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How Do you Apply Scrum Outside of Software Development?

October 17, 2023
While Scrum came out of the field of software development, and is still often used by teams developing software, Scrum is used in lots of other fields: marketing, academia, finance, hardware, and many others. How does Scrum work in these cases? What do you show at a Sprint Review? How can you tell if Scrum is a good fit in these cases? Professional Scrum Trainers Robb Pieper and Greg Crown tackle these ideas in this video.
Blog Post

Scrum: Performance e Risultato

October 17, 2023
Scrum: performance e risultato è una riflessione su quanto sia necessario distinguere la performance e la "casualità" del risultato. Questo articolo è stato pubblicato inizialmente su Abbonati al nostro blog per ricevere via mail in anteprima tutti gli articoli (circa uno al mese).
Blog Post

How to Set and Achieve Effective Sprint Goals

October 16, 2023
🚀 Navigating the intricacies of the Sprint Goal in Scrum? 🎯 Discover the essence of crafting a goal that drives real value! 📈 Dive deep into the tactical steps, avoid common pitfalls, and ensure your team is on the right track. 🛤️ Let's demystify the Sprint Goal together! 🤝 #Scrum #Agile #SprintGoal
Blog Post

The Purpose of Estimation in Scrum: Sizing for Sprint Success

October 16, 2023
The purpose of the Sprint is to deliver a done increment of valuable, usable product. In order to get there, it is important that higher ordered Product Backlog items are sized so that they are small enough to be completed within a single Sprint. The purpose of estimation in Scrum is to size higher ordered Product Backlog items so they can be completed within a single Sprint.
Blog Post

Common complaint: “Scrum Doesn't Work Here”

October 13, 2023
Common complaint: “Scrum is not working in today‘s software engineering industry.” Response: If Scrum isn‘t “working” in today’s software engineering industry, then perhaps there are counter-signals in the industry that are preventing teams from employing Scrum effectively.
Blog Post

How Big should a User Story be?

October 13, 2023
When is a User Story too big? Does this make it an Epic? What should be considered when looking at the size of User Stories? How do Product Goals fit in? In this video Professional Scrum Trainers Greg Crown and Robb Pieper address these questions through the lens of Scrum.
Blog Post

Case Study: User Story Mapping für effektives Product Backlog Management

October 12, 2023
Das Product Backlog ist für Product Owner:innen was das Mehl für Bäcker:innen oder das Reagenzglas für Chemiker:innen ist: es ist das essentielle Instrument ihrer Arbeit! Nach intensivem User Research hat man so viele Daten! Wie bekommt man diese gut strukturiert und effektiv in den Product Backlog? Hier kann eine User Story Map wunderbar eingesetzt werden um allen das Leben zu erleichtern.
Blog Post

From the Trenches: Small Batches for the Win

October 9, 2023
This is a story about a former client. Early plans were to release a “Minimum Viable Experience” before year end. By late Spring, the Product Director described two “problems” and asked for my help: Release dates for the first publicly available version were slipping. And scope was expanding.
Blog Post

Scrum necesita un evento de Planificación de la Meta de Producto

October 9, 2023
¿Por qué sería buena idea volver a incluir un evento de Release Planning en Scrum? En este artículo explico: - Por qué Scrum no tiene un evento de planificación de la Meta de Producto?  - ¿Qué beneficios le aportaría tener este evento? - ¿Cómo se conectaría con otros modelos como OKR o Evidence-Based Management? En este artículo lo explico.
Blog Post

Should a Product Owner control the Budget?

October 9, 2023
What does Scrum say about a Product Owner’s relationship to the product budget? Do they have a part to play? Can they control the budget? If so… should they? In this video, Professional Scrum Trainers Greg Crown and Robb Pieper have a quick discussion that will enhance your understanding of what it means to be a Product “Owner”.
Blog Post

The Seven Deadly Sins of Agile: Envy

October 9, 2023
In this video, Martin delves deep into the concept of envy within the agile realm, highlighting its dangers and misconceptions. He touches upon the infamous "Spotify model" and how organisations often fall into the trap of emulating others without understanding the context. 🚫📋

La incertidumbre, esa cosa que no nos gusta

October 7, 2023
La falta de certeza o confianza sobre algo futuro es lo que llamamos la incertidumbre. Es una experiencia universal que todos experimentamos en algún momento de nuestras vidas. Sin embargo, la mayoría de las personas tienden a evitarla o a tratar de reducirla al mínimo.
Blog Post

What's the Best Way to Document Requirements on a Scrum Team?

October 6, 2023
How you manage requirements and ‘desirements’ can depend greatly on your team, company, needs, compliance, legal, etc… but what is the best way to write them? In this video Professional Scrum Trainers Greg Crown and Robb Pieper give some recommendations on how you can capture requirements, document them and share them with your team.
Blog Post

Committees: The Silent Time-to-Market Killers

October 4, 2023
In this video, Martin delves into a topic that many organisations grapple with: the impact of committees on time-to-market. 🚀📊 He questions the common notion that removing committees can reduce time-to-market by up to 50%. Is it true or just another statistic plucked from thin air?
Blog Post

The Forgotten Scrum Event

October 3, 2023
What are the 5 events in Scrum? Can you name them? Chances are that you said something like “Sprint Planning, Daily Scrum, Sprint Review, Sprint Retrospective, and…. umm…..”
Blog Post

Creating a Product Wall (1/7)

October 2, 2023
Product Walls are great tools that radiate information and support informed decision-making in the empirical world. Equally, it can be pretty tricky to build them. In this series, Ryan Brook and Sander Dur talk you through an example Product Wall and its components.