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CIO - 7 Ways to Position IT for 2020

December 9, 2019
Forget about New Year's resolutions, which tend to be tossed aside and forgotten as soon as the champagne loses it sparkle. For IT leaders, the new year is a prime time for planning, organizing and launching new strategies and initiatives. Evolving business trends, security issues and increasing government oversight of many IT activities, combined with a seemingly never-ending series of disruptive technologies, make it essential to begin thinking about tactics and goals as soon as possible for a successful 2020.

Scrum: A Primer On Adaptive Techniques

November 6, 2019
This article about Scrum on the Angel List blog has commentary from Dave West. “Empiricism was at the heart” of Scrum’s modern development, said Dave West, the CEO and Product Owner at “How can you predict something that you don’t know? The only way … is to do a little bit of work and to inspect it and adapt,” he said.

Insight Brings Agile Approach to Transformation Services

September 9, 2019
When Insight Enterprises (NASDAQ: NSIT) acquired Cardinal Solutions in 2018, the global integrator of Insight Intelligent Technology Solutions™ for organizations of all sizes gained Transformation Services to help clients achieve greater technological agility. In doing so, Insight applies the Scrum framework to improve product and service development, which is increasingly important as many organizations make digital transformation a business priority.

PM 360 - Sprint Through Real-Time Promo Review

April 15, 2019
Agile frameworks facilitate an iterative and incremental approach to achieving progress for defined goals, for example, streamlining the review process for digital content. Agile methods utilize time-boxed periods called Sprints to complete a set amount of work. Each planned Sprint is assigned a unique list of deliverables.

Digital Transformation: Coming from Behind

April 10, 2019
For many years, enterprises have been in a race to digitally transform how they work through the digitization of all areas of their business, to reduce costs and business frictions through creating efficiencies and delivering increased value to their customers. While many organizations have attempted a transformation, few have been successful.

Evidence-Based Management Guide - Updated

January 23, 2019
InfoQ interviewed Patricia Kong, product owner - Enterprise Solutions,, and Kurt Bittner, vice president of Enterprise Solutions,, about Evidence-Based Management, measuring value, the relationship between value and innovation, and the updates to the Evidence-Based Management Guide.

McKinsey & Company and Release Joint Research Study on Agile Teams

January 22, 2019
McKinsey & Company, a global management consulting firm, and, the mission-based organization dedicated to improving the profession of software delivery through training, certification assessments and community, released a new research study titled, How to Select and Develop Individuals for Successful Agile Teams: A Practical Guide.