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Blog Post
This article aims at helping Scrum Masters to conduct the *MOST AWESOME* Sprint Review they ever witnessed. (This article could have been titled: 41 tips that will make your Sprint Review awesome!)
4.8 from 25 ratings
Blog Post
This is the last in a series of 3 blogs presenting the result of an interesting research study from Sam Walker.  Walker discovered that the most successful sports teams that ever existed all shared one single element: They all had a team captain with 7 overlapping traits that made them extremely suc...
0 from 0 ratings
In this webinar, Course Stewards and Professional Scrum Trainers Stephanie Ockerman and Barry Overeem cover some tips on how you can improve your skills as a Scrum Master.
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
Just a thought on architecture in a complex environment. What is the value of a perfect architecture? Is there something as a perfect architecture? Perhaps more importantly, when is the architecture perfect?
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
What can a Scrum team learn from the World’s Greatest Sports Teams? In this the second of 3 blogs I'm sharing the character traits of an Elite Team Captain.
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
I remember being told, many years ago when I started university, that Information Technology is a numerate discipline.
5 from 4 ratings
In this podcast Shane Hastie, Lead Editor for Culture & Methods, spoke to Dave West, Chief Product Owner of about the state of Scrum, the latest revision to the Scrum Guide, the rise of Digital and the way maintains its courseware.
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
I recently attend the Professional Scrum Master II (PSM II) course and I'd like to share my thoughts with you about it. 
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
What can a Scrum team learn from the World’s Greatest Sports Teams? This is the first in 3 blogs that will share a number of Leadership lessons that can be used to build high performing Scrum teams.
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
What is Agile HR? How HR could support this journey of transformation into an Agile company?
0 from 0 ratings
Case Study
In 2015, Cathay Pacific had a major project on their hands which concerned the development of a new Internet Booking Engine (IBE). They needed a framework that would help them deliver within a specific time line.
4.7 from 3 ratings
Blog Post
The Scrum Master profession spans wide variety of skills, knowledge and experience. Scrum Masters try to create high performing teams and drive organisational change. Although our primary responsibility is the process, it’s people we work with all the time.
5 from 2 ratings
Blog Post
How we used Liberating Structures, Learning 3.0 and Training from the Back of the Room to create a new learning experience with the PSM II class.
5 from 1 rating
Leveraging the power of the crowd, Professional Scrum Trainer Ryan Ripley addresses the questions of the webinar and provides guidance and advice to the most pressing questions and situations.
5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
Anyone who has participated in a Professional Scrum Master (PSM) training knows how powerful the learning experience is. The course is challenging and helps people discover a deeper understanding of the Scrum framework to enable the benefits of business agility. With the launch of the Professional...
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
In this post, we’ll explain the Liberating Structure ‘15% Solutions‘ and how we've used it. It’s a wonderful structure that can ignite big change by starting with small, individual contributions.
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
In Scrum classes we often ask the attendees to draw a picture of the Scrum framework, in order learn what their current understanding of the framework is. In many cases people are close to remembering the three roles, three artifacts and five events.
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
Every time a discussion is raised on Agile Product Development and more specifically on the software side, people complain about how fast they should be to achieve market goals and, in general, lots of "un"useful upfront planning is taken in for such detail level where most people believe are ca...
5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
In this post, we explain the Liberating Structure 'What, So What, Now What' and how we use this structure within the context of Scrum.
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
It has been said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results, and yet we engage in an unconscious fiction of predictability every day. We work in an uncertain world, and our main goal in pursuing agility is to confront the unknown, and in doing so, to mast...
4.7 from 491 ratings
In this webinar, moderated by Ravi Verma, panelists Uta Kapp and Dave Dame discuss 7 agile habits that Scrum Teams can gain when they embrace diversity.
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
It is not often that you hear about children in school using Scrum to help them with their school work. I’ve recently come across a student on social media, who has been using Scrum for school projects. I found this story very inspiring and I thought it would be fun to share with you on our blog.
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
Don’t say this too loudly around agile conferences, but when it comes to the day-to-day work, Scrum and Kanban teams are very similar.
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
Time went by so fast since my last Global Professional Scrum Trainers Face-to-Face Meeting at the Headquarters. My jetlag's now gone but the feelings from that awesome experience still lingers on. Allow me to share my takeaways from the last F2F: Mentorship. (This blog was co-...
5 from 1 rating
In this video, watch Dave West and Professional Scrum Trainer Yuval Yeret present on Scrum, Kanban and DevOps at Agile New England. 
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
Agile coaching is a journey into irony. One of the chief discoveries you can make on this voyage is that the more experienced you become, the worse at the job others often think you get.
5 from 4 ratings
Blog Post
Hello, great people of the world. In my previous article, we have discussed how Scrum Masters need to master many things. In this article, we are going to discuss one of the stances that the Scrum Master need to master, that is the facilitation stance.
