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Der 11. Teil des Leitfadens für das Scrum Master Interview befasst sich mit dem Sprint Review — Avoid hiring imposters!
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Would Wayne be a good Scrum Master? If you're familiar with the Hulu show "Letterkenny", then you most likely already have an opinion. You be the judge on if Wayne's catchphrases set him up for success in his interview for a Scrum Master role.
0 from 0 ratings
La agilidad puede verse como una estrategia de negocio, una estrategia empresarial a través de la cual las empresas pueden mejorar, mantener y desarrollar su ventaja competitiva en el mercado. La agilidad es un cambio cultural que promueve el trabajo en equipo y la entrega de valor a los clientes. E...
5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
​​​​​​​According to the 2020 Scrum Guide, a Scrum Team should contain members with all the skills necessary to create an Increment of usable product each Sprint. Teams that approach their work from a product perspective find this cross-functionality easier to achieve than teams that organize around ...
4.8 from 3 ratings
Blog Post
Evoking awareness is a gift coaches can give their clients. Forwarding that awareness through its application and actions is what makes good coaching masterful.
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The latest chapter of the Scrum Master interview guide addresses the Sprint Review. So far, the interview guide has been downloaded more than 23,000 times.
4.5 from 1 rating
While many people are practicing Scrum, practicing it effectively requires something more than just following the mechanics and fundamentals of the framework. Professional Scrum helps teams get out of that mechanical, going through the motions habit when it comes to Scrum. In this Scrum Pulse webina...
4.3 from 2 ratings
Blog Post
For many years the agile movement advocated that all teams had to be co-located for success. Scrum also encouraged that approach. But the pandemic taught us that remote does not always mean bad. However, we are seeing more and more executives force an in-person return to the office as the pandemic r...
5 from 4 ratings
Blog Post
Seit 2002 ist das Sprint-Ziel Bestandteil von Scrum. Trotzdem verwenden viele Scrum Teams nur selten Ziele. Es kursieren immer noch viele Mythen um Sprint-Ziele, die dazu führen, dass Scrum Teams immer noch damit kämpfen, sich Sprint-Ziele zu setzen. Wenn du erfahren willst, welche Mythen übe...
4 from 2 ratings
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Spark small and incremental change in your Scrum team, with our community-driven actionable quick tips.
5 from 2 ratings
Blog Post
Quelles différences entre Scrum Master et Coach Professionnels ? Pourquoi avons-nous besoin de ces deux compétences en entreprise ? Comment peuvent-elles aider au quotidien ?
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
When Scrum Teams constantly push back on changing priorities, stakeholders begin to blame Scrum for the rigidity. Teams with large investments of time and energy are resistant to change. Break up this rigidity by delivering the smallest possible value. Get feedback quicker. Start anticipating change...
4 from 1 rating
Blog Post
Ein Scrum Master zu sein, ist schwer. Es ist genauso schwer, wie guten Code zu schreiben, gut zu zeichnen oder eine Fremdsprache fließend zu sprechen. Der Grund hierfür ist, dass das Meistern jeglicher Fähigkeiten Beständigkeit, Reflexion und bewusstes Handeln erfordert – alles Dinge, für die es ...
5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
Erfahren Sie mehr darüber, worauf Sie achten sollten, wenn Sie Ihre Teamkollegen, die das Produktinkrement erstellen, auf dem Pfad der kontinuierlichen Weiterentwicklung unterstützen wollen.
0 from 0 ratings
Wenn du nach Antworten zu diesen oder ähnlichen Fragen suchst, dann melde dich zu dieser Episode von „Ask a Professional Scrum Trainer” an. Dort beantworten die Professional Scrum Trainer Boris Steiner und Simon Flossmann alle deine Fragen, wie du Scrum und UX in einem Team vereinen kannst.
5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
In this vlog, PST Joshua Partogi breaks down the differences between Sprint Review and Sprint Retrospectives through visuals.
4 from 1 rating
Blog Post
Scrum Guide 2020 mentions Sprint Goal and Product Goal because Scrum teams must have a Share Goal. The Share Goal is always essential, even though the Scrum Guide didn't say it before. Basically, the Common Goal helps the Scrum Team become consciously Autonomous. Because Autonomy will lead to chaos ...
5 from 2 ratings
Blog Post
Today I want to tell you a little bit of a story about a festival in England. You know what the English summertime is like. We went to a thing called Pub in the Park in Marlow, and it was raining. It rained really heavily. And we were wondering what to eat and we saw these different stalls and we we...
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
Im Profisport, z.B. Fußball, sind Fokus und Disziplin mitentscheidend dafür, ob ein Team in der Champions League oder eher der Kreisklasse spielt. Auch für Business Teams sind diese Eigenschaften erfolgskritisch, wenn sie in ihrer “Königsklasse” mitspielen wollen.
5 from 4 ratings
Blog Post
The Scrum Framework is very lightweight, and it seems to get less restrictive with each release of the Scrum Guide.  What is included is really important, though.  Every piece of the framework is there for a reason.  In this article, I will discuss five common ways that teams modify the Scrum framew...
5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
Learn more about what to look out for if you want to support your teammates who build the Increment.
5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
In professional sports like soccer, focus and discipline are essential to play in the Champions League instead of the minor league. Focus and discipline are essential for business teams, too, if they want to be at the top.
5 from 7 ratings
Blog Post
Kein UX-Designer im Team? In meinem neuen Artikel findest du 3 einfache Techniken, damit dein Scrum Team noch heute mit UX-Research beginnen kann. Die Erkenntnisse, die dein Team mit diesen Research-Techniken über eure Nutzer erhält, können dir helfen: - User Storys zu schreiben, die wirk...
