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Was sind bewährte Scrum Werkzeuge und Praktiken, die ein absichtlich unvollständiges Framework erweitern, ohne dessen Grundprinzipien zu missachten oder zu negieren?
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In this session, Ferzeen Anis and Toby draw lessons from lived experience in applying Scrum, building businesses and working toward achieving an Olympic dream.
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Blog Post
Though, there is no universal definition of what is an Agile Coach. I want to define, Someone who developed deep expertise to help people, teams, and organisations enable better customer outcomes by focusing on an organisation’s internal and external orientation.
4.2 from 3 ratings
Blog Post
Is your organization having trouble instilling self-management? Then this is the article for you!
5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
Three simple Retrospective formats based on the Liberating Structures “Conversation Cafe”, “Troika Consulting”, and “Discovery & Action Dialogue”.
5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
Scrum is a framework for developing and sustaining complex products. But could it be used by individuals to help them in their personal and professional lives?
5 from 3 ratings
Blog Post
In today's vlog, PST Joshua Partogi share his experiences why Developers hate Scrum so much so you can avoid these factors happening in your company.
4.8 from 3 ratings
Blog Post
A look at proven tools and practices enhancing a purposefully incomplete framework without defying its first principles.
5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
In this vlog, PST Joshua Partogi share his opinions on how to be a Scrum Master without any prior experience.
4.8 from 2 ratings
Blog Post
Selbstmanagement passiert nicht einfach so. In einer neuen Situation greifen Menschen meist auf bereits Bekanntes zurück. Deshalb gleicht das Daily Scrum bei neuen Teams häufig eher einem Statusmeeting.
Wie du ein Statusmeeting in ein Daily Scrum verwandeln kannst, erfährst du hier:
4.5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
Dealing with complexity requires a diversity of expertise. Learn it from the team that builds functional quantum computers.
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
El User Story Mapping es un ejercicio visual que ayuda a los gerentes de productos y sus equipos de desarrollo a definir el trabajo que creará la experiencia de usuario más placentera.
Se utiliza para mejorar la comprensión de los equipos de sus clientes y para priorizar el trabajo.
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
If you Google "Agile Project Manager" you'll find a lot of stuff out there, much of which is inconsistent. There are job descriptions asking for one, there are classes to learn how to be one, but the definition is still not clear nor is it consistent with agile development ideas or the Scrum Framewo...
4.8 from 2 ratings
Blog Post
What does your Team optimize for? Optimizing for adaptability requires certain types of teams, is your team set up in line with the goals of your organization? You can use this canvas to plot a team’s current position and then evaluate how it can improve. It gets more fun when you plot many teams re...
5 from 2 ratings
Duane Girard learned to help build strong teams as a Sergeant in the US Army. In this podcast, Duane has a discussion with host, Dave West, and shares those parallels, talks about his career journey as a Scrum Master, and more. (18:32 Minutes)
5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
Der brandneue Product Owner & Product Manager Salary Report 2022 ist verfügbar: Wie schneiden Sie im Vergleich zu mehr als 500 anderen Peers ab?
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
Using a product over a project mindset allows for lean requirements engineering. Just in time specifications allow for an iterative and incremental product discovery and delivery.
5 from 2 ratings
Join PST Andy Hiles, Jessica Martin, Agile Coach and PST Ravi Verma in a panel discussion hosted by Patricia Kong, where they share their experiences with creating psychological safety in teams by using effective facilitation skills in conversations and other interactions.
5 from 3 ratings
Blog Post
I gotta say, refining work items is usually, by far, the Scrum Team’s least popular activity. No one gets up in the morning saying, “I can’t wait to refine the Product Backlog!” In this article, we will discuss five reasons why refining your Product Backlog is worth the time.
4.5 from 4 ratings
Blog Post
The brand-new Product Owner & Product Manager Salary Report 2022 is available: How do you compare to 500-plus peers?
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
Have you ever come across a Product Owner that has been fully empowered to make all the decisions needed for the product, without any constraints? It's pretty rare. A donut can help your Product Owner in gaining more decision-making power.
4.8 from 5 ratings
Blog Post
Product-Ownership ist nicht einfach:
Es gibt die unterschiedlichsten Anforderungen an das Produkt.
Das Product Backlog ist überladen mit Features.
Stakeholder aus Entwicklung, IT, Marketing, Sales und Betrieb haben alle eine Meinung, was als Nächstes getan werden muss.
Nur leider sind sie ni...
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
What are the different categories of product owner?
This episode goes outlines all the different types of product owners as well as the characteristics/pros and cons of each by considering them against the definition of a product and how you may deliver value.
Join me as I also bust a common...
4.3 from 3 ratings
Blog Post
Desde principios de la década de 2000, Agile ha ganado popularidad y se ha convertido en el enfoque de referencia para la gestión muchas organizaciones de todos los tamaños y orígenes.
Sin olvidar de que Agile comenzó en el desarrollo de software, rápidamente encontró su camino hacia otras indust...
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
Encourage your Scrum team to establish more effective communication patterns that make a lasting impact with “What I Need From You”.
