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El intraemprendimiento es la aplicación de la mentalidad y prácticas de los emprendedores, que crean nuevas empresas o despliegan iniciativas sociales, dentro de las empresas consolidadas.
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Blog Post
TL; DR: How to Pass the Product Owner Certification —’s PSPO I to III The first article of this mini-series established that you do not need a certificate to become good at what you do, for example, working as a Scrum Master or Product Owner. However, getting certified may be a piece of...
4.5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
Viele angehende Scrum Master erzählen mir im Professional Scrum Master Training, dass sie es schwierig finden, diese vier Dinge zu vereinen. Hier 3 Tipps, wie ich diese Situation in der Vergangenheit gemeistert habe.
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Blog Post
In this blog post, Sander Dur explains technical debt vs undone work...
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Blog Post
La agilidad de negocio es la capacidad de deleitar continuamente a los clientes con entregas de valor e inspirar a los empleados en medio de los desafíos emergentes. 
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Blog Post
Why many Scrum teams struggle with continuous improvement, and how you can do better
4.5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
Live & online training, when done well can be as effective, or even more effective than in-person training.
5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
Once the team has selected a point system, they need to decide which types of items to classify as a 1, 2, and so on. In this article, we will provide an exercise that can help your team create a point system organically no matter what’s in the Product Backlog.
4.5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
Scrum is by far the most popular framework these days. In fact, the 15th Annual State of Agile shows that 66% of respondees use this particular framework.
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Blog Post
Keine andere Rolle in Scrum kann so sehr zu mittelmäßigen Ergebnissen beitragen wie der Product Owner — Garbage in, Garbage out. Die folgende Liste mit den häufigsten Product Owner Fehlverhalten könnte daher ein Ausgangspunkt sein, über die Tätigkeit als Product Owner nachzudenken; vielleicht gibt e...
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
Practical ideas on how to improve Scrum, personally.
0 from 0 ratings
This e-Book contains 50 of the most frequently asked questions during Professional Scrum Master training courses conducted by Xebia Academy. This is a handy book for both novice and more experienced Scrum Masters. It is co-written by Professional Scrum Trainers Evelien Roos and Laurens Bonnema.
5 from 2 ratings
Scrum itself is a simple framework for effective team collaboration on complex products. While it is lightweight and simple to understand, it can be difficult to apply effectively. The Ask a Professional Scrum Trainer series, features Professional Scrum Trainers (PSTs) in a live session, a...
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Blog Post
In this video, Mark how healthy rework can maximize learning and, ultimately, effective value for your customers. We'll explore two principles of healthy rework and two principles of unhealthy rework you can use to lean into learning!
5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
The third blog, in a blog series about the upcoming book: Creating Agile Organizations - A Systemic Approach
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Blog Post
TL; DR: Scrum Master Anti-Patterns No other role in Scrum can contribute to mediocre outcomes like the Product Owner—garbage in, garbage out. Therefore, the following list of some of the most common Product Owner anti-patterns might be a starting point to reflect on the role; maybe, there is room...
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Blog Post
Three simple retrospective formats based on the Liberating Structures "Conversation Cafe", "Troika Consulting", and "Discovery & Action Dialogue"
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Blog Post
Schon seit Jahren beobachte ich bei Scrum Teams dieses Phänomen: Die Einträge im Sprint Backlog bewegen sich tagelang gar nicht. Und dann wird in letzter Minute doch alles fertig. 
5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
In this vlog, PST Joshua Partogi demystifies Product Backlog Refinement ... what it is, where, when, how long and how often it happens also how refined should each Product Backlog item be.
5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
Vamos a proporcionar una descripción general rápida de cada animal, veremos por qué son tan peligrosos y ofreceremos algunos consejos sobre cómo domesticarlos para ver qué animal de producto eres o son los que te rod
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Blog Post
An exploration of the color theory of change, and how it illustrates a bias in our community that may explain our failure to enact meaningful change
5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
Das Sprint Planning ist ein zentrales Scrum-Ereignis, welches entscheidet, wie sich das Leben Ihrer Kunden mit dem nächsten Inkrement verbessern wird. Erfahren Sie mehr darüber, wie Sie Ihren Kunden durch die Vermeidung von 20 gängigen Sprint Planning Anti-Patterns helfen können.
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Blog Post
In this post, I share a few questions you, as a manager - or any other stakeholder, can ask Product Owners and the rest of the Scrum Team to support them in doing the right thing.
5 from 2 ratings
Dans cette session « Ask a Professional Scrum Trainer », Sabrina Ferlisi, Olivier Ledru et François Fort répondront à vos questions sur Scrum et sur les défis auxquels vos équipes sont confrontées.
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Blog Post
Das klingt jetzt erst mal abschreckend. Nein, bitte nicht entmutigen lassen. Als ich die Zertifizierung gemacht habe, hatte ich schon etliche Jahre Scrum Erfahrung. Dennoch die PSM I Prüfung ist in erster Linie eine Validierung von Wissen. Die höheren Prüfungen PSM II und PSM III fokussieren dann au...
4.9 from 6 ratings
Blog Post
The Scrum Guide doesn't provide a complete list of the skills required for any of the accountabilities on a Scrum Team. For example, it doesn't specify that Developers must use Java or C# code. The Scrum Guide simply states that Developers need all of the skills to deliver a Done increment of produc...
