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Blog Post
In a recent episode of "Scrum is Hard and Disruptive," Todd Miller and Ryan Ripley discuss the provocative idea from Ken Schwaber's 2006 white paper that if the Waterfall methodology effectively meets a team's needs, it should be continued. The ultimate goal is to prioritize effectiveness and custom...
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In this episode of the Community Podcast, host Dave West chats with PST Felipe Andrade about the application of Scrum in non-traditional product development contexts, such as small businesses. Felipe shares his experience of implementing agile principles in a barbershop/pub setting, emphas...
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Blog Post
Do you want to investigate various estimation techniques deeply? Especially, how Planning Poker is played. Here is the answer.
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Blog Post
To help you identify when your team is deviating from the practice of incremental delivery, here are 4 red flags to watch for.
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Blog Post
In a conversation with a new Scrum Master, I shared advice for the first 90 days on the job.
5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
25/10 Crowdsourcing is the Swiss Army knife for workshops, retrospectives, strategic planning, vision and user story workshops; for finding and evaluating desired outcomes, product goals, process optimizations. This blogposts goes into detailed steps on how to facilitate this liberating structure in...
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Blog Post
In recent years though, Scrum adoption has expanded far beyond its original roots in IT and software development. Today, Agile frameworks including Scrum are used in Operations, Marketing, Human Resources and in product development for industries as varied as industrial microscopes, fighter jets, ap...
5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
Scrum is often implemented at the team level, which can limit achieving business agility at scale. Moving beyond this "team-level agility" to a more holistic approach fosters in-team and inter-team collaboration, aligning with the "second wave of Agile".
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
These questions can shift the focus from solutions and features, to value and utility - useful when a stakeholder's asking for a specific solution.
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Blog Post
In the late 90s, many companies adopted a 150-person rule for organizational units to maintain manageability and cohesion. However, this approach often led to fragmented products and complex management structures, making strategic execution a challenge. Today, a new idea is emerging. Instead of s...
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
Every Scrum Team wishes they had time each Sprint to accomplish more. By leveraging Artificial Intelligence (AI), teams can get that time back and become more effective. AI is revolutionizing various industries, and its potential to enhance how people and teams work is becoming increasingly evident....
4.5 from 9 ratings
Blog Post
One of the accountabilities that a Scrum Master has to fulfill is to make the Scrum Team effective. This includes the Scrum Master, as well. However, in my experience I have come across only a handful of Scrum Masters who understand the concept and who focus on improving and making themselves effect...
4.9 from 4 ratings
Blog Post
Agile Teams as Investors: A Deeper Dive into Maximizing Organizational Value by Trusting Your Teams to Find Solutions to Your Customers Problems.
5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
A myth re-visited. Seven years ago, Christiaan Verwijs and I wrote the article "The Scrum Master is a Junior Agile Coach" and explained why this is a myth according to the Scrum Guide. What's the state of this myth today?
3.5 from 2 ratings
Blog Post
Some teams think that if they skip refinement, they're saving time, but that's not true at all. Teams must understand what is needed before they can deliver value. Refinement will happen. It's just a matter of whether it will be done in Sprint Planning, during the Sprint, or whether you will do it i...
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
Transitioning from a traditional project manager to a Scrum Master requires embracing shorter planning cycles that focus on continuous adaptation and stakeholder collaboration, moving to flexible, outcome-oriented approaches that enhance team agility and responsiveness to change.
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Blog Post
In their discussion titled "Scrum is Hard and Disruptive #2 - Complexity and Risk," Todd and Ryan explore how Scrum optimizes product management by emphasizing high-value delivery. They emphasize that while Scrum is designed for high-risk, complex projects, its success hinges on consistent product r...
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Blog Post
In the ever-evolving landscape of project management, Scrum has emerged as one of the most popular frameworks for Agile development. Despite its widespread adoption, many misconceptions exist about what Scrum truly entails. Understanding the essence of Scrum is crucial for teams and organizations to...
5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
A former student of mine asked me a question: I've just started working with a product development team whose members live in India Standard Time, Central European Time, and East Standard Time I'd like to help to configure our Sprints. Do you have advice about stand-ups? How often? Should we meet la...
5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
Discover how Max, an AI agent, integrates into Adrien's Scrum Team, enhancing productivity and bridging skill gaps. Uncover the groundbreaking music and clip generation product they are developing together. Explore the opportunities AI agents like Max bring to agile teams, and reflect on the insight...
5 from 2 ratings
Blog Post
Despite its widespread adoption, Agile is often misunderstood and misapplied. Many still hold onto traditional project management views, leading to confusion and ineffective implementation of Agile practices. To truly harness the power of Agile, it's essential to understand what Agile is not and wha...
5 from 2 ratings
Blog Post
Story points could be a great tool when combined with planning poker for getting estimation related conversations started. However, there has been quite a backlash and debate on whether to use story points or not.
