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Blog Post
It’d sure be nice if all the Stakeholders for a Scrum Team all agreed with the Product Owner on the direction for the product wouldn’t it? Or would it? Sounds kind of boring to us! Fortunately of unfortunately, Product Owners often have to navigate the challenges of working with Stakeholders who all...
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Blog Post
Scrum is utilized in various industries, and as a result, leaders from diverse backgrounds are tasked with guiding Scrum Teams. While technical expertise can be an asset, it's not always a prerequisite for effective leadership in an Agile environment.
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
In this video, I, Martin, delve deep into the pivotal role of a Scrum Master or Agile Coach in motivating a Scrum Team. 📈🤝 I emphasise the importance of empathy, connection, and understanding the essence of a team's purpose. 🎯
5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
​​​​​​​We often get caught up in the tools we use and feel like we need to get our money’s worth by using every feature. Instead of creating transparency, using every feature of a tool often degrades the transparency of the Product Backlog. Keeping things simple and using a method such as a naming c...
4.2 from 8 ratings
Blog Post
Just finishing several Product Backlog Items, without any clear reason why, is not a usable goal. Then what is? Find out in this video!
4.5 from 2 ratings
Blog Post
Hacer la Daily bien es uno de los retos más grandes que tienen las organizaciones que hacen Scrum. La Daily Scrum, a menudo la mal llamada “stand-up meeting” o “reunión diaria de pie”, es uno de los eventos clave en Scrum. Su objetivo principal es fomentar la comunicación, la colaboración y la...
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
In this video, Martin delves into the challenging decision-making process of whether to pivot or stay the course in a project. 🔄🛤️ He highlights the importance of balancing persistence with the recognition of when a change in direction might be more beneficial.
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post introduces Immersion Training, a unique alternative to traditional 2-day courses. It offers a flexible format with short sessions over weeks, promoting practical learning through real-world application and guided reflections for skill improvement. Immersion classes have the same learning o...
5 from 2 ratings
Blog Post
If you are a Product Owner (PO), you are essentially the owner of the product and most POs I come across know what that entails. However, I also meet POs who determine during the Sprint which items from the Sprint Backlog the Development Team should work on, or what the solution should be, or even p...
4.7 from 3 ratings
Blog Post
One question that often arises in the context of Scrum is whether individuals can be part of more than one Scrum Team. While there is no explicit rule against this in Scrum, it's essential to explore the implications of such arrangements on productivity and adherence to Scrum values.
4.5 from 2 ratings
Blog Post
The Product Backlog is crucial for Scrum to be effective. But for many teams, Product Backlogs are bloated, confusing, and hard to navigate. This blog discusses the challenges of building a great Product Backlog and what Scrum Teams can do to fight the bloat.
5 from 10 ratings
Blog Post
Great product ownership has the potential to transform companies, making them almost invincible, even when economic skies are dark. But how does this happen? And what exactly makes a great Product Owner in these times of adversity? The secret sauce, I propose, boils down to three Vs: Vision, Value, ...
5 from 2 ratings
Blog Post
Wie kannst du das Daily Scrum verbessern? In diesem Beitrag erfährst du eine einfache Checkliste.
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) What is the role of a Scrum Product Owner? A Scrum Product Owner is responsible for defining and prioritizing the Product Backlog, ensuring the team delivers value to stakeholders, and maintaining alignment with the product vision. How can I improve my backlog pr...
3.3 from 2 ratings
Blog Post
In Scrum, it is the expectation that the Product Owner makes the Product Backlog transparent. Making the Product Backlog transparent doesn’t just mean making it visible; it means making it easy to understand, to convey meaning, and to have it illustrate the ‘why’ behind the Product Owner’s decisions...
4.9 from 18 ratings
Blog Post
Scrum has an accountability called “Product Owner”, but you’ll also come across people with the title of “Product Manager”. Are they the same thing? Related to each other? Is one better than the other? PST'S Gregory Crown, Jason Malmstadt, and Robert Pieper shed some light on this confusing topic in...
3.6 from 4 ratings
In this recording of a live session of Ask a Professional Scrum Trainer, PST Ciprian Banica answers questions about the Scrum Master accountability, Product Ownership, measurement, how to improve your Sprint Retrospective and more!
5 from 4 ratings
Blog Post
Superare il concetto di ritardo con Scrum è possibile! In un mondo in cui le scadenze sono spesso un pilastro cruciale, l’approccio di Scrum può inizialmente suscitare dubbi e scetticismo. La flessibilità apparente delle funzionalità da sviluppare può sembrare controintuitiva, ma è proprio questa ca...
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
In the world of product development, the language we use can profoundly shape our approach to work. 🗣️ One term that I believe has been misused to the point of causing more harm than good is "User Stories". 📚 In my latest blog post, I argue for a shift away from this term towards a more flexible and...
1.5 from 4 ratings
Blog Post
Uma pergunta recorrente para quem está iniciando no Scrum: Por onde começar com o Scrum? Nesse artigo você verá sugestões de como começar com o Scrum - o que pode ser feito antes do primeiro Sprint, rodando o primeiro Sprint e o que fazer na sequência.
5 from 4 ratings
Blog Post
The Product Owner is the bridge between corporate strategy and the Scrum Team. The Product Owner must balance the demands of users against the need to ensure that the product remains up to date from a technical perspective. This often means that the Product Owner may need to choose between developin...
5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
6 Advanced stances / perspectives a scrum product owner needs to understand in order to excel in Product Ownership & Management.
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
By embracing experiential learning, quick application, and iterative growth, learners will gain the practical skills they need to affect positive change in their environments immediately.
