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Professional Scrum Trainer, David Dame discusses how he has learned to inspect and adapt in life being born with Cerebral Palsy, how he relates his experiences to Scrum and why being a part of the Professional Scrum Trainer (PST) community has been so valuable to him. David gives insight ...
0 from 0 ratings
As part of the Scrum Tapas video series, Professional Scrum Trainer Lucas Smith demonstrates a model for looking at an individuals skill levels and why we should look beyond just improving a current skill, but also invest in adding new ones. 4:01 Minutes
0 from 0 ratings
As part of the Scrum Tapas video series, Professional Scrum Trainer David Dame discusses why the "Definition of Done" is so important when working with Scrum Teams to improve their health. David provides examples of how morale is boosted by the their ability to deliver and know what they are focusin...
4.4 from 22 ratings
Blog Post
Last time I talked about the Ghana Police Service (GPS) I was talking about Professional Organisational Change and the approach the Inspector General of Police (IGP) is taking; using Scrum to incrementally make changes to the organisation. While Nana Abban and the IGP have been focusing on the big p...
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
The question remains as to why managers continue to plan projects based on sequential assumptions.
0 from 0 ratings
As part of the Scrum Tapas video series, Professional Scrum Trainer Lucas Smith discusses ways to measure business, team and product effectiveness. 3:16 Minutes
0 from 0 ratings
Capital One was recently faced with the challenge of building a brand new product in 3 months. Not only did they meet this goal, but they were able to deliver their first release 3 weeks early. How did they do it? How were they able to build an entirely new product in such a short time frame? What h...
4.4 from 7 ratings
As part of the Scrum Tapas video series, Professional Scrum Trainer Ryan Ripley talks about how Scrum continues to support the concepts of Modern Agile. 4:29 Minutes
0 from 0 ratings
What is a Product Owner... and how different is it than the role of a Product Manager? Is it different at all? These questions and others are discussed with Dave West, CEO and Product Owner of -- one of the leading organizations helping companies with agile and scrum practices.
0 from 0 ratings
As part of the Scrum Tapas video series, Professional Scrum Trainer Wilbert Seele discusses the importance of separating what you are building from why you are building it. He talks about how people make buying decisions and that at the end of the day, you need to build products to solve problems. ...
0 from 0 ratings
As part of the Scrum Tapas video series, Professional Scrum Trainer Steve Porter tells a story about his experience as a Product Owner and why his mistrust for the Scrum Team was a mistake and how the Product Owner should use the Sprint Backlog as a way of building that trust.  Steve discusses the r...
5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
The Ghana Police Service is in trouble. Over the last few last few decades, each new Police organisation and government has tried in various ways to carry out some change but most changes have been ad-hoc, temporary, not robust enough or strategic. The old problems return to haunt new administration...
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
"That's the thing about zombies. They don't adapt and they don't think." - Max Brooks One of the earliest challenges I ever had to resolve, as a Scrum Master, was the proper disposal of the dead. The typical situation ran as follows. My team would plan user stories into their Sprint Backlog, and ...
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
As a travelling Scrum and DevOps consultant I’m constantly asked “should our team use Scrum”? Now you might think that being a Professional Scrum Trainer – and serious Scrum fanboy – I would always answer “Yes!”. Well, you would be wrong. I frequently talk people out of Scrum – for the right reasons...
5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
In this blog post, we will describe the myth that the Sprint Backlog is fixed during the Sprint. We'll bust this myth by offering the perspective from the Scrum Guide and describing the difference between forecast and commitment.
4.5 from 402 ratings
Blog Post
Do you have time for an experiment? Then please ask me a coaching question! Welcome to the first of a two part blogpost full of curiosity filled questions on coaching! Coaching, as management practice, interests me greatly in my work life. In order to better understand my own thinking...
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
In this blog post I'll share my view on the Scrum Master as the Change Leader. I'll briefly describe the common misunderstandings and the preferred stances of the Scrum Master. The services a Scrum Master provides for the Development Team, Product Owner and organisation, and the 3 levels that can be...