5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
There are eight hours available for Sprint Planning. In those eight hours, a lot can be done. Too often this event is rushed, limiting the ability to maximize the possible achievements. In this article, I share nine things to do to make the most of your Sprint Planning.
4.6 from 6 ratings
Blog Post
Gibt es einen Zeitpunkt, an dem ein erfolgreiches Scrum-Team mit Scrum Schluss machen sollte, weil es seine Nützlichkeit überlebt hat?
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
A short 3 case studies of transparency and a story on where it might lead..
4.5 from 5 ratings
In diesem Scrum-Pulse-Webcast erklärt Professional Scrum Trainer Simon Flossmann die Grundlagen effektiver Facilitation.
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
There are many great reasons to use Scrum. Focus on quality, frequent delivery of value, and limitation of risk, to name a few. Saving money is not one of them...
5 from 2 ratings
Kurt Bittner, PST Ron Eringa and PST Laurens Bonnema come together again to join host Dave West for a discussion on the Dual Operating Model, Culture, self-management, bottom up intelligence and more! (33:37 Minutes)
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
Scrum is not designed to solve all problems in all business domains. There are times when Scrum used properly is a great fit for complex problem solving. But when and where does Scrum not work? When should we not be using Scrum? When would it be too much overhead for the value derived?
5 from 2 ratings
Blog Post
El Product Owner es un gestor de producto que se encarga de mantener el alineamiento estratégico del Product Backlog en todo momento.
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
Many organizations are trying to improve the alignment between strategy and execution with the OKRs framework (Objectives and Key Results). There’s good intent there, but more often than not, looking under the hood, you notice:
OKRs that look more like tasks than strategic objectives – especiall...
3.5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
The Scrum Events are in place to support empiricism and the delivery of value. You need to run them at least once per Sprint. But could we do them multiple times in the same Sprint? Find out in this article!
5 from 2 ratings
Blog Post
Prof. Yaneer Bar-Yam, an eminent scientist who is known for his contribution to the mitigation of ethnic violence in Europe, the eradication of the Ebola outbreaks in West Africa, and establishing the field of Complex Systems Science, discussed the reasons behind the success of self-managed and cros...
5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
According to the Scrum guide, Scrum teams typically have 10 or fewer people, including Developers, Scrum Master and Product Owner. But what happens with a Scrum team that includes more than 10 people? What if the Scrum team has 10, 15 even more people?
4.8 from 3 ratings
Blog Post
Is there a moment when a, so far, successful Scrum team starts outliving Scrum’s utility?
4.5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
Die Diskussionen in der Sprint Retrospektive drehen sich seit geraumer Zeit nur noch im Kreis. Das Resultat? Wieder eine Retrospektive, die ohne konkrete Verbesserung endet.
Wenn dir das bekannt vorkommt und du nach einem Ausweg suchst, dann lies weiter...
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
Backlog refinement is still a vastly misunderstood activity. There is no single approach to it and no time-boxed event. But why is that? And how to handle it? More on that in this article.
3.6 from 4 ratings
Blog Post
How the various ways of getting into a swimming pool are similar to how teams and organizations start with Scrum.
4.3 from 6 ratings
Blog Post
Otra gran pregunta recurrente, ¿Por qué tenemos que hacer DevOps si hacemos Scrum?.
Son 2 cosas complementarias, porqué están muy alineadas en las maneras de pensar.
DevOps se trata de lograr la mentalidad correcta, igual que la mentalidad que necesita Scrum.
5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
As this article hopefully makes clear, the mental well-being of the workforce is important. Being transparent about what happens after someone shares what they feel could improve is needed to ensure proper follow-up.
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
Scrum define eventos para crear cadencia, ritmo y mejorar la transparencia.
Puede suceder que los miembros del equipo no encuentren utilidad en su uso o que el resultado no sea efectivo o el esperado. Estas circunstancias pueden ser mejorados con una facilitación para impactar en forma positiva e...
4.3 from 2 ratings
Blog Post
Team effectiveness suffers when teams are too large. We explain how to make adjustments to fix this problem.
0 from 0 ratings
In dieser Folge von Ask a Professional Scrum Trainer beantworten Professional Scrum Trainer Martina Luenzmann und Simon Flossmann in einer Live-Sitzung deine dringendsten Fragen, wie Product Owner:innen noch erfolgreicher werden können.
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
What would happen if Superman wasn't around to save the earth? We, as mere mortals, would perish quickly, and the superhero movies would be super short. Wouldn't it be more helpful if the flying solver-of-all would teach out to save ourselves?
5 from 3 ratings
Blog Post
Scrum Masters are accountable for effectiveness of Scrum and yet many things are beyond their control. Let's unpack how to navigate this.
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
In the 45th Hands-on Agile meetup session, James Shore—author of ‘The Art of Agile Development’—shared his experiences with scaling “agile:” first with traditional approaches and, more recently, with FAST scaling.
0 from 0 ratings
In 2018, and McKinsey started collaborating around a shared purpose: to help companies innovate how their organizations, teams, and individuals work.
In this article, the latest in a series of research and insight papers, we examine the differences between doing work and creating value in...
5 from 3 ratings