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Blog Post

Why Agile Transformations Sometimes Fail

October 18, 2020
Based on my experience working in agile environments since 2010, I did some research and had general observations on the topic. Regardless of the business domains or product area, there are some common rules that may devastate your efforts toward agility.
Blog Post

Learn to Transition

October 15, 2020
With the Covid 19 pandemic, I really struggled big time to create the boundary between my work life and personal life. Day by day, that boundary was getting thin. There were lofty overlaps and I sucked at creating the balance.
Blog Post

Christmas Wish List

October 7, 2020
The days are getting shorter and colder. Summer is over and winter is coming. Some people are already thinking about the holidays and the preparations for it. Soon children will have their Christmas wish list ready. The wish lists my children created were always a combination of text and pictures; every item on the list contained a name, a picture, information where to buy it and how much it costs. They did everything to increase the chance of getting these presents and especially getting the right presents.
Blog Post

Scrum Master: Contract your Team!

October 5, 2020
In this blog series I would like to address topics that relate to professional team coaching as well as Professional Scrum. In the course of becoming a Professional Team Coach, I noticed a lot of interesting topics for Scrum Masters who want to improve their coaching stance.
Blog Post

Agile Procurement Survey

September 29, 2020
"Becoming Agile" has been the focus of many organisations for a number of years. 2020 has created a new sense of urgency with a number of factors creating increasing demand for quicker responses.
Blog Post

Breaking News on the Daily Scrum!

September 26, 2020
As part of the Scrum Tapas video series, Professional Scrum Trainer Roland Flemm explores the myth that a Daily Scrum is status meeting and reveals in 2 minutes how to make your Daily Scrum event more valuable.

Sprint Goal en Scrum

September 24, 2020
El compromiso del equipo de desarrollo durante el Sprint es lograr el Sprint Goal y con ello el impacto en los clientes y en el negocio. El éxito del Sprint está asociado al logro de este objetivo y a los cambios en el comportamiento de los clientes que se puede provocar con el uso del producto.
Blog Post

There Must be an Uninstall Option

September 21, 2020
One of the (main) reasons why organizations choose for an Agile approach is to become faster. Some big companies I’ve helped in the last years know they have to adapt faster, but are reluctant because of their risk aversion.
Blog Post

Is this "The Perfect Daily Scrum"?

September 19, 2020
The Daily Scrum is the heartbeat of Scrum. It's a key inspect and adapt opportunity for the Development Team, encouraging them check their progress towards the Sprint Goal and adjust their plan accordingly.
Blog Post

Wat doet een Scrum Master?

September 16, 2020
Dit is een veelgehoorde vraag van mensen die kennismaken met de Scrum Master rol. En ik merk dat ik het lastig vind om hier een antwoord op te geven. Natuurlijk, het gaat om het ‘continu verbeteren’ van menselijke interactie, vaardigheden, processen en technieken. En dit als ultiem doel om Scrum zo toe te passen dat de organisatie als geheel wendbaarder wordt. Maar dit antwoord geeft, naar mijn idee, nog geen goede invulling van de vraag: wat doe ik dan als Scrum Master?