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Blog Post
Don't spend months writing detailed proposals only to discover that things always worked out differently. Instead, sell Sprints and deliver more value to your customers sooner!
5 from 2 ratings
Blog Post
Kanban is a Japanese word that translates into English, roughly, as ‘sign’ or ‘sign board’. Let’s jump in…
4.7 from 3 ratings
Blog Post
In complex product development, consistency is crucial to achieving great results with Scrum. In this Responsive Advisors Lightning Round, PST's Robb Pieper, Greg Crown, Jason Malmstadt cover their top 10 best practices every Scrum team should follow to maximize value and ensure successful outcomes.
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
L'article encourage les agilistes à réfléchir à la résilience et à l'agilité, en soulignant l'importance de les intégrer dans les pratiques organisationnelles. Il propose d'utiliser Scrum pour renforcer la résilience en s'inspirant des stratégies d'adaptation climatique. C'est une invitation à prend...
5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
The Scrum Guide defines the core framework of Scrum, while other references provide clarifications, interpretations, and examples. If a concept isn’t in the Scrum Guide, it’s not part of Scrum, and practices not working for your team should be reconsidered for more effective ones, as the guide sugge...
0 from 0 ratings
PST Hiren Doshi has 28 years of Product Development experience. He is the author, of “Scrum Insights for Practitioners” and contributor to “97 Things Every Scrum Practitioners Should Know”. More than that, he was one of the 20 contributors globally who participated in the development of the Scrum Gu...
0 from 0 ratings
In this episode of the Community Podcast, Patricia Kong hosts our host, Dave West! We revisit some open questions from Dave's webcast Introducing the Agile Product Operating Model, an Evidence-Based approach from last month. (23:32 Minutes)
4.8 from 2 ratings
Blog Post
In diesem Artikel stellt dir PST Simon Flossmann 7 unverzichtbare Fragen für das Product-Backlog-Management vor.
4.7 from 3 ratings
Blog Post
Ihre Aufgabe ist es, echte Kundenprobleme zu lösen und Mehrwert zu liefern; konzentrieren Sie sich nicht länger auf die Perfektionierung der Anwendung eines Frameworks.
4.5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
Découvrez l'histoire et les principes de l'agilité, ainsi que pourquoi elle est cruciale aujourd'hui. Apprenez comment ce mindset basé sur la collaboration et l'adaptation au changement peut transformer votre approche du travail.
5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
The iterative nature of Scrum, with its focus on delivering a Done Increment each Sprint, allows teams to make steady progress toward their goals, even in the face of uncertainty. This process of setting and achieving goals enables teams to adapt to changing conditions, learn from their experiences,...
5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
Self-management is critical to succeeding as a Scrum Team because it leads to ownership and empowers the team. And it creates intrinsic motivation, which is such a powerful driver of team effectiveness. However, in reality we find that self-management remains a challenge. Developers in Scrum Teams o...
5 from 8 ratings
Download this datasheet to learn more about the Professional Product Ownership™ Capabilities Workshop
4.5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
The Product Goal serves as a reachable north star for teams, ensuring every effort is meaningful and every decision is about delivering value, leading to products that meet and exceed expectations.
5 from 2 ratings
Blog Post
このポッドキャストでは、業界のエキスパートを特別ゲストとして迎え、アジャイルとスクラムの世界にふかく潜り込んでいきます。スクラム、DevOps、ユーザーエクスペリエンス、プロダクトマネージメント、コーチングなど、様々なトピックをカバーします。私、フォンテーヌグレゴリは、「アジャイルの旅」ポッドキャストのホストです。アジャイルコーチ、スクラムマスター、またはコンサルタントとして日本企業を支援しております。そして、Scrum.orgの認定プロフェッショナルスクラムトレーナーです。 今回のゲストはパナソニックコネクトのCTOの小牧 将和さんです。アジリティ、「Think Big, Act Firs...
5 from 2 ratings
Blog Post
In this episode, Jeff and Pat will delve into the value of assessing your product delivery flow. Understanding the unique challenges that your organization faces, as well as the outcomes you are looking to achieve, will help you chart a course to business value. This will ensure that the changes you...
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
In this blog post from PST Piyush Rahate, he explores the reasons why Project Management can be a useful tool to the Product Owner and Scrum Master.
5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
Why Solving Customer Problems Instead Matters
4 from 4 ratings
Blog Post
In diesem Artikel erklärt PST Simon Flossmann, wie mit Liberating Structures die Scrum Events verbessert werden können.
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
In this article, we address a myth that seems to be about words. “Products” or “projects,” who cares? But words have meaning and exist within a broader context. The purpose of the Scrum framework is much broader and deeper than merely changing the words we use to talk about work. And if you find you...
5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
Dive into the world of the Scrum Game – Explore goals, rules, challenges, and fun ways to enhance your team’s effectiveness.
0 from 0 ratings
In this Professional Scrum Trainer Spotlight episode, Laetitia Baratelli joins us to share her journey. She emphasizes the benefits of Scrum, such as early value delivery, customer satisfaction, and team happiness. (23:55 Minutes)
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
In this episode, Jeff and Pat share why starting with an assessment is the best strategy for your agile journey. No matter where you are in your agile journey, knowing the state of your organization with clarity will lead to data-driven recommendations. Most importantly, your organization will be ab...
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
Ein Vergleich der Erfolgsprinzipien von TRANSFORMED mit dem Scrum Guide und warum Scrum ein gutes Framework für das Product Operating Model ist.
