbieranie danych wspiera i napędza innowacje, a kiedy może prowadzić do błędnych decyzji lub zmarnowanych wysiłków.
5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
This leadership style is about creating products that meet customer needs and exceed their expectations, establishing a solid market presence and competitive advantage.
5 from 1 rating