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Can Scrum Reduce Admin Overhead?

August 28, 2023
“Administrative Overhead” is a phrase that strikes terror, anxiety, and boredom in the hearts of productive developers everywhere - including us at Responsive Advisors! In this Lightning Round Q&A session, PST'S Robert Pieper & Jason Malmstadt explore ways that Scrum can be used to lessen the amount of wasteful and unnecessary work in your daily routine.
Blog Post

Greatest Benefits of Scrum

August 25, 2023
What are the biggest reasons to use Scrum? What should a team or an organization expect to gain when implementing this framework? Why should anyone care? In this short Q&A session, PST'S Robert Pieper and Jason Malmstadt tackle the value proposition of Scrum, exploring the real, tangible benefits to applying Scrum to build products and solve complex problems.
Blog Post

Transition From Mechanical Scrum To Professional Scrum

August 25, 2023
Looking to get your team out of Mechanical Scrum (Zombie Scrum)? In this vlog, Professional Scrum Trainer, Andreanna Marshall teach esyou how to escape Mechanical Scrum and level up to Professional Scrum. Mechanical Scrum is a common approach to Scrum that can stop your team from developing and achieving their goals. Professional Scrum is a more effective approach to Scrum that helps you achieve success. I'll show you how to adopt Professional Scrum values and principles, so you can start working in a more effective and productive way. If you want to succeed in Scrum, then this is the video for you! Watch it, learn from it, and get ahead in your Scrum career!
Blog Post

The Art of Prioritization: Coaching for Incremental Change in Teams

August 24, 2023
Coaching plays a pivotal role in guiding teams toward greater efficiency, collaboration, and overall success. It’s important to remember that you can't coach people out of every bad practice all at once. This article explores the wisdom behind focusing on the highest impact opportunities rather than attempting to create a perfect team overnight.
Blog Post

The Importance of Measuring Employee Satisfaction During Retrospectives

August 24, 2023
At the heart of Scrum lies the Retrospective, a crucial event where teams reflect on their work and identify areas for improvement. One often overlooked opportunity at the Retrospective is measuring employee satisfaction. This article highlights the opportunity of incorporating employee satisfaction measurement into Retrospectives and how it can contribute to team success.
Blog Post

Rethinking Product Backlog: Navigating Through the Weeds of Complexity

August 24, 2023
🔥 Navigating the Product Backlog just got more exciting! 🚀 Unravel why hierarchy might be your ship's anchor ⚓ in the stormy seas of complexity. 🔍 This article unveils the pitfalls of hierarchy and demystifies the complexities in product development. Learn how streamlining your backlog enhances innovation and collaboration. Discover the delicate balance between strategic direction and team autonomy. Equip your teams with the tools and insights they need to thrive in Agile environments. 📈
Blog Post

Le product owner définition et responsabilités

August 15, 2023
Quel est le rôle du product owner dans scrum ? Product Owner définition ? Que doit-il faire ? Quelles sont ses responsabilités? Quelles sont les erreurs très souvent commises? Dans cette vidéo nous répondrons à toutes ces questions. Ce sont des informations basées sur le guide scrum 2020.

¿Existe el Sprint 0 en Scrum?

August 13, 2023
El concepto de Sprint 0 en Scrum se refiere a un período de tiempo en el proceso ágil de desarrollo de software, particularmente en el marco de trabajo Scrum. Muchas organizaciones asocian que es el espacio donde se realizan actividades de preparación y planificación antes de que comience el primer sprint oficial.
Blog Post

The Surprising Impact of Limiting Work in Progress on the Flow of Work in a Scrum Team

August 11, 2023
The concept of limiting work in progress revolves around the principle that focusing on fewer tasks at a time leads to better outcomes. In a Scrum context, this involves setting a cap on the number of user stories, features, or tasks that the development team is actively working on during a sprint. By doing so, teams prevent themselves from spreading thin and promote a concentrated effort on a select number of items.
Blog Post

Qu'est ce que scrum ?

August 11, 2023
Cette vidéo fournit une introduction de Scrum, un framework agile très populaire. Découvrez les rôles, les événements et les artefacts qui composent Scrum et comment cela peut vous aider à créer de meilleurs produits et améliorer la satisfaction de vos clients.
Blog Post

From Unused Gym Memberships to Agile Implementation The Parallels of Misapplied Investments

August 10, 2023
🏋️‍♂️🔄 Agile Practices = Gym Memberships? Discover the unexpected connection in our latest article! Just as people sign up for gym memberships with good intentions but don’t always follow through, companies can adopt Agile methodologies without fully reaping the benefits. Learn how to avoid being stuck with an 'unused membership' and elevate your Agile game to its full potential.💡💪