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
In diesem Artikel berichtet PST Simon Flossmann über seinen größten Fehler mit Working-Agreements und gibt Tipps, wie Scrum Master diesen in Zukunft vermeinden können.
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
Découvrez dans cette vidéo ce qu'est une User Story, son origine dans l'Extreme Programming, et comment elle aide à délivrer de la valeur client et à améliorer la communication d'équipe. Apprenez à structurer vos User Stories avec la méthode des trois C : Carte, Conversation, Confirmation
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
Explore the key differences between self-organizing and self-managing teams in Scrum, and discover how these concepts enhance team autonomy, creativity, and productivity. Learn how to implement these approaches effectively for greater business agility and shorter time-to-market.
4.4 from 7 ratings
Blog Post
The majority of CIOs are struggling to balance innovation and operational  excellence. Ageing infrastructure affects service quality, poor performance creates negative customer sentiment and ultimately stalls Digital Transformation agenda. To get the balance right, we found there were 3 key areas th...
5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
Collegare gli output di uno Scrum Team al valore creato per gli utilizzatori del prodotto (outcomes) è importante per dare un senso al lavoro quotidiano, avere un team motivato e implicato nella creazione del prodotto. Questo avrà un impatto per l’azienda, in termini di aumento dei ricavi o della no...
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
By centering the development process around the user's needs and wants, teams are better equipped to create functional products that truly resonate with the people they serve.
4.8 from 2 ratings
Blog Post
Are you fed up with productivity clichés that don't deliver? Discover a simple, effective strategy: reduce Work-in-Progress (WIP) and focus on finishing rather than starting. Dive into this approach on the latest episode of the take5IRL podcast, featuring insights from Jeff, Mike and Pat on how d...
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
How many people struggle with juggling Business as usual (BAU) operations as well as delivering products to customers and well as investing in innovation? Getting the balance between operational excellence and innovation is key.
5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
In diesem Artikel gibt dir PST Simon Flossmann 3 Tipps, wenn dein Scrum Team keinen Fortschritt im Sprint macht.
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
The Product Community’s Criticism of Scrum Is Unjustified.
5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
Discover the essential steps and reflections for project managers evolving into Scrum Masters. Explore how to utilize your strengths and navigate challenges effectively in our concluding piece of the “From PM to PSM” series.
0 from 0 ratings
In this episode of the Community podcast, Steve Lizotte, VP of Engineering at NEC, and PST Yuval Yeret are interviewed by Dave about the practical implementation of Scrum and Kanban practices at NEC as a part of our Value Delivered series. (40:56 Minutes)
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
Are you faced with budget constraints?  Do you have a high-performing team that believes it's outgrown the need for a dedicated Scrum Master? Don't worry; you don’t have to compromise on your team's success or bid farewell to Scrum. Even without a dedicated Scrum Master, you can adopt plenty of stra...
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
In diesem Artikel teilt PST Simon Flossmann einen Workshop, der dein Scrum Team ergründen lässt, wie Menschen besser lernen
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
Teams are more effective when they have clear and singular goals to guide their work. Goals are present in most Agile frameworks, like Sprint Goals and Product Goals in Scrum. Yet, most teams don’t use them. Learn why this happens and how to start improving.
4 from 2 ratings
Blog Post
This accountability extends beyond writing clean and efficient code to encompass a broader contribution to the product's success by solving complex problems proactively.
5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
In recent episodes, we discussed the importance of tracking metrics to measure the effectiveness of your work. Sounds great, right? But what metrics are important to measure? In this episode Jeff and Mike share some of their favorite metrics to measure.
4.5 from 1 rating
This Women In Agile Podcast episode discusses how AI and coaching work together. We know its impact on our world and large enterprises, but can it simplify your day-to-day and enhance your Agile coaching? Join Emily Lint and Alysia Silberg as Alysia guides you on leveraging AI for your business and ...
0 from 0 ratings
This video highlights the importance of integrating product discovery and validation into Scrum to test assumptions and gather valuable customer feedback. (3:35 Minutes)
4.6 from 10 ratings
Blog Post
In diesem Artikel teilt PST Simon Flossmann sein Top 3 Liberating Structures für Scrum Events mit dir.
5 from 1 rating
Case Study
By adopting Scrum with Kanban practices, BENU significantly improved collaboration, transparency, and customer-centricity, leading to faster and more predictable feature delivery in their Mijn BENU application.
5 from 2 ratings
Blog Post
W tym artykule wyjaśniam, dlaczego eksperymentowanie jest istotne w naszym życiu zawodowym, szczególnie gdy pracujemy nad złożonymi problemami oraz tworzymy i rozwijamy produkty.
5 from 2 ratings
Blog Post
Respect Scrum's core elements while integrating adaptable, complementary practices that enhance team effectiveness
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
Dieser Artikel zeigt zehn schnelle Scrum-Erfolge auf, die Sie erzielen können, um Ihren Beitrag zum Fortbestand Ihrer Organisation in diesen schwierigen Zeiten zu belegen.
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
Jeff and Mike discuss getting stakeholders actively involved, from product definition to delivery. They are probably less involved than you think. Hear how to ensure you have the right people involved, at the right time, and doing the right things.
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
In diesem Artikel gibt PST Simon Flossmann Scrum Mastern 4 Tipps, wie sie ihrem Scrum Team helfen können User Stories kleiner zu schneiden.
1.5 from 1 rating