0 from 0 ratings
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In this article we are going to explore some ideas and reflections about the Product Goal in Scrum
3.5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
Veo a todo el mundo hablando de OKRs y a poca gente hablando de como el outcome impacta tu progreso . Bajo mi humilde punto de vista es una conversación mucho más anterior, una conversación de outcome más que de output.
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
In this blog, a short description of one workshop from Chapter 11: Guiding The Product Ownership. Misconceptions about the PO role often lead to reduced agility, development bottlenecks, and teams that do not understand the customer domain well enough to make autonomous decisions during a Sprint....
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
Erfahren Sie, wie individuelle Anreize und veraltete Organisationsstrukturen sich in Fehlverhalten von Scrum Interessenvertretern manifestieren, die leicht jede agile Transformation behindern oder vereiteln.
0 from 0 ratings
In this Ask a PST session moderated by Leslie Morse, you will get answers from Professional Scrum Trainers Stephanie Ockerman and Steve Trapps who frequently leverage the coaching stance when working with their clients. 
4 from 1 rating
Blog Post
In this vlog, PST Joshua Partogi breaks down the 8 hats the Scrum Master wears as a true leader who serves. This topic is discussed in the Professional Scrum Master course with case studies.
5 from 2 ratings
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Seven steps to transitioning to the Product Model for your Agile teams to align your organization around value.
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In this vlog, PST Joshua Partogi explains the flow of an effective Sprint Retrospectives with Kanban metrics.
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Blog Post
Learn how individual incentives and outdated organizational structures — fostering personal agendas and local optimization efforts — manifest themselves in Scrum stakeholder anti-patterns that easily impede any agile transformation to a product-led organization.
5 from 3 ratings
Blog Post
Wir sind uns einig, dass wir nicht mit 8 Teams die Entwicklung eines neuen Produkts beginnen sollten, sondern mit einem. Wie skalieren wir dann auf mehrere Teams hoch, wenn wir an Entwicklungsgeschwindigkeit gewinnen wollen? Vier bewährte Strategien, wie die Skalierung gelingen kann.
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
Puede que estes pensando tu estrategia en agilidad escalada como organización. Puede ya hayas dado ya tus primeros pasos en el desarrollo ágil. Ya estás maduro, pero no tienes claro cual seria tu estrategia en agilidad escalada.
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
Building a product sometimes feels like an endless race, head down, pedal to the metal, let's build it! We all run after something and as a team incrementing our product to be the best possible set of functionalities our users ever wanted, at some point we get out of breath Sprinting. As Scrum Maste...
5 from 2 ratings
Blog Post
Product Ownership is a complex and often confusing idea, but if done right those accountabilities can help the Scrum Team deliver valuable, amazing Products. In this blog, we discuss and address some common concerns about the idea of Product Ownership.
5 from 2 ratings
Blog Post
Liberate your Sprint Review from being just a demo. There is much more to it than that! I'm sharing eight things you should do in the Sprint Review
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
Die Schätzung von Arbeitsaufgaben ist ein schneller Weg für ein Scrum-Team, um herauszufinden, ob alle Teammitglieder das gleiche Verständnis über das Warum, das Was und das Wie der anstehenden Arbeit haben.
0 from 0 ratings
In this episode, Dave interviews PST Sander Dur based in the Netherlands about his experiences. (16:52 Minutes)
5 from 1 rating
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An exploration of scientific insights. And four practical tips to encourage cohesion and coherence in your team.
5 from 2 ratings
Blog Post
La agilidad está de moda y su adopción es un tema pendiente en muchas organizaciones. La agilidad promueve un cambio cultural que se basa en los principios y valores ágiles que llevan a adquirir capacidades de respuesta al cambo para hacer frente a la dinámica del contexto del mercado con foco en la...
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
In this energizing 40th Hands-on Agile ‘Best Test Ever’ session, David Burkus delved into the surprising science of high-performing teams.
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
The work of solving a complex problem (for example, a feature) with interdependent tasks rarely distributes evenly among the people in a cross-functional team. The solution is a team of multi-skilled specialists. A team of multi-talented people experience fewer bottlenecks as they can help overloade...
5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
7 Do-it-yourself workshops and experiments to discover new valuable features through experiments, field testing, and research.
4.5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
There are five events in Scrum.  But just going through the motions and having each of the events on the calendar is not enough.  To get the most out of Scrum, your team needs to understand the purpose behind each of the five events.  
5 from 3 ratings
Blog Post
In my last article, I explained why we need to stop talking about "carryover" and how it's not actually a thing in Scrum. "Carryover" is really just partially done work at the end of a Sprint. Now I will take you deeper and share the 4 common misunderstandings often associated with this concept, and...
3.8 from 5 ratings
Blog Post
Ich habe in den letzten 7 Jahren mit vielen Scrum Teams gearbeitet und bei keinem Team war das Refinement gleich. In jedem Team haben sich die Refinement-Praktiken, die funktioniert haben, mit der Zeit verändert. Hier, findest du meine 4 wichtigsten Lektionen.
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
La gestión de equipos es la capacidad de un individuo o de una organización para administrar y coordinar un grupo de individuos para realizar una tarea. La gestión de equipos implica el trabajo en equipo, la comunicación, la colaboración, el establecimiento de objetivos y la evaluación del rendi...
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
In this short video, PST Joshua Partogi explains why Scrum Master cannot be compared to Agile Coach
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
As the demand for Scrum continues to grow, more people are considering a switch to being a Scrum Master. Changing jobs and careers is a big step. How can you know if it will be the right move for you?
5 from 1 rating