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8 Questions for Scrum Masters to improve the effectiveness of Sprint Reviews

May 28, 2020
Sprint Review Team

Here is a list of 8 Questions for Scrum Masters to improve the effectiveness of Sprint Reviews

1) Are all the relevant Stakeholders, Users, Customers invited and participating in your Sprint Reviews?

2) Do all the participants understand the “purpose” of the Sprint Review? What are we inspecting? What are we adapting?

3) Does your Development Team demonstrate ownership of the "Done" increment?

4) Are the discussions at the Sprint Review focused around the Product Increment, the customer needs, and the customer's feedback?

5) Are the participants using the Sprint Review as an opportunity to create a shared understanding among the people who create value (Development Team) and the people who benefit from it (End users, Customers)?

6) Does the feedback received at the Sprint Review create a direct and transparent impact in your Product Backlog?

7) Is the Product Owner adapting the product direction based on the customer's feedback to improve ROI?

8) Are the timeline, budget and scope being reviewed and adapted?

What other questions can you think of?

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