4.9 from 12 ratings
En este video, part de la serie Scrum Tapas, el Professional Scrum Trainer Alex Ballarin describe porqué el evento de Sprint Review es una oportunidad para optimizar el curso del desarrollo del producto a través de la inspección y adaptación por todas las partes interesadas. Suele incluir una demo q...
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
We describe the myth that the Scrum Master should always be present during the Daily Scrum. We'll offer the perspective from the Scrum Guide, describe examples of problems in how Scrum is applied and share tips & tricks on how to make the Daily Scrum more effective.
4.7 from 8 ratings
Blog Post
Never an easy answer and always being pulled in multiple directions, a question often asked: How many Scrum Teams should I be on?
4.8 from 37 ratings
Blog Post
The PSD training teaches the whole Scrum Team on how to do real Scrum. They work in Sprints, create Done software and use the appropriate tools and practices for it. It is a unique experience on how really good Scrum feels like.
0 from 0 ratings
This short video provides an overview of the Professional Scrum Developer (PSD) course. Professional Scrum Trainers (PSTs) Thomas Schissler and Peter Goetz, are joined by Richard Hundhausen who worked closely with Ken to architect and create the course give you insight into the structure of the cla...
0 from 0 ratings
This short video provides an overview of the Professional Scrum Product Owner (PSPO). Professional Scrum Trainers (PSTs) Don McGreal and Ralph Jocham give you insight into the structure of the class and what you will learn. 1:46 Minutes
0 from 0 ratings
As part of the Scrum Tapas video series, Professional Scrum Trainer Dominik Maximini takes a look at how to use the Stacey Model to evaluate the right framework or method to use when delivering software based on the complexity level of the product. In this, part 2 of 2, Dominik explains how to use t...
4 from 1 rating
As part of the Scrum Tapas video series, Professional Scrum Trainer Dominik Maximini takes a look at how to use the Stacey Model to evaluate the right framework or method to use when delivering software based on the complexity level of the product. In this, part 1 of 2, Dominik explains the Stacey M...
0 from 0 ratings
As part of the Scrum Tapas video series, Professional Scrum Trainer Thomas Schissler talks about what it means to have a "Done" Increment. He addresses the importance of "Done", how you can have multiple Increments within a Sprint and the impact that getting to "Done" has on the Scrum Team. 5:41 Mi...
2.6 from 23 ratings
As part of the Scrum Tapas video series, Professional Scrum Trainer Simon Reindl talks about what the Roles in Scrum using a viking ship analogy. He takes you through what it would be like for people to play multiple roles and how that could impact success. 4:18 Minutes
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
Courage however is more than just learning what it means and telling your teams to be courageous.
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
When an organization decides to embark on an Agile Transformation, the first question should be, “Why?” What does leadership hope to achieve? Will the chosen path lead to improved ability to deliver high-quality business value? Once the goals of the Agile Transformation are identified, leadersh...
0 from 0 ratings
Case Study
In this article by Information Age Magazine, read how the Ghana Police are working with partner Akaditi to deliver better service to their community.
4 from 1 rating
Blog Post
An estimate is our best guess for what can be achieved and by when. There are some situations when estimates are very important: Coordinate dependencies. It can be very useful to know when the team can proceed working on new design if the key expert is temporarily out of office. Align prior...
4.3 from 3 ratings
Blog Post
Over the past years I have been looking for a metric that could indicate the agility of an organization. After a study of the more common metrics used for products and management reports, I couldn’t really find a metric that indicates the level of agility.
4.4 from 50 ratings
Blog Post
When multiple Scrum Teams are working on one product, shared DoD becomes necessary. DoD helps to ensure that each increment is transparent by the end of every Sprint and creates a shared understanding of what “Done” means.
