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Blog Post
On July 7th the Scrum community gathered in Amsterdam (The Netherlands) for the 5th edition of Scrum Day Europe. This year's theme was 'the next iteration'. Therefore we looked back to see what Scrum brought us the last 20 years but also looked forward to the future of Scrum. Naturally, the evaluati...
3.5 from 3 ratings
In this Scrum Pulse session, our PST panel will share their experiences, challenges and insights from guiding the effective adoption of Scrum in multi-cultural Scrum.
2.6 from 19 ratings
Blog Post
More and more large companies in traditional industries are singing the Agile song. I have noticed, though, that there seems to be a general misconception that Agile is onlyabout creating happy teams. There’s more to an Agile mindset than happiness. It’s about learning, struggle, and growth. This is...
0 from 0 ratings
Web Page
An overview of documents and books to help understand the accountabilities of Developers on a Scrum Team working in the Software Delivery domain organized by assessment categories.
3.6 from 30 ratings
Web Page
An overview of documents and books to help understand the role of the Product Owner organized by assessment categories.
4.3 from 32 ratings
Web Page
An overview of documents and books to help understand the role of the Product Owner organized by assessment categories.
3.3 from 447 ratings
Web Page
Suggested reading for anyone who is taking the Professional Scrum Master level I certification test or just looking to learn more about being a Scrum Master.
4.2 from 233 ratings
An overview of documents and books to help understand Scrum, organized by assessment categories.
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
Today I changed my Twitter and LinkedIn profile. I removed Agile Coach and replaced it with Scrum Master. 100% Scrum Master. Although it seems a small change, it raised quite some concern when I suggested the idea a couple of weeks ago... "You should stick with Agile Coach. As a freelancer, th...
5 from 2 ratings
This is a recording of CEO Dave West's presentation from Scrum Day Europe 2016 on The Future of Scrum. 90% of Agile teams are using Scrum. With over ½ a million people trained and certified. Scrum has become, for many the de-facto standard in Agile team organization. But what is next fo...
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
If this post resonates with you, please consider spreading the message so we can educate and inspire others. I invite you to ‘Follow’ my professional journey through LinkedIn and Twitter. ~~~ I must confess that my Twitter knowledge and expertise is limited. I'm even skeptical of its va...
0 from 0 ratings
This glossary represents an overview of terms specific to software development teams using Scrum and agile software development techniques. To learn more about the Scrum framework, we highly recommend that you reference the Scrum Guide™ and the Scrum Glossary. A A/B Testing: extends the ide...
4.4 from 43 ratings
Glossary of Scrum Terms This glossary is meant to represent an overview of Scrum-related terms. Some of the mentioned terms are not mandatory in Scrum, but have been added because they are commonly used in Scrum. To learn more about the Scrum framework, to identify which of these terms are requir...
4.7 from 333 ratings
Blog Post
If this post resonates with you, please consider spreading the message so we can educate and inspire the entire professional world together. I invite you to ‘Follow’ my professional journey through LinkedIn and Twitter. ~~~ The colorful wall posters are ubiquitous in organizations small...
0 from 0 ratings
Podcast CEO and Product Owner Dave West has come a long way from being a RUP Product Manager to where he is today.
0 from 0 ratings
Video CEO and Product Owner Dave West has come a long way from being a RUP Product Manager to where he is today. After realizing RUP wasn't helping developers or enabling them to build great software, Dave took a Scrum class where a light bulb went off. He saw that if you gave a team enough safe...
5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
What really makes a transformation of your organization successful? Which elements should be in place? Which complicated framework for scaling agile should I choose? I tend to feel disappointed when trying to think of the number of organizations which actually succeeded in such a transformation. We,...
5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
Today we re-structure our Professional Scrum Master assessment (PSM) and certification products changing the focus of PSM II and introducing PSM III. In this blog I wanted to describe why we have done this and what it means to software delivery professionals. First a bit of history… Ken Schwab...
5 from 3 ratings
Blog Post
During the 5th edition of Scrum Day Europe, Laurens and I facilitated a workshop on how to “Add Visual Flavor to Your Organization Transformation with Videoscribe.” The theme of the conference, “The Next Iteration,” was all about the future of Scrum. We wanted to tie our workshop into the theme o...
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
These days scaling Scrum is a hot topic. How can I use Scrum to deliver a big product with multiple teams? The most common approach I see at my customers is scaling Scrum by adding more Scrum teams with a Product Owner and Scrum Master per team. Scaling Scrum using Copy-Paste Sc...
2.6 from 4 ratings
Blog Post
If you’ve learned Scrum and tried to implement it in any large organization you’ve likely run into a few issues. Getting dedicated people on your team is hard. Building cross-functional teams is really hard.
5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
This week, co-creators of Scrum, Ken Schwaber and Jeff Sutherland, released a new version of the Scrum Guide. At first glance, just a small paragraph on Scrum Values is added. But this addition may offer a larger impact and be an extremely useful addition for Scrum Masters. So, today during the firs...
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
Today Ken Schwaber and Jeff Sutherland, the creators of Scrum delivered a webinar on their latest update to the Scrum Guide.  The update was a simple one, adding the 5 values of Scrum to the Guide.
3.4 from 579 ratings
Blog Post
In my last post, I explained the pattern of the evolution of the Product Owner. This blog is about the evolution pattern of a Scrum Master. Do you want to know more about what it takes to be a good Scrum Master? Would you like to know how to grow in your role? Then you should probably keep read...
4.7 from 15 ratings
Professional Scrum Trainer Cesario Ramos discusses that although Scaling Scrum & Agile have become a very popular topic over the last ten years we are still getting started and addresses ways of doing so.
