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Why Chasing Perfection is Killing Your Products

February 21, 2024
In this video, we talk about why trying to make everything perfect in work, especially when creating new products, is not always good. We explain five main reasons why being perfect might slow you down and how it can stop you from learning and improving. We'll also discuss why working together and making quick decisions is better than waiting for everything to be perfect. Join us to learn how to focus on what's really important and make your work better and faster.
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Why Engineers Resist Scrum & How to Win Them Over

February 19, 2024
Dive into the transformative power of Scrum with PST's Robb Pieper, Greg Crown, and Jason Malmstadt. This enlightening discussion unpacks the challenges and triumphs of adopting Scrum in engineering teams. Discover how Scrum's focus on customer satisfaction, team collaboration, and iterative progress can revolutionize your product development process. Whether you're seeking to bust myths surrounding Scrum or looking to enhance your team's agility, this video offers invaluable insights into making Scrum work for you.
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¿Cómo la IA aumenta el impacto del Product Owner?

February 19, 2024
En este artículo, el PST Alex Ballarin explica como la Inteligencia Artificial (IA) puede automatizar muchas de las tareas que hace el Product Owner y como le permite hacer cosas nuevas. Mostrará ejemplos de uso de ChatGPT4 a definir una entrevista para stakeholders, definir un mapa de historias y definir una historia de usuario.
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What does a Scrum Master do all day?

February 18, 2024
When people are first introduced to Scrum, often one of the questions they have is “what do Scrum Masters *really* do all day?”. This is a question I get in my training classes as well. Often, people end up discovering the answer to this question by themselves during the training, or as they start practicing Scrum in their teams. In this blog we explore the question from different perspectives and provide examples based on two sample scenarios.
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Project Management Requires Product Thinking

February 15, 2024
As more and more companies wrestle with the digital age, they are increasingly looking to approach initiatives differently. They are moving from a project to a product mindset. In this blog, I describe why product thinking is increasingly important to project managers.
Blog Post


February 15, 2024
Scrum.orgのプロフェッショナルスクラムトレーナー(Professional Scrum Trainer・PST)をしております、グレゴリ・フォンテーヌと申します。アジャイル開発に対する反論の中には、アジャイル開発の仕組みに対する理解不足によるものがあります。最も一般的な誤解の一つは、アジャイルチームは考える時間や計画を立てる時間を取らないというものです。しかし正しい情報を伝えればこの誤解は解くことができます。こちらでご紹介するプロフェッショナルスクラムトレーナー(PST)のステファニー・オッカーマンの記事は、スクラムでどのように計画が行われるのか、そしてなぜそれが効果的(正しい質問に答えることになる)で効率的(無駄を最小限に抑える)なのかを説明する素晴らしい記事ですのでぜひご一読ください。
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Agile is failing organizations!

February 15, 2024
In this video, PST Martin Hinshelwood discusses the often overlooked courage required for organizations to embrace genuine change. He delves into the fear that inhibits addressing systemic issues, the superficial fixes that are frequently employed instead of fundamental changes, and the significance of adopting a philosophy of continuous improvement. 📈🔍
Blog Post

Is Fear of Change Holding Back Your Agile Journey?

February 14, 2024
In this video, Martin delves into the heart of transformational struggles within organizations, highlighting the challenges and opportunities of embracing agile. 📈 He shares insights on how fear and traditional structures can stifle growth and innovation, offering a path towards a more agile and responsive organisational philosophy. 🚀
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Don't Get Lost in your Plans

February 14, 2024
Today I got a call from a customer who is trying to understand what's going on in their teams and is getting lost among the many different Features and Product Backlog Items on their boards.
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Prioritizing Outcomes over Practices

February 12, 2024
Before changing their way of working, organizations should know first what business outcomes they want to achieve - which will be unique to each organization. Discover why focusing on Agile practices alone could lead you astray from the ultimate goal: achieving tangible and strategic business success.
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Is Agile Just About the Rituals?

February 12, 2024
In this video, Martin delves into the essence of Agile, moving beyond rituals to a philosophy of innovative product development 🚀. From Daily Scrums to sprint reviews, he explores how these practices, while important, are not the core of Agile's philosophy. 🤔💡
Blog Post


February 8, 2024
Scrum.orgのプロフェッショナルスクラムトレーナー(Professional Scrum Trainer・PST)をしております、グレゴリー・フォンテーヌと申します。スクラムチームは自己管理型組織です。つまり、多くの決定を自分たちで行います。対照的に、従来型のチームでは、ほとんどの意思決定は特定の人(通常、マネージャー、アーキテクトなど)によって行われます。自己管理型組織の利点は多くあります。しかし、意思決定のスピードはどうでしょうか?私は以前、意思決定のスピードも自己管理型チームが従来のマネージャー主導のチームよりも優れている点だと考えていました。しかし、チームと仕事をすればするほど、相反する例を見つけることが多くなります。特に、コンセンサス主導の意思決定を重視する日本の文化は諸刃の剣となり得ます。両方の長所を生かすためにスクラムチームは協調性を維持しながらも時間効率の良い意思決定をサポートする手法の習得と実践に努めることが重要だと私は考えています。この記事でグラウディアは、私が自分のチームでよく使い、強力な効果があると思う手法の一部を紹介しています。
Blog Post

Desafios do Scrum Master na Primeira Sprint

February 8, 2024
Assumir o papel de Scrum Master (SM) numa nova equipa e preparar-se para a primeira Sprint envolve desafios que não estão no Guia Scrum e nem nos livros. Este texto aborda tais desafios e apresenta estratégias para aumentar as chances de um início eficaz na sua jornada Agile.