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In this webinar, Dave West, CEO of, continues his discussion on the Agile Product Operating Model, describing the transition to product-friendly organization structures. He will explain how traditional teams and departments can change and provide guidelines for choosing a model for the fut...
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Blog Post
Kontinuierliche Verbesserung klingt in der Theorie großartig: Teams optimieren ihre Prozesse, steigern die Qualität ihrer Arbeit und entwickeln sich stetig weiter. Aber die Praxis zeigt: Es ist oft eine echte Herausforderung, diese Verbesserungen dauerhaft im Arbeitsalltag zu verankern. Warum?
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Blog Post
If you are managing a product, you need to be clear about what drives value and what doesn’t. Not all bug fixes and refactors are worth it.
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
In diesem Artikel warnt PST Simon Flossmann dich vor 3 Fehler, die sich in Sprint-Plannings einschleichen
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Blog Post
Psychologische Sicherheit ist keine nebensächliche „Nettigkeit“ – sie ist die Grundlage für agile Teams, die innovativ sind, sich an Veränderungen anpassen und Ergebnisse liefern.
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Blog Post
The only reason for a Product Owner to exist is to maximize the value of the Product. One of the ways a Product Owner can accomplish this is by ensuring that most valuable items remain at the top of the Product Backlog and the Product Goal underscores their importance. So, how does the Product Owner...
0 from 0 ratings
In this webcast, PST Yuval Yeret (who is also a SAFe Fellow) will explore how to reconcile differences in approach between Professional Scrum and SAFe, address common misconceptions, and tackle frequently asked questions about their coexistence.
4.5 from 2 ratings
Blog Post
Many Scrum Masters see their role as protecting the Scrum Team. But when protection becomes isolation, something is wrong. Shielding a team too much from stakeholders isn't helpful - it hinders collaboration, stifles feedback and erodes trust.
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
Das Sprint Review – eines der zentralsten und spannendsten Events in einem agilen Team, oder?
Naja, theoretisch. In der Praxis empfinden viele es als langweilig, ineffektiv oder reine Pflichtveranstaltung. Viele Scrum-Teams stolpern über typische Fallen und verpassen die Chance, echtes Engagement ...
5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
Psychological safety isn’t about fluffy “niceness”—it is the foundation of agile teams that innovate, adapt, and deliver.
5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
In diesem Artikel erklärt PST Simon Flossmann seine 5 Lieblings-Retrospektiven.
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
Some teams struggle. They flounder in chaos, miss deadlines, and suffer from constant firefighting. Eventually, the pain becomes unbearable, and they take action—hiring an agile coach, changing their approach, or even replacing key team members.
Other teams just get by. They hit their deadlines (so...
5 from 1 rating
In this webinar, Magdalena Firlit, PST and Patricia Kong, Product Owner of Learning at offer tips on how to negotiate with internal stakeholders and also partners external to your organization. Topics include negotiating budget, managing conflict, dealing with stakeholder expectations and ...
4.6 from 4 ratings
Blog Post
Scrum Masters as change agents, often face challenges in becoming effective in their accountability. The reasons behind this can vary, but changes are inherently difficult. People resist change, consciously or unconsciously, and change agents face these challenges on personal, team and organisationa...
5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
Your organization works exactly as it was designed to work. The results you get—good or bad—are not by chance. They come from the way your teams are set up, the people you hire, the decisions you make, and the processes you follow. It might or might not be what you intended, but it is what your desi...
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Blog Post
In vielen Teams wird der Fokus daraufgelegt, dass jedes Mitglied „beschäftigt“ ist und seine Aufgaben möglichst unabhängig erledigt. Doch ist das wirklich der beste Weg zu großartigen Ergebnissen?
Alternativen wie Swarming, Pair-Programming und Mob-Programming werden oft als ineffizient abgetan, d...
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
In diesem Artikel beschreibt PST Simon Flossmann, wie Scrum Master mit Facilitation gängige Problem lösen.
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
The only purpose of doing Scrum is to create a DONE Increment. To get to a DONE Increment, quality is key. In Scrum Teams Definition of Done enables transparency around quality and releasability of the Increment. However, more often than not the Definition of Done stops at meeting acceptance criteri...
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
To stay competitive and relevant as an Agile Practitioner, continuous learning and upskilling in AI are no longer optional but essential for the new world of careers. Take a free AI quiz to see where you stand now.
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Blog Post
Every great product starts with a simple idea: solving a problem in a way that matters to people and businesses alike. But what exactly defines a product—and what doesn’t?
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Blog Post
Los Scrum Master líderes que sirven al desarrollo del equipo Scrum a la vez que protegen una cultura basada en los valores de Scrum para ayudar a maximizar la entrega de valor. Los Scrum Masters efectivos trabajan de muchas maneras para mejorar la adopción de Scrum buscando crear confianza y un crec...
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Blog Post
Scrum - when done well - actually promotes even greater accountability than waterfall, because the Scrum team is accountable for value delivery. And great Scrum teams measure - and reflect upon - customer outcomes so that they can adjust course and improve their ability to deliver value.
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Blog Post
You can't force a team to improve; instead, create the conditions where they want to. Improvement must come from within, and your role as a Scrum Master, leader, or manager is to make that journey possible. In this article, I'll share questions to reflect on and offer tangible recommendations to get...