4.5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
A goal, a forecast of functionality, plus the plan to deliver it. the Why, the What and the How. Sprint Goal + Sprint Backlog. How do these relate, plus a practical example.
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
Big organizations use Scrum as a driver of agility. But often after launching, management start focusing on the speed of development instead of quality. DoD is often weak and the company's agility is reduced as a result. In this article we will use system diagrams to analyze the reasons why it happe...
3 from 2 ratings
Blog Post
I often start my Scrum training classes with this quote: "Scrum Master is an enabler not a doer". This is the second in a series of posts exploring some of the myths about Scrum Mastery.
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
This is the fifth in a series of posts exploring Scrum Mastery. In our first post, we introduced the 4 dimensions of Scrum Mastery:  Team Identity, Team Process, Product Value, and the Organization.  In this post, we will explore the Organization dimension.
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
Read more about how the PSM-II class deepens and expands your understanding of Scrum and helps you in your professional journey as a Scrum Master.
0 from 0 ratings
In this episode of the Agile For Humans Podcast, Dave West joins Professional Scrum Trainer Ryan Ripley to discuss the new training course - PSM-II – An Advanced Scrum Master Course.
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
A story of two fairly naive Dutch guys and how they created an advanced class for Scrum Masters with
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
With the launch of Professional Scrum Master II (PSM II) – An Advanced Scrum Master Class, has built a course that is aimed directly at enabling the Scrum Master.
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
Working with the Professional Scrum Trainer community, and particularly with Ken Schwaber as one of the Professional Scrum Master Stewards has been a very rewarding learning journey.
5 from 1 rating
Download this datasheet to learn more about the Professional Scrum Master - Advanced (PSM-A) training class.
4.1 from 14 ratings
Blog Post
This is the fourth in a series of posts exploring Scrum Mastery. In our first post, we introduced the four dimensions of Scrum Mastery:  Team Identity, Team Process, Product Value, and the Organization.  In this post, we will explore the product value dimension.
4.3 from 191 ratings
In this Scrum Tapas video, Professional Scrum Trainer Chris Lukassen is joined by Intergamma's Scrum Master Jochen Hendriks to discuss how misinterpreted requirements can provide the completely wrong solution for the users, yet sound as if it was exactly what they wanted.  They will use a real-world...
0 from 0 ratings
In Durham University's IMPACT Magazine there is a feature on the inclusion of Professional Scrum Master Training and Assessments in its MBA curriculum for its Technology Pathway.
4.5 from 1 rating
In this Scrum Tapas video, Professional Scrum Trainer Daniel Ziegler discusses the Sprint Review and how the Product Owner works with stakeholders and the Development Team on managing and reviewing requirements, Product Backlog Items and their completion. He describes how there is no official "sign...
3.7 from 3 ratings
Blog Post
Dear friends, I want to share an unusual view of Scrum with you. Perhaps you've never thought about such a point of view before. I hope it will be useful.
2.8 from 2 ratings
Blog Post
This info is about Joel Gascoigne, CEO of Buffer, who facilitated social media management. Ok, how do I know? In fact you, like everyone else, can see the salaries of around 75 people, who are Buffer's employees including its CEO from the link (you can find at the references section) shared by Buffe...
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
Does your Finance Department discourage Agile software development because it would all be charged to operational expense?
3 from 1 rating
In this webinar, Professional Scrum Trainer, Rich Visotcky talks through real-life examples of how an engaged Product Owner can generate the most value. He also touches on examples of how a Product Owner can be overly present and cause more harm than good.
0 from 0 ratings
In this Scrum Tapas video, Professional Scrum Trainer Todd Miller discusses the concept of Technical Debt and ideas on how to work to remove it. He looks at different concepts and why removal over time is important to the long-term viability of a product.
4.3 from 219 ratings
Blog Post
Getting your thoughts down on paper is a great way to reflect on and sort out the complicated aspects of our industry. The three Vs of Product Ownership is an example of this and is a major theme of our book — and the topic of this post.
4.6 from 144 ratings
Blog Post
Throughout my career I have helped many leaders adapt their style to one that better supports teams reach a high-performing state. Across a wide range of different industries the patterns of high-performing teams, and how leaders help shape them, have some striking consistencies.
4.3 from 225 ratings
Blog Post
When delivering a Professional Scrum Master training or helping clients creating awesome products with Scrum, some people ask me how to adapt (downgrade) Scrum to make it work in their organizations.
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
This is the third in a series of posts exploring Scrum Mastery. In our first post, we introduced the 4 dimensions of Scrum Mastery. In the second post, we explored how to grow a strong team identity. Now we will explore the team process dimension.
0 from 0 ratings