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Blog Post
Enabling constraints are an often misunderstood but powerful tool when coping with complexity.
4.5 from 2 ratings
Blog Post
In diesem Artikel gibt PST Simon Flossmann eine Anleitung zum Product Backlog Refinement.
5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
Can a Custom Scrum Anti-Patterns GPT align teams with Scrum principles? Dive into how leveraging custom GPTs might offer a novel path through Scrum’s common hurdles.
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
5 from 2 ratings
Blog Post
Continuous Discovery is a powerful approach to product development that ensures the product remains customer-centric, feasible, usable, and viable. By validating high-risk assumptions, engaging all team members, and employing effective discovery approaches, teams can create products that truly reson...
5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
Guillem Hernandez Sola reflexiona sobre la diferencia entre Agile HR, Agile4HR y HR4Agile
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
A cross-functional team is a fundamental part of effectivity. How does this relate to the Sprint Retrospective? Check it out! - Back to the foundations of the Scrum framework (59)
0 from 0 ratings
In this episode of the Community Podcast host Dave West is joined by Professional Scrum Trainer Stefan Wolpers to discuss his new book - The Scrum Anti-Patterns Guide! They discuss some of the common Scrum anti-patterns that are out there and how to overcome them to be successful. (21:52 M...
4.5 from 1 rating
In diesem Scrum-Pulse-Webcast erklärt der Professional Scrum Trainer Simon Flossmann, warum viele dieser Probleme durch die Verwendung eines Sprint-Ziels verhindert werden könnten. Darüber hinaus erfährst du vier Tipps, wie du Sprint-Ziele einführen kannst.
4.8 from 3 ratings
Blog Post
Is Your Team Misinterpreting 'Done' in Scrum? Then Don't miss out on this video! Professional Scrum Trainers Robb Pieper, Greg Crown, and Jason Malmstadt dissect the Definition of Done and the "Done" Increment, shedding light on common misinterpretations.
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
Is Scrum a vehicle or a destination?! Have you already profoundly thought about why companies use Scrum?!
Watch this video and learn a lot from the informative island story.
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
Being a Scrum Master is more than framework compliance. The SM influence extends to fostering an empirical mindset, managing complex relationships, and guiding the team through continuous growth.
5 from 2 ratings
Blog Post
Was macht eine gute Schulung aus? In diesem Artikel verrät PST Simon Flossmann, wie du Liberating Structures nutzt, um eine gute Schulung druchzufürhen.
5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
Die 2024 Scrum Master Gehaltsstudie zeigt Durchschnittsgehalt von $87.800 basierend auf Antworten von 1.114 globalen Teilnehmern.
0 from 0 ratings
In this episode of the Women in Agile Podcast, host Leslie Morse explores topics related to mentorship with our guest Dominika Bula. This episode was originally inspired by Dominika’s participation as a mentor in the Women in Agile Mentorship program, sponsored by ICAgile. In addition to sharing tip...
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
Can a Scrum Team work without a Scrum Master? In this video, PST's Robb Pieper, Greg Crown, and Jason Malmstadt explore the pivotal role of the Scrum Master and uncover whether a Scrum Team can achieve peak performance without one.
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
In this video, Martin discusses the importance of measuring the right things in your organization to achieve success. 📈🎯
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
In this video, we talk about why trying to make everything perfect in work, especially when creating new products, is not always good. We explain five main reasons why being perfect might slow you down and how it can stop you from learning and improving. We'll also discuss why working together and ...
4.4 from 6 ratings
Blog Post
En este post, el PST Jerónimo Palacios recorre las soluciones para evitar Daily Scrums que no funcionan
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
Looking to dive into a Scrum Master role without prior experience? PSTs Greg Crown, Jason Malmstadt, and Robert Pieper guide you through creative strategies to build your Scrum credentials from the ground up.
0 from 0 ratings
There are several templates that help create a product vision. One of the most widely-used is the Elevator Pitch. The output of the Elevator Pitch is a simple sentence structure that encourages you to abstract your ideas for a product vision to its essence. It embraces the classic elevator test exer...
4.6 from 4 ratings
Businesses and their leaders need to keep up with global changes, internal expectations and new customer behaviors. In this Scrum Pulse, PST Edwin Dando and Kacper Mazek - Partners from Radically Consulting - share some lessons learned based on their experiences working with organizations together o...
4 from 1 rating
Blog Post
An example of how Sprint Retrospective improvements can drive value improvement in your organization.
5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
Unveil how one can use systems thinking to navigate the interplay of team dynamics, product development, and market demands, turning complexity into agility
5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
Integrating stakeholders into the Sprint Review bridges gaps between the team and them. It ensures that the team focuses on working on what’s most valuable at present and keeps the product relevant.
5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
We see many of the same Agile anti-patterns repeat themselves. Hear about common failures in Agile implementations and learn how to avoid them in this episode of the take5IRL podcast.
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
Dive into the transformative power of Scrum with PST's Robb Pieper, Greg Crown, and Jason Malmstadt. This enlightening discussion unpacks the challenges and triumphs of adopting Scrum in engineering teams. Discover how Scrum's focus on customer satisfaction, team collaboration, and iterative progres...