2.8 from 2 ratings
Blog Post
Although people with disabilities do have special needs, their purchase power isn’t special: it’s the same as everyone else’s. No longer can we think of accessibility as a compliance play. It’s simply good business. Let me frame this point with my story.
0 from 0 ratings
In this session, Professional Scrum Trainers Sanjay Saini, Hiren Doshi and Nagesh Sharma discuss how they work with organizations and individuals to change thought processes to become more agile. They will look at real-world examples of how they have built successful Scrum Teams, driving agile think...
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
La aceptación de los PBIs en Scrum es algo que suscita dudas en los equipos. En realidad es muy fácil.
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
Our real-time, globalized world thrives increasingly on information and technology. The balance of businesses and society has rapidly shifted from industrial (often physical) labor to digital (often virtual) activities. The world seems to be changing faster and less predictable than ever before. We ...
5 from 1 rating
Learn more about the Professional Agile Leadership Essentials course
5 from 1 rating
Professional Scrum Trainers (PST) are an exclusive group of highly trained and experienced experts in Scrum. Download this datasheet to learn more about what it takes to become a PST and more.
4.7 from 3 ratings
Blog Post
Hay una secuencia lógica que aquellos alumnos que han asistido al curso de Professional Scrum Master experimentan: Darse cuenta que Scrum no es en muchas ocasiones lo que ellos pensaban. Preguntarse qué hace el Scrum Master todo el día. Y una tercera que revelaré más adelante.
0 from 0 ratings
In this talk from Scrum Day Germany, Dave West CEO and Product Owner of describes how Scrum is being used at scale and how organizations are managing the friction between the needs of Agile and the traditional needs of the organization. 41:47 Minutes
5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
m Una mejor manera de construir productos Scrum es un proceso de gestión que reduce la complejidad en el desarrollo de productos para satisfacer las necesidades de los clientes. La gerencia y los equipos de Scrum trabajan juntos alrededor de requisitos y tecnologías para entregar productos funcio...
5 from 4 ratings
Blog Post
In this article, I suggest that you take a look at the role of a Scrum Master with a help of causal loop diagrams. They help to see a bigger picture of what is happening over time. Quite often, we observe the cause-and-effect relationships on a short-time horizon period, and do not notice when the l...
5 from 2 ratings
Blog Post
In this blog post I've shared the idea of doing a free Retrospective after every training we provide. The goal of this session is to inspect the progress that has been made and define actionable and committed improvements for the upcoming period.
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
Cuando se trata de literatura ágil, donde hace años no había prácticamente nada, ahora hay una abundancia que hace realmente difícil elegir.
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
Hay una frase de Ken Schwaber, creador de Scrum, que se ha hecho muy famosa a lo largo de los años. Scrum es simple, pero no es fácil. ¿Cual es la razón de que Scrum sea tan difícil de implementar? He aquí 3 retos típicos con los que seguro que tendrás que lidiar
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
As the saying goes, it’s not about the destination, it’s about the journey. The same could be said about DevOps and its implementation in an organization. Yes, the result is magic since it aims to deliver daily business value, but the journey is even more interesting. This journey is full of organiz...
5 from 6 ratings
Blog Post
"It's weird when you get roles that coincide with your life" - Lily James Introduction Impressive-sounding job titles are a recurring joke in large organizations. They often bear little relationship to the devil's brew of chaos and drudgery which is a daily reality for most. Cynics may hol...
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
El Nexus Integration Team es un nuevo rol dentro de Nexus, el framework de referencia para escalar Scrum. A diferencia de el Scrum of Scrums, que es solamente una reunión ad-hoc, el NIT, como rol, cumple la función de asegurar que al final de cada Sprint, en el Sprint Review, el Nexus entrega un inc...
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
Una de las cuestiones que se plantean habitualmente en organizaciones, equipos y Agile Coaches, es el uso de un método que permita organizar el trabajo de forma ágil. El uso de un método como Scrum o Kanban va mucho más allá del proceso en sí, sino que suponen una herramienta para mejorar la capacid...
0 from 0 ratings