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
Interview after the 3 day training with 3 students, asking them 3 questions: 1. "Why did you take this class?" 2. "What was your personal highlight of the class?" 3. "What will you do differently on Monday?" My final quote *should* say: "Only tests let you sleep like a baby at night" Peter ...
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
Working with a range of people, it is interesting to observe how many are aiming to “Do Scrum” or “Get Agile”. The issue with this thinking is that people are focusing on the transport, not the destination.
5 from 3 ratings
Blog Post
I'm sure you've heard of Waterfall, ever heard of Water-Scrum-Fall? Ever heard someone in a product development group tell you “they use a hybrid-agile approach”? There’s a million ways people continue using a traditional, phase gated, software development lifecycle approach and marry it with an agi...
5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail! Huh? I don’t know; it’s something my father always said. I think he meant that if you don’t have the right tool for the job, you’ll use the tool you have. And if it’s the wrong tool, the job will suffer. Agile frameworks are too...
4 from 1 rating
Blog Post
The most common question I am asked at my courses is - what makes a good Scrum Master? I always answer this question with a story from my own experience working with Scrum Masters (good and bad) over the years. The 2 best Scrum Masters I ever had the pleasure of working with had a lot in common. ...
4.5 from 319 ratings
Blog Post
In the past few months I've been working with a company whose products are most hardware, circuit boards, and firmware. There is some software, but it's "less than 10% of the cost and time required to release new product." So the purpose in bringing me in was speed up the hardware side of things, an...
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
The most common question I am asked at my courses is - what makes a good Scrum Master? I always answer this question with a story from my own experience working with Scrum Masters (good and bad) over the years. The 2 best Scrum Masters I ever had the pleasure of working with had a lot in common. ...
4.6 from 18 ratings
Blog Post
In this blog series, you will get some good practices and guidance for having better, more effective and more vivid Product Backlog refinement
4.3 from 6 ratings
Blog Post
Yes, of course it is! Scrum is a framework to help teams and organisations on their path to agility, but it is by no means the only way to be agile. Back before I knew about Scrum, I worked on projects that were agile. Back then we didn’t really know what agility was all about, but that didn’t me...
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
One of the most challenging activities in Scrum is Product Backlog Refinement. During training courses I get many questions on this activity. What do you do during Product Backlog refinement? How do you prevent discussions going off track or in too much detail? Who should be there? When do you estim...
4.8 from 10 ratings
Blog Post
2012 In March 2012, Ken Schwaber and I felt there was room for a new Scrum event in the Netherlands. We felt the need for an event that was a platform for people practicing Scrum. We wanted to crave space to talk, connect, share ideas, experiences and challenges on Scrum. On 11 July 2012 the...
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
Question from a budding Scrum Master, who is transitioning from a background as a traditional project manager: “In order to promote team bonding and self-organization, from now on I am going to try something new with the team. In the sprint planning meeting, instead of me breaking down the tasks ...
4.8 from 2 ratings
Blog Post
This week I facilitated a Scrum Master training in which we gathered the most common pitfalls of the Scrum events. It resulted in a nice overview with lots of recognizable pitfalls. In this blog post I'll share the results with you, completed with some ideas of my own. As you will see, it's only a b...
5 from 2 ratings
Blog Post
I am sure it would not come as a surprise, but our website ( needs a major refresh. The current implementation has become out of date and less and less supportive of our vision and mission. As a team, we quickly realized that we do not possess the resources needed to take on a full web...
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
Recently I wrote an article about the characteristics of a great Product Owner. It gave me the idea to do the same for the Development Team and Scrum Master. This blog post focuses on the Development Team; I'll describe the characteristics, skills and conditions. Great Development Teams... ...
5 from 2 ratings
Blog Post
After downloading and studying the Nexus guide, you have questions about how the Nexus Integration Team actually works, so here are some keys to understand the role and its fit within the Nexus. It’s all about solving dependencies Nexus is focused is solving the primary source of issues and ...
4.5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
Last week I attended a workshop provided by Patrick Verheij, who is a board member of the Agile Consortium. Patrick explained the foundation of Agile and shared a characteristic of "Agile DNA" within organizations
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
Recently I had a discussion with a developer about the amount of meetings we're having nowadays within organisations. Part of it was related to Scrum, "Since the introduction of Scrum all I do is attend meetings". And part of it wasn't, "Every week I need to discuss how to improve the productivity o...
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
The domination of software development by a paradigm of industrial views and beliefs, a copy-paste of old manufacturing routines and theories, got us in a crisis. The attempts to overcome this crisis by fortifying the industrial approach are without result. The flaws and problems are huge, known and...
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
Within companies that use Scrum properly, the organization is built around fixed, cross-functional, self-organizing teams who are given the freedom and responsibility to think of a strategy they believe will result in the best product. Everyone around the Development Team is focused on supporti...
4 from 2 ratings
Blog Post
This is a list of 10 questions a Scrum Master may ask a Product Owner, in order to help coach them in their role.
5 from 10 ratings
Blog Post
This blog post talks about the issues caused by unlimited budgets.
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
According to the Scrum guide, sprint retrospectives are "an opportunity for the Scrum Team to inspect itself and create a plan for improvements to be enacted during the next Sprint." In my early career as a Scrum Master, I used to follow this definition quite stricly. Time was taken to look for o...
4.5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
Inspiring Lessons From the Life Journey of Mr. Warrick Dunn __________ As many of us in the USA prepare for the big college football rivalry weekend, let’s take a moment to learn about Agile leadership from Warrick Dunn, retired football star with a storied career in college and...
3.3 from 3 ratings
Blog Post
It is my favorite time of the year - Fall, the season of thanks, reflection and resolutions. As we approach the end of one year and the beginning of a new one, I look back with thanks and appreciation at all this year has given to us. Among other things, I am thankful for you being part of my jou...
0 from 0 ratings