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
The 2024 Scrum Master Salary Report shows salaries increase with certifications, experience, and roles, collected from 1,114 participants through an online survey.
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
En este artículo, el PST Alex Ballarin explica como la Inteligencia Artificial (IA) puede automatizar muchas de las tareas que hace el Product Owner y como le permite hacer cosas nuevas. Mostrará ejemplos de uso de ChatGPT4 a definir una entrevista para stakeholders, definir un mapa de historias y d...
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
En este artículo el PST Alex Ballarín te explica como la inteligencia artifical (IA) puede ayudarte a crear los objetivos y resultados clave de producto (OKR) con ChatGPT 4, con ejemplos de definir los segmentos de cliente, los objetivos, las métricas clave (KR) y el análisis de datos.
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
In this video, Martin discusses how organisations and people are often too scared to address the real problem, which is the way the system works. 📈📊
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
En este nuevo artículo, el PST Jerónimo Palacios recorre las causas más frecuentes por las que un Daily Scrum no funciona
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
In diesen Artikel beschreibt PST Simon Flossmann drei typische Fehler, die in schriftlicher Kommunikation von Remote Teams passieren und gibt dir Tipps, diese zu vermeiden.
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
MVP has been thrown around so much and for so long that the term’s original power is lost. I propose replacing “minimum viable product” with “minimal inspectable increment.” to clarify the scope, intent, and article.
4.4 from 4 ratings
Blog Post
When people are first introduced to Scrum, often one of the questions they have is “what do Scrum Masters *really* do all day?”. This is a question I get in my training classes as well. Often, people end up discovering the answer to this question by themselves during the training, or as they start p...
5 from 6 ratings
Blog Post
Esta semana, Guillem Hernandez Sola, indaga en el vasto y a menudo enigmático mundo de la agilidad de negocio, dónde hay un término que ha desconcertado a muchos, confundido a algunos y dejado perplejos a otros.
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
The Professional Scrum With Kanban (PSK I) assessment is a 60-minute timeboxed assessment. You need to score over 85% to pass and gain the PSK I certification. The assessment contains 45 questions in English of multiple choice type.
5 from 2 ratings
Blog Post
A cross-functional team is a fundamental part of effectivity. How does this relate to the Sprint Review? Check it out! - Back to the foundations of the Scrum framework (58)
4 from 1 rating
In this episode of the Community Podcast, hosted by Dave West, PSTs Robbin Schuurman and Chris Lukassen discuss their book, "Practical Product Management for Product Owners."
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
As more and more companies wrestle with the digital age, they are increasingly looking to approach initiatives differently. They are moving from a project to a product mindset. In this blog, I describe why product thinking is increasingly important to project managers.
4.4 from 4 ratings
Learning Series
Business strategy is informed by the company’s mission and vision, and in turn informs individual product visions. An organization inspects and adapts its business strategy based on feedback gathered from delivering product Increments.
What is business strategy and what is the relationship between mission, vision, business strategy, product vision, and product strategy?
4.9 from 7 ratings
This pieces describes the relationship between business strategy, goals, Evidence-Based Management, and experimentation.
4.8 from 5 ratings
Although business strategy is not mentioned in the Scrum Guide, it provides vital context that helps the organization define products and their goals. Here's why.
4.8 from 5 ratings
Blog Post
Scrum.orgのプロフェッショナルスクラムトレーナー(Professional Scrum Trainer・PST)をしております、グレゴリ・フォンテーヌと申します。アジャイル開発に対する反論の中には、アジャイル開発の仕組みに対する理解不足によるものがあります。最も一般的な誤解の一つは、アジャイルチームは考える時間や計画を立てる時間を取らないというものです。しかし正しい情報を伝えればこの誤解は解くことができます。こちらでご紹介するプロフェッショナルスクラムトレーナー(PST)のステファニー・オッカーマンの記事は、スクラムでどのように計画が行われるのか、そしてなぜそれが効果的(正しい質問に答...
5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
In this video, PST Martin Hinshelwood discusses the often overlooked courage required for organizations to embrace genuine change. He delves into the fear that inhibits addressing systemic issues, the superficial fixes that are frequently employed instead of fundamental changes, and the significance...
5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
Enthusiastic Scrum Masters can be over-involved with and micro-manage teams. Instead, they must find what’s best for the team and focus on enablement, allowing self-management to flourish.
5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
In diesem Artikel beschreibt PST Simon Flossmann, warum Annahmen Scrum Master blind machen und er zeigt 5 Schritte auf, diese verborgene Gefahr zu überwinden.
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
En el siguiente post se muestra un ejemplo de como usar la estructura liberadora Planificación del ecociclo (Ecocycle Planning) junto a la técnica Iniciar, Parar y continuar para mejorar el uso de Scrum.
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
In this video, Martin delves into the heart of transformational struggles within organizations, highlighting the challenges and opportunities of embracing agile. 📈 He shares insights on how fear and traditional structures can stifle growth and innovation, offering a path towards a more agile and res...
0 from 0 ratings