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Blog Post

Peer Recruiting: How to Hire a Scrum Master

March 8, 2021
Peer Recruiting is the new hiring: Shortly, all creative, technology-based organizations will need to abandon the command & control structures that served the industrial world of the 20th century so well. Instead, they will reorganize themselves around autonomous teams to deal with the complexity and pace of innovation of the 21st century.
Blog Post

​Keep One Point

March 2, 2021
You will fall down on the floor if you lost your balance, or any effect from the outside moves your body away from the center of your balance axis. How to avoid that? You need to know where is the point of your balance and how to keep it.
Blog Post

Mehrere Product Owner: eine ineffektive Art, Product-Ownership zu skalieren

February 23, 2021
Sind mehrere Product Owner nötig, um Scrum effektiv zu skalieren? Nein.  Dass in skalierter Produktentwicklung mehrere Product Owner von Nöten sind, ist ein weit verbreiteter Irrglaube. Dieser Beitrag räumt mit diesem Irrglauben auf. Wird die Product Owner Rolle durch mehrere Personen skaliert, führt es zu Wertminimierung, steigendem Risiko und unnötiger Verlängerung der Time to Market. Es ist somit eine ineffektive Art, Product Ownership zu skalieren.
Blog Post

The Agile Culture Gap

February 22, 2021
The Agile Culture gap is the nr. 1 cause for immature Agile implementations. You should read this blog if you want to understand how culture affects Agile transformation.
Blog Post

How Often Do you Have to Escalate?

February 14, 2021
Over the years of working in both traditional and agile environments, I have noticed a pattern. It is something I now call a culture of escalation.  In this post, I will share the common causes of a culture of escalation and some tips for breaking out of the pattern.
Blog Post

A Hidden Lesson of a Scrum Master

February 13, 2021
A few years ago, I bumped into an ex-colleague of mine who was working with someone who I had also previously worked with - both of us were, or had been, a Scrum Master for this ex-colleague.