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Don't Get Lost in your Plans

February 14, 2024
Today I got a call from a customer who is trying to understand what's going on in their teams and is getting lost among the many different Features and Product Backlog Items on their boards.
Blog Post

Prioritizing Outcomes over Practices

February 12, 2024
Before changing their way of working, organizations should know first what business outcomes they want to achieve - which will be unique to each organization. Discover why focusing on Agile practices alone could lead you astray from the ultimate goal: achieving tangible and strategic business success.
Blog Post

Is Agile Just About the Rituals?

February 12, 2024
In this video, Martin delves into the essence of Agile, moving beyond rituals to a philosophy of innovative product development 🚀. From Daily Scrums to sprint reviews, he explores how these practices, while important, are not the core of Agile's philosophy. 🤔💡
Blog Post


February 8, 2024
Scrum.orgのプロフェッショナルスクラムトレーナー(Professional Scrum Trainer・PST)をしております、グレゴリー・フォンテーヌと申します。スクラムチームは自己管理型組織です。つまり、多くの決定を自分たちで行います。対照的に、従来型のチームでは、ほとんどの意思決定は特定の人(通常、マネージャー、アーキテクトなど)によって行われます。自己管理型組織の利点は多くあります。しかし、意思決定のスピードはどうでしょうか?私は以前、意思決定のスピードも自己管理型チームが従来のマネージャー主導のチームよりも優れている点だと考えていました。しかし、チームと仕事をすればするほど、相反する例を見つけることが多くなります。特に、コンセンサス主導の意思決定を重視する日本の文化は諸刃の剣となり得ます。両方の長所を生かすためにスクラムチームは協調性を維持しながらも時間効率の良い意思決定をサポートする手法の習得と実践に努めることが重要だと私は考えています。この記事でグラウディアは、私が自分のチームでよく使い、強力な効果があると思う手法の一部を紹介しています。
Blog Post

Desafios do Scrum Master na Primeira Sprint

February 8, 2024
Assumir o papel de Scrum Master (SM) numa nova equipa e preparar-se para a primeira Sprint envolve desafios que não estão no Guia Scrum e nem nos livros. Este texto aborda tais desafios e apresenta estratégias para aumentar as chances de um início eficaz na sua jornada Agile.
Blog Post

Product Goal: Mantenha o Foco no Mais Importante

February 8, 2024
No framework Scrum, o Product Goal surge como um elemento central, ainda que frequentemente subutilizado. Este conceito atua como um farol a guiar a equipa Scrum numa jornada onde o foco primordial é a entrega contínua de valor. Através de entregas regulares e iterativas do produto, o Product Goal estabelece um norte claro, direcionando todas as atividades da equipa. Este artigo visa explorar a importância e a aplicação do Product Goal, realçando como ele pode transformar positivamente o processo de desenvolvimento e a gestão do Product Backlog.
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5 livelli di feedback in Scrum

February 8, 2024
In questo articolo, Fabio Panzavolta analizza i cinque livelli di feedback in Scrum, essenziali per ottenere una valutazione qualitativa del lavoro svolto durante lo Sprint. L'autore invita i team Scrum ad identificare il livello attuale di feedback e a lavorare per avanzare verso livelli più efficaci, enfatizzando l'importanza del coinvolgimento di utenti reali e dell'analisi di dati concreti per un'evoluzione empirica del prodotto.
Blog Post

Cómo mejorar la estrategia de producto con IA

February 5, 2024
En este post, el PST Alex Ballarin te explicará como la inteligencia artificial (#IA) puede ayudarte a crear mejores estrategias identificando a los usuarios y sus necesidades, las posibles funcionalidades, los indicadores holísticos del producto, así como también procesando los datos para sacar conclusiones (insights) accionables. Con esto crearemos estrategias más efectivas y centradas en los usuarios. ¿Te animas a explorar como? 👇
Blog Post

Which Scrum Events Are Time Boxed?

February 5, 2024
Each of the five events in Scrum is time boxed. This means that every Scrum event has a maximum (but not a minimum) amount of time the Scrum Team will spend on the event every Sprint. By limiting the time spent in each Event, the Scrum framework pushes Scrum teams to maximize the quality of their time together.
Blog Post

The Art of Sprint Review Feedback

February 5, 2024
This article highlights the importance of stakeholder feedback during Sprint Reviews. It also delves into the transformative potential of incorporating Sprint Review Feedback Forms. It highlights how these forms serve as a vital tool for capturing comprehensive, structured, and actionable insights from stakeholders.
Blog Post

What Is Product Backlog Refinement?

February 1, 2024
Product Backlog refinement is the act of breaking down work. Further defining Product Backlog Items into smaller and more clear items can improve the Team's focus, flow of work, and the Product Backlog ordering.
Blog Post

Is it Time to Pivot or Persevere in Product Development?

January 31, 2024
In this video, Martin explores the nuanced decision-making process in product development, delving into when to pivot, persevere, or walk away. 🤔💼 He discusses the balance of factors influencing these decisions, from business needs to customer and team desires, and the challenges of avoiding the sunk cost fallacy. 🏦🔄
Blog Post

Agile is not a Luxury

January 30, 2024
Agile is not a mere indulgence; it is a more innovative and more efficient way to navigate the intricacies of delivering products and services, particularly when the products or services being developed require creativity and complex problem-solving to deliver them.
Blog Post

These are the big things you should never do with Scrum.

January 29, 2024
What are the top things you should never do in Scrum? Do I have to just follow all the Scrum rules? Can I break some? In this Scrum Lightning Round, PST's Jason Malmstadt, Robb Pieper, and Greg Crown talk about what they feel are the most egregious offenses commonly done but should never be done when using Scrum.
Blog Post

Cómo potenciar el Agile Coach con IA

January 29, 2024
En este post, el PST Alex Ballarín explica como la Inteligencia Artifical (IA) no es una amenaza para los Scrum Masters o Agile Coaches, sino una gran oportunidad para fortalecer los conocimientos y aplicarlos de manera más efectivas al contexto de los equipos. Esto va a ser una revolución: ¿quieres conocerla?