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Blog Post

Getting started with a Definition of Done (DoD)

January 10, 2021
In my last post about Professional software teams creating working software David Corbin made a good point. How do you determining what “Free from fault or defect” means? Since that is different for each Product and may change over time you need to focus on Quality and reflecting that quality in a Definition of Done (DoD).
Blog Post

Don't Fret too Much - It's all About Transparency, Inspection and Adaptation

January 7, 2021
Don't fuss too much about your training routine. Whether it's strength training, yoga, resistance training, high intensity interval training, animal flow movement, walking or core work, your body doesn't care where you train ( terrace, garage, field track, 4 feet space in your living room etc.) or what you use to create resistance.
Blog Post

Digitalised Liberating Structures for your needs

January 4, 2021
Liberating Structures has increased in popularity. In this blog, Professional Scrum Trainer Chee-Hong would like to share 13 out of the 33 (more will follow) microstructures of Liberating Structures that he often use in his Scrum class to trigger bottom-up discussions. Digitalised, completely free, redesigned, and in high-definition so that you can print it in any format you desire! Have fun and happy sharing.

Posturas del Scrum Master

December 30, 2020
El Scrum Master es un líder servicial, un rol transformador, un rol de cambio. Su forma de actuar es indirecta, facilitando en todo momento la autogestión del Equipo Scrum para lograr el Objetivo del Producto.
Blog Post

Scrum Teams Need To Share Stories

December 21, 2020
Together with my colleagues Uwe Schirmer and Kurt Bittner, I have compiled a book that contains many of our own stories and those we experienced while working with customers and students: The Professional Scrum Team. Maybe they provide value to you. 
Blog Post

Measuring Agility

December 14, 2020
For organizations in the midst of an agile transformation, the question “how do we know if/when we’re agile?” is pressing.
Blog Post

The Evening Daily Scrum

December 7, 2020
According to the Scrum Guide, the purpose of the Daily Scrum “is to inspect progress toward the Sprint Goal” and “adapt the Sprint Backlog as necessary” and “it is held at the same time and place every working day of the Sprint.” So what is the best time to hold the event each day?