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How Can an Organization Develop its Agile capabilities?

April 12, 2023
Developing Agile capabilities within an organization requires unlearning ineffective practices and aligning the company’s structure, processes, people practices, and reward systems. The importance of these different components to reinforce each other is illustrated through the analogy of developing a healthy lifestyle.
Blog Post

Activity is Not a Measure of Success in Scrum

April 11, 2023
​​​​​​​Agile coaches have long recognized that busyness does not necessarily equal success. Checking off a to-do list does not mean you are adding value.  You might accomplish many organizational tasks, but the activity likely has little benefit if these tasks don’t contribute to the company’s goals, support operations, or customer satisfaction.
Blog Post

Building for Agility: The Role of Commodity Platforms

April 10, 2023
At scale, many teams can use the shared platform functionality. When that can be done on a self-service basis, it supports autonomy and improves product delivery flow. But when the platform group holds all the power and the teams need to request the product group to develop product-specific functionality themselves, it can create a bottleneck in the development process. By eliminating reciprocal interdependencies and creating a commodity platform, product groups can focus on their unique features and the platform can provide the necessary functionality without getting in the way. It’s a win-win situation for everyone involved, and collaboration and smart processes can keep everything running smoothly.
Blog Post

Machst du diese Fehler bei Produkt-Zielen?

April 10, 2023
Vergiss, was du über Produkt-Ziele gehört hast. Ignoriere die Ratschläge, dass Ziele SMART, FAST oder ein OKR sein müssen. Denn Fakt ist: Diese Methoden bewahren dich nicht vor den typischen Fehlern, die in der Praxis passieren. Welche das sind, erfährst du, wenn du weiter liest!
Blog Post

Agile OKRs to Measure Improvement in Flow and Value Outcomes OKRs

April 10, 2023
The lack of a standard and evidence-based mechanisms to measure performance and agility leaves many organizations in the dark regarding what activities are needed to not only lead to agility, but what activities leaders should support and promote help to make enterprise agility sustainable, repeatable and scalable. This is where Agile OKRs come in.
Blog Post

Mitosis and Express Kickoff

April 4, 2023
In this article I share the case of mitosis – splitting a large team of 19 people into two independent feature teams working from a single Product Backlog. After the division, I helped the teams create a common identity and agree on norms of conduct. This case is just an episode of Agile transformation in a business unit of several hundred people.
Blog Post

Maximizing Scrum with the Scrum Values

April 4, 2023
The Scrum values help create a culture of collaboration and continuous improvement, guiding the team toward better results and a more satisfying work experience. I’ve written and talked a lot about the Scrum values over my consulting and coaching career because I’ve seen how they can galvanize teams to achieve their best work. I’ve also seen how they are often misunderstood. I hope this article will provide an easy way for readers to learn about the importance of the Scrum values and find helpful links to other Agile Socks posts for those who want to dive deeper.

Quality Angels in your Scrum Team

April 3, 2023
Who are the Quality Assurance (QA) experts in the Scrum Team and what do they have to do with guardian angels? Who is responsible for the quality of your product? What practices can you use to positively impact collaboration within the Scrum Team and the quality of solutions created? You will find it out in this blog post!
Blog Post

Answer These 3 Questions to Determine If You're Getting Value from Scrum

April 1, 2023
With the widespread adoption of Scrum, variation in how teams practice Scrum has inevitably evolved. At the same time, some organizations that have turned to Scrum wonder if they are getting its full benefits. So, how do you know if Scrum is working? In this article, I outline 3 questions that can help determine if you're getting value from Scrum. Your answers might point to adjustments you can make to your practice to improve outcomes. 
Blog Post

Agile Principles - Effective Communication

March 31, 2023
This post continues my ongoing series revisiting the principles behind the Agile Manifesto. This time we are focussing on the following Agile principle – “The most efficient and effective method of conveying information to and within a development team is face-to-face conversation.”

Scrum es un Contenedor

March 29, 2023
Scrum es un marco incompleto a propósito. Scrum es un contenedor, no prescribe que prácticas o herramientas usar. Scrum no define la forma exacta de cómo realizar el trabajo o que usar para entregar valor, cada equipo debe descubrir la forma apropiada de hacerlo y complementar Scrum a su manera, por eso es un contenedor abierto y extensible. Scrum es el marco ideal para el aprendizaje y mejora continua .. Scrum es abierto y extensible, no hay recetas ni etapas que se deben seguir para ser exitosos. Scrum puede ser complementado, por ejemplo, con Kanban, UX, DevOps, etc. Pero siempre usando el empirismo como el enfoque cultural para ser adaptativos. Al usar Scrum para resolver problemas complejos el equipo Scrum va experimentando, aprendiendo e incorporando las prácticas de la manera que mejor le sirven al equipo para la entrega de valor.