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¿Existe el Sprint 0 en Scrum?

August 13, 2023
El concepto de Sprint 0 en Scrum se refiere a un período de tiempo en el proceso ágil de desarrollo de software, particularmente en el marco de trabajo Scrum. Muchas organizaciones asocian que es el espacio donde se realizan actividades de preparación y planificación antes de que comience el primer sprint oficial.
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The Surprising Impact of Limiting Work in Progress on the Flow of Work in a Scrum Team

August 11, 2023
The concept of limiting work in progress revolves around the principle that focusing on fewer tasks at a time leads to better outcomes. In a Scrum context, this involves setting a cap on the number of user stories, features, or tasks that the development team is actively working on during a sprint. By doing so, teams prevent themselves from spreading thin and promote a concentrated effort on a select number of items.
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Qu'est ce que scrum ?

August 11, 2023
Cette vidéo fournit une introduction de Scrum, un framework agile très populaire. Découvrez les rôles, les événements et les artefacts qui composent Scrum et comment cela peut vous aider à créer de meilleurs produits et améliorer la satisfaction de vos clients.
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From Unused Gym Memberships to Agile Implementation The Parallels of Misapplied Investments

August 10, 2023
🏋️‍♂️🔄 Agile Practices = Gym Memberships? Discover the unexpected connection in our latest article! Just as people sign up for gym memberships with good intentions but don’t always follow through, companies can adopt Agile methodologies without fully reaping the benefits. Learn how to avoid being stuck with an 'unused membership' and elevate your Agile game to its full potential.💡💪
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Product Backlog Prioritization Tactics

August 9, 2023
The order of the Product Backlog is incredibly important. How is a Product Owner supposed to prioritize such a critical artifact well? In this lightning round, PST's Robert Pieper and Jason Malmstadt discuss a few tactical tips to help get you started.
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The Scrum Master Balancing Act

August 3, 2023
How do you uphold Scrum without becoming a Scrum dictator? How do you lead the Scrum Team to ever greater adoption of Scrum within the organization… without direct authority? This article explores the challenges faced by Scrum Masters in their balancing act and how they navigate through it to ensure effective team performance and continuous improvement.
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Storms of Neglect The Perils of Not Delivering Usable Products in Agile Iterations

August 3, 2023
⚡🌩️#StormsOfNeglect: The Cataclysmic Consequences of Ignoring Usable Products in Agile!🌩️⚡ What if I told you that neglecting usable working products in Agile is like navigating a stormy sea without a compass? 🌊🚢 If you think skipping usable products in iterations is harmless, brace yourself for the torrential downpour of woes it can unleash! From eroding stakeholder trust to the tsunami of technical debt, from getting engulfed in the quicksand of adaptability to the barren desert of feedback. It’s a whirlwind of compounding issues that no Agile team should weather! 🌪️💥 Dive in as I illuminate the catastrophic perils of neglecting usable working products when it should foster trust, alignment, adaptability, and quality! 🛡️⚙️
Blog Post

Escaping the Product Owner's Trap: A Path to Unleashing True Value

August 1, 2023
Explore the challenge of 'Escaping the Product Owner’s Trap' in this insightful blog post. Learn how Product Owners often find themselves entangled in component thinking, losing sight of broader objectives and value delivery. Uncover key principles such as Vision, Value, and Validation, and discover actionable strategies to shift towards a product and value-driven mindset. This guide illuminates the path from mere component management to genuine Product Ownership, offering tools and techniques to align with organizational goals and customer needs.
Blog Post

The Indispensable Scrum Master Accountability in Scrum

July 31, 2023
At the heart of Scrum is a unique and indispensable accountability: the Scrum Master. This enigmatic figure may not possess the traditional authority associated with managers, nor do they hold executive powers. Yet, they play a vital and indispensable accountability in the success of the Scrum Team and the organization as a whole.
Blog Post

Scrum Anti-Patterns Taxonomy

July 31, 2023
The Scrum Anti-Patterns Guide, nearing completion, categorizes over 180 anti-patterns by roles, events, artifacts, and commitments. However, it lacks a meta-level taxonomy to address Scrum anti-patterns on broader levels, raising the question of developing such a comprehensive strategy.
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3 (bittere) Lektionen, die ich als Scrum-Trainer in den letzten Jahren lernen musste

July 31, 2023
Für jeden Trainer kommt der Zeitpunkt, an dem man in den Spiegel schauen und über sehr wichtige Fragen nachdenken muss: 👉 Was bedeutet es wirklich, ein Trainer zu sein? 👉 Konzentriere ich mich auf das Wesentliche? 👉 Warum sind die Teilnehmer in meinem Training? Die Beantwortung dieser Fragen ist für mich mit drei Lektionen verbunden, die ich als Trainer in den vergangenen Jahren lernen musste:

Mejorar la entrega de valor

July 29, 2023
Scrum es un marco de trabajo para maximizar la entrega de valor. Con frecuencia se confunde el valor con entregar más cantidad de cosas en un menor tiempo. El valor es diferente viene desde la perspectiva de entender al cliente, asumir una postura de incertidumbre sobre lo que creemos o definimos acerca del mismo y entender la necesidad de aprender continuamente a través de la experimentación para descubrir, validar y aprender a través del uso de producto para adaptarnos de acuerdo con esto.
Blog Post

[VLOG] How Can Management Enable High-Performing Teams? A 10-Point Diagnostic

July 28, 2023
Managers in Agile organizations often struggle when their teams don't evolve into high-performing, self-managing teams. The struggle is to find the right balance between command and control management and being completely hands-off, letting the teams do whatever they want. How might a manager discover adjustments they can try to help their teams grow? this video blog might offer some ideas...
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Stop Starting, Start Finishing!

July 27, 2023
Does your Scrum Team often find itself with carryover work from the previous Sprint? Does that make your team an unproductive one? Whose fault is it? In this episode, Jeff and Mike share how to limit sprint-to-sprint carryover.  Listen and share with your team so things get DONE.
Blog Post

How Usable Working Products Are Your Ultimate Weapon Against Risks

July 27, 2023
🚀💥#UsableWorkingProduct: Your Ultimate Weapon Against Risks in Agile💥🚀 ⚠️ Ever wondered why some Agile projects falter? Is your fortress of documentation crumbling against the relentless tides of market change? 🌊 Here’s the secret sauce - It’s all about Usable Working Products! 🎯🔧 Too many Agile teams are trapped in the illusion of progress without creating shippable products. It’s time to unleash the secret weapon against risks - deliver increments that users can interact with, validate, and provide feedback on! 🛠🚀