4.4 from 5 ratings
Blog Post
In this video, Todd and Ryan explore Ken Schwaber's 2006 white paper, which discusses why Scrum is hard and disruptive. They use cross-functional, self-managing teams to emphasize Scrum's foundation in iterative and incremental development. Lean thinking and empirical process control are core princi...
5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
Agile can be confusing, and Agile Myths can really impact an organisations performance. Learn about the common myths here and avoid them!
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Blog Post
Surfing can teach us a lot about enabling business agility. Learn 4 key strategies for continuous improvement and adaptability in unpredictable environments.
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This episode of the Product Agility podcast features Dave West, CEO of, who discusses the transition to a product operating model and its significance in the digital age. (15 Minutes)
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Scrum Teams are accountable for delivering valuable products that meet their customers' needs. How a product is marketed, priced and positioned is intrinsically linked to the overall customer experience as well as an organization’s product and market strategy. Aligning on pricing strategy is an asp...
5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
In this post from PST Stefan Wolpers, how to elevate your candidacy by detailing how you successfully applied Scrum in challenging environments, showcasing advanced practices and techniques, and sharing your engagement with the agile community.
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
Done is a fundamental part of bringing transparency. How does this relate to the Scrum Master? Check it out! Back to the foundations of the Scrum framework (77)
4.5 from 2 ratings
Blog Post
In diesem Artikel schildert PST Simon Flossmann, die 6 unübersehbare Anzeichen eines erfolglosen Scrum Master.
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Blog Post
Scrum Master JobGPT is a free tool available with a paid ChatGPT account. It delivers actionable insights on job hunting, interview prep, and evaluating potential employers' Agile maturity.
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Blog Post
Done is a fundamental part of bringing transparency. How does this relate to the Developers? Check it out! Back to the foundations of the Scrum framework (76)
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Blog Post
A recent study claims to prove that agile practices fail more often than non-agile ones. What it really proves is the value of robust refinement and planning. Scrum teams that fail to allow enough time for those activities fall into predictable anti-patterns. But those problems are not hard to fix.
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Blog Post
In this article, we discuss 10 signs that your company may have at least some elements of "Agile in name only". Do you recognize yourself in any of these?
4.3 from 2 ratings
Blog Post
From boardrooms to water coolers, organizations across industries proudly tout their commitment to Agile principles and frameworks. However, for many companies, being "Agile" often masks a deeper reality: a lack of true Agile mindset and practices.
4.3 from 2 ratings
Blog Post
Done is a fundamental part of bringing transparency. How does this relate to the Product Owner? Check it out! Back to the foundations of the Scrum framework (75)
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In this episode guest host Patricia Kong and Professional Scrum Trainer John Riley discuss Scrum in a non-software context and explore a use case for Scrum in which John worked with a company where Scrum was used to develop construction materials for 3D printed housing. (33:24 Minutes)
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Blog Post
In this article, PST Alex Ballarin explains how discovering and validating product features saves a lot of time and money invested in developing unnecessary features. He also recommends concrete actions to integrate product discovery and validation into Scrum.
5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
Does your facilitation support Diversity and Inclusion? Discover how diversity and inclusion can transform your team dynamics and drive success. Unlock the benefits of diverse perspectives and improve team morale.
5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
Done is a fundamental part of bringing transparency. How does this relate to your Increment? Check it out! Back to the foundations of the Scrum framework (74)
5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
Is Your Data Telling You Everything? It could with Tree Mapping. Discover how this simple visual tool revolutionized your Product Backlog Management.
5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
Agile frameworks are used in complex environments where requirements and technology are ever-changing. It seems pretty unrealistic to think that we could envision all of the customer’s requirements upfront. And yet, that’s what many of those using a Waterfall approach to value delivery are trying to...
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
This blog post explores the implications of merging these roles and asks: Might there be exceptions where this approach is temporarily justified?
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
Done is a fundamental part of bringing transparency. How does this relate to your Sprint Backlog? Check it out! Back to the foundations of the Scrum framework (73)
5 from 1 rating
In this episode, PST Ryan Ripley guest hosts and interviews PST John Coleman about his journey to becoming a PST. (25:30 Minutes)
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Blog Post
In this article, the Developers at Amazing Outcomes share how they go beyond writing code to be effective and deliver value to their business and their users.
5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
There seems to be a lot of confusion about how exactly to use Agile frameworks to deliver projects. Should you have a charter? Should the Project Manager also be the Scrum Master? This article will discuss 10 common FAQs for Project Managers seeking to use Agile frameworks—like Scrum—to deliver proj...
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
Fortune Buchholtz at the 61st Hands-on Agile Meetup on an agile coaching practice few use.
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
Are You Aspiring to Be a Product Owner? Discover essential steps to craft your personal roadmap towards becoming a successful Product Owner in the Agile world.
5 from 2 ratings
Blog Post
Done is a fundamental part of bringing transparency. How does this relate to your Product Backlog? Check it out! Back to the foundations of the Scrum framework (71)
5 from 1 rating