5 from 5 ratings
In the past, ’becoming agile’ has not been a priority for many commercial functions, which often see their role more in terms of standards and compliance. As market conditions become increasingly volatile and unpredictable, the ability to move fast and rapidly implement change and innovation has tak...
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
TL; DR: Scrum Master Anti-Patterns The Sprint Planning is a core event that defines how your customers’ lives will improve with the following Product Increment. Learn more on how to improve its effectiveness by avoiding 20 common Sprint Planning anti-patterns. 🇩🇪 Zur deutschsprachigen Versio...
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Blog Post
Im 15. State of Agile Report berichten nur 23 % der Befragten, dass sie Lean-UX-Praktiken in agilen Teams anwenden. 
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Blog Post
Many problems at the workplace are not the fault of the individual managers or teams. They are often the result of working in an organizational design(OD) that impedes rather than supports Agility. The OD determines, to a large extent, how people cooperate, the prevailing mental models, and how work...
5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
Ponerse metas siempre es importante. Tener rumbo siempre es importante. ¿Pero qué pasa si una organización no tiene claras sus metas?
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Blog Post
In this article you will learn: - Why enabling Scrum Teams with UX Design capabilities is important. - Why introducing UX capabilities to Scrum team is frequently hard. - What is the job of an UX Leader in a product development organization. - How to use a UX Design maturity level to coach tea...
5 from 2 ratings
Blog Post
In this podcast Professional Scrum Trainer Joshua Partogi shared how Scrum Masters can propel agility in the company by demonstrating behaviours that reflect the Scrum Values.
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Blog Post
Why is the Scrum Master Role So Uncomfortable? Ryan and Todd discuss the hectic life of a Professional Scrum Master and their challenges when confronting complexity in an organization.
5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
In meinen Trainings werde ich immer wieder nach praktischen Tipps und Erklärungen zum Umgang mit den Scrum Artefakten gefragt.
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Blog Post
La guía de Scrum cambió la definición de priorizado por ordenado. La definición tiene un sentido que refuerza el uso del empirismo en Scrum y la capacidad de toma de decisiones del Product Owner sobre el Product Backlog.
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Blog Post
Die Gründe, warum Scrum Master den Geist des Scrum Guides verletzen, sind vielschichtig. Scrum Master Fehlverhalten reichen von unpassenden persönlichen Eigenschaften über die Verfolgung persönlicher Agenden bis hin zur Frustration mit dem Scrum Team selbst.
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In this panel discussion moderated by Leslie Morse, Product Owner,, you will learn from Professional Scrum Trainers Olivier Ledru and Bogdan Doroslovac as well as ICF Master Certified Coach Cherie Silas as they discuss their personal journeys with professional coaching. They will reveal ho...
5 from 1 rating
In this episode, Dave interviews PST Ryan Brook based in the UK about his experiences. (17:06 Minutes)
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Blog Post
Wir sind uns einig, dass die Entwicklung von Features nicht den Beginn eines Entwicklungsvorhabens darstellen sollte. 
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Blog Post
Welcome to Scrum Sutra – a blog series where I shall share a 3-min overview of each element of Scrum and how it connects with the other elements in the bead to form Scrum Sutra.
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Blog Post
The reasons Scrum Masters violate the spirit of the Scrum Guide are multi-faceted. Typical Scrum Master anti-patterns run from ill-suited personal traits to complacency to pursuing individual agendas to frustration with the team itself.
5 from 2 ratings
Blog Post
First, in a blog series about the upcoming book: Creating Agile Organizations - A Systemic Approach by Cesario Ramos & Ilia Pavlichenko. ​ According to Craig Larman, a renowned consultant, reducing switching costs by learning is resisted most by any organization. Speed of delivery can be q...
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Blog Post
In Scrum, part of the Product Owner accountability is to provide a forecast that sheds light on possible answers to the when will we get there question. In my last post, we discussed three ways to size Product Backlog items (PBIs). Today, we’ll discuss ways the Product Owner can use this information...
4.7 from 3 ratings
Case Study
The Friedrich Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg (FAU) is a University in Bavaria, Germany established in 1742. The university has 70 departments distributed over 5 faculties. 40,000 Students are enrolled in 267 degree programs. FAU is one of the top-10 largest universities in Germany. FAU inco...
5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
Three simple retrospective formats based on the Liberating Structures "Conversation Cafe", "Troika Consulting", and "Discovery & Action Dialogue"
5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
Scrum ist ein taktisches Framework für die Entwicklung von Produkten, vorausgesetzt, Sie erkennen im Voraus, was es wert ist, entwickelt zu werden. Aber selbst nach einer erfolgreichen Produktentdeckungsphase, neudeutsch: Product Discovery, kann es Ihnen schwer fallen, das Richtige auf die Beine zu ...
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Blog Post
When you aspire to a Scrum Master role, some form of certification on your resume is a must. offers the acclaimed PSM learning journey to support Scrum Masters to professionalise their skills. I am a Professional Scrum Trainer for and I have trained hundreds of Scrum Masters over...
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Blog Post
When will we get there?  It’s not just something you might hear from the back seat of a car on a long road trip.  It’s something that a Scrum Team’s stakeholders, customers, managers and many others want to know.  When will that thing you are working on be done?  How long do I have to wait for you t...
5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
Scrum is a tactical framework to build products, provided you identify what is worth making in advance. But even after a successful product discovery phase, you may struggle to create the right thing in the right way if your Product Backlog is not up to the job—garbage in, garbage out.
5 from 2 ratings