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Blog Post
In diesem Artikel erklärt PST Simon Flossmann, wie du in 5 Schritten ein Produkt-Ziel definieren kannst.
4.5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
Surfing holds surprising lessons that correlate to leadership in business and all aspects of life. Today's lesson is about measuring success in complex, unpredictable, and rapidly changing environments.
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
Struggling with cross-product initiative ownership? Imagine turning complex, strategic bets into streamlined successes with visionary leadership. Discover how product-oriented initiative owners drive outcomes, foster collaboration, and transform challenges into growth opportunities across teams and ...
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Blog Post
Many organizations hesitate to hire a dedicated Scrum Master for various reasons, but can Scrum still work without one? Find out in this video with PSTs Robert Pieper, Greg Crown, and Jason Malmstadt.
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What is Design Thinking? Design thinking is a human-centered approach to innovation that draws from the designer’s toolkit to integrate the needs of people, the possibilities of technology, and the requirements for business success.* Design Thinking does not have a single definition, it has evolved ...
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Case Study
PashaPay, a leading Azerbaijani fintech, faced challenges with misalignment, transparency, and adaptability in product development. By adopting the Creating Agile Organizations (CAO) approach and Professional Scrum, they restructured their teams, introduced shared goals, and empowered leadership to ...
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Blog Post
Leverage the Taskade AI tool to upgrade your Estimation process. It is like a Scrum Team member with a lot of knowledge with which you can have meaningful conversations. So, try it.
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Blog Post
An Increment in Scrum must be both useful and usable to deliver value. Explore the differences between these two key qualities, why they matter, and how your Scrum Team can ensure every Increment solves real problems and is ready to be leveraged by users.
3.5 from 2 ratings
PSTs Simon Flossmann and Stas Pavlov tackle listener questions about the challenges they are facing with their Product Backlog in this (recorded) live and interactive session. (1:00:56 hour)
5 from 2 ratings
Blog Post
Ser un desarrollador efectivo no consiste únicamente en escribir código. Las habilidades para resolver problemas de manera colaborativa y mejorar de manera continua son fundamentales.
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Blog Post
Warum „Done“ das Herzstück von Scrum ist
In Scrum ist „Done“ weit mehr als nur ein Begriff—es ist das zentrale Konzept, das sicherstellt, dass ein Produktinkrement tatsächlich einsatzbereit ist. Ohne eine klare Definition of Done (DoD) ist empirisches Arbeiten in Scrum unmöglich, da Transparenz, I...
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
So bringen Sie Ihr Produkt-Backlog zur Maximierung der Wertschöpfung für Kunden und Organisation in Ordnung.
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Blog Post
In diesem Artikel teilt PST Simon Flossmann seine beste 3 Workshop-Energizer.
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Blog Post
Scrum has been around for almost 30 years now yet there are so many misconceptions about what needs to be done and how it can be done effectively. Even today, as I coach and consult many teams I often see that the purpose of events is mostly lost. And people simply go through the motions, probably t...
5 from 1 rating
On this episode of the Women in Agile podcast, Emily Lint sits down with Paula Susman to discuss people managers and agile transformations; what is and is not necessary as an Agilist to help managers transform and how do you set yourself and managers or leaders up for success in the long run to let ...
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Product operating model transformations frequently fall short of expectations, often due to hasty implementation, overemphasis on processes, and insufficient preparation. This whitepaper examines the root causes of these challenges and identifies four key indicators of a struggling transformation: p...
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An online version of The Evidence-Based Management Guide
5 from 2 ratings
Blog Post
Many Scrum Masters struggle to coach Product Owners beyond the bounds of the Scrum Guide. This guide offers a practical 30-day approach to building core product management context.
5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
In this vlog, PST Joshua Partogi shares an overview on Evidence-Based Management to measure effectiveness in an organisation, regardless of whether they're using Scrum or Kanban.
4.5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
Ordering a Product Backlog ensures that every step taken, every backlog item worked, is a step towards delivering value, satisfying stakeholders, and making the best use of the team's capabilities.
5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
Management by exception is the idea that we should manage the things that are off track, rather than giving focus to things that are going well. In the context of the Daily Scrum, this could be done by asking open ended questions intended to find out if there are any issues that need to be discusse...
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Blog Post
What gets measured gets managed. But setting OKRs isn't enough. The flow and traction of OKRs need to be managed as well - otherwise, you'll find yourself in the OKR swamp.
Using an OKR Kanban can help you both see the swamp and improve the flow and traction of OKRs.
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Blog Post
How to Align Teams with Stakeholders, and Finally Fix Your Product Backlog.
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
In diesem Artikel erklärt PST Simon Flossmann, 5 Problem die Scrum Teams langsam machen.
5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
Surfing holds surprising lessons that correlate to leadership in business and all aspects of life. Today's lesson is about learning through intentional practice.
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
In Cascais last year at our trainer meetup, we asked, "What are the principles of CAO?"
Initially, we saw the Guides in the book as potential principles, but the question stayed with me...
Now, back in Cascais for some remote work, I’ve distilled those guides into these principles. Here they are:
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Blog Post
In Scrum, a valuable Increment delivers meaningful outcomes to users, not just features. Explore how value is subjective, how to understand your users’ needs, and why releasing frequently is key to ensuring your Increment truly moves toward the Product Goal.
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