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Blog Post

Facilitating a Nexus Sprint Review

March 18, 2024
This post provides guidance for conducting a Nexus Sprint Review, a key component of the Nexus Scaled Scrum Framework (or any scaled Scrum implementation) aimed at enhancing inspection and adaptation for large-scale agile development. Dissatisfied with existing guidance, I decided to share my insights on how to structure these reviews to facilitate integrated feedback on the work done by the Nexus (the team of teams). It outlines the replacement of individual Scrum Team Sprint Reviews with a Nexus-wide review focusing on the integrated increment and suggests employing a "Sprint Review Bazaar" to cater to stakeholders' diverse interests through a diverge-converge approach. This method encourages detailed inspections and feedback in breakout rooms, analogous to visiting booths at a science fair or car show, thereby increasing transparency and engagement. The post also provides a detailed sample agenda for a 2.5-hour Nexus Sprint Review, emphasizing the importance of flexibility and adaptation during execution.

Nexus Daily Scrum

December 9, 2022
Nexus es el marco ideal para escalar Scrum debido a que no modifica Scrum. Es ideal para quienes ya usan Scrum debido a que su adopción se basa en Scrum. Nexus mejora la visiblidad y transparencia de las dependencias entre los equipos, dependencias externas y de otro tipo que elevan el riesgo de no entregar incremento de producto integrado entre todos los equipos que escalan a través de Nexus. Un evento clave es el Nexus Daily Scrum donde participan al menos un integrante de cada equipo Scrum del escalamiento además del equipo de Integración, Product Owner y Scrum Master.
Blog Post

[PODCAST] +50agility episode #5 with Steve Porter

February 16, 2022
Hi everyone! The new podcast episode is out, this time featuring Steve Porter as a guest. We are talking about tough but fair exams, origins of the Nexus framework, complexity behind scaling Scrum and much more. Hope you'll enjoy listening to it and find it useful. Feel free to check previous episodes as well.