4.3 from 6 ratings
Blog Post
Why I don’t care that much about the Scrum roles, events, and artifacts, and what I do care about instead.
5 from 4 ratings
Blog Post
In this article, we will explore some complimentary practices which the Product Owner might use to as an input when deciding how to order the Product Backlog.
5 from 4 ratings
Blog Post
Was sind Ideen-Sessions im Refinement, Sprint Reviews, Stakeholder-Meetings, Sprint Plannings und Sprint Retrospektiven wirklich? Es sind Entscheidungen. Mehr dazu in diesem Artikel!
5 from 1 rating
The Scrum Team should invite customers and users of their product to the Sprint Review. This is a perfect opportunity to engage with them to gather feedback and insight. Rather than using this time to dig into detail, focus on outcomes and gathering feedback and insight. Also, keep in mind that t...
0 from 0 ratings
Product Owners are accountable for maximizing the value of the product that the Scrum Team builds. Therefore, as a Product Owner, you want everyone in the Scrum Team, including yourself, to have a shared understanding and be aligned on who the people are that would buy (customers) and use (users) yo...
4.4 from 7 ratings
In this episode Dave chats with PST David Sabine about his first experiences with Scrum and his journey to becoming a PST. (26:16 Minutes)
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
At the heart of Scrum lies the Retrospective, a crucial event where teams reflect on their work and identify areas for improvement. One often overlooked opportunity at the Retrospective is measuring employee satisfaction. This article highlights the opportunity of incorporating employee satisfaction...
5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
Coaching plays a pivotal role in guiding teams toward greater efficiency, collaboration, and overall success. It’s important to remember that you can't coach people out of every bad practice all at once. This article explores the wisdom behind focusing on the highest impact opportunities rather than...
5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
Die Minimum Viable Library Product Owner Edition ist verfügbar! Entdecken Sie eine Reihe sorgfältig zusammengestellter Bücher, Newsletter, Podcasts und Tools, um Ihr Fachwissen zu erweitern.
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Blog Post
Those newly introduced to the Scrum framework often have the same first question: What’s the difference between Scrum and traditional project management? Most people are familiar with the basics of traditional project management, so the question is a great place to start for understanding Scrum and ...
5 from 2 ratings
A core tenet of Scrum is that the Scrum Team receives rapid and frequent feedback from stakeholders in order to inspect and adapt its work. The entire Scrum Team is responsible for stakeholder collaboration, it is not just the Product Owner's responsibility. Scrum provides many elements that support...
3.7 from 10 ratings
Here are some common challenges Scrum Teams face when engaging with stakeholders and ways to overcome these challenges.
4.7 from 15 ratings
Blog Post
What is release planning? When is it done? How do we manage stakeholder expectations and answer the infamous "when will it be done" question? How do we forecast? What numbers and methods can we use to forecast more accurately?
4 from 2 ratings
Blog Post
Explore a series of carefully curated collections of essential books, newsletters, podcasts, and tools to elevate your agile expertise.
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
Unleash Scrum's Potential: Discover Where to Start for Efficient Value Delivery (Product) and Continuous Improvement via Value Stream Mapping
5 from 2 ratings
Blog Post
Don't write Product Backlog Items, have a conversation about them!
2.4 from 4 ratings
Blog Post
Erfahren Sie, wie sich diese Scrum-Anti-Muster-Kategorien manifestieren und wie sie sich auf die Wertschöpfung für Kunden und die langfristige Nachhaltigkeit der Organisation auswirken.
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
Quel est le rôle du product owner dans scrum ? Product Owner définition ? Que doit-il faire ? Quelles sont ses responsabilités? Quelles sont les erreurs très souvent commises? Dans cette vidéo nous répondrons à toutes ces questions. Ce sont des informations basées sur le guide scrum 2020.
0 from 0 ratings
One way a Scrum Team can create some understanding and transparency into who needs to be involved during product delivery, is by collaboratively creating a lightweight stakeholder engagement approach to help guide the team.
4.8 from 3 ratings
Blog Post
To excel as an Agile facilitator, understanding the importance of facilitation skills and mastering the essential Scrum facilitation techniques are paramount. This blog post provides insights into these essentials while shedding light on how our Professional Scrum Facilitation Skills™ course can aid...
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
Learn how these Scrum anti-patterns categories manifest themselves and how they affect value creation for customers and the long-term sustainability of the organization — Scrum Anti-Patterns Taxonomy (1)
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
A personal experience and a tangible exercise to show why complexity requires ‘doing’ instead of ‘thinking’
4.5 from 2 ratings
Blog Post
The concept of limiting work in progress revolves around the principle that focusing on fewer tasks at a time leads to better outcomes. In a Scrum context, this involves setting a cap on the number of user stories, features, or tasks that the development team is actively working on during a sprint. ...
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
How does your Product Owner support adaptation in order to minimise deviations from agreed goals? Each of the Scrum Accountabilities has a role to play. So does the Product Owner. Check it out!
4.5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
Entdecke eine Reihe sorgfältig zusammengestellter Sammlungen von wichtigen Büchern, Newslettern, Podcasts und Tools, um dein Fachwissen als Scrum Master und Product Owner zu erweitern.
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
The order of the Product Backlog is incredibly important. How is a Product Owner supposed to prioritize such a critical artifact well? In this lightning round, PST's Robert Pieper and Jason Malmstadt discuss a few tactical tips to help get you started.
5 from 1 rating
In this recording of a live session of Ask a Professional Scrum Trainer, PSTs Gregory Crown, Robb Pieper and Jason Malmstadt of Responsive Advisors, answered questions about the Scrum events, the accountabilities in Scrum, Scrum outside of software, metrics and more!
4.5 from 1 rating