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Relieving Product Owner’s Burden

November 14, 2024
In my experience, if you have correctly defined the product (or product family), the Product Owner inevitably becomes someone at the Board−1 or Board−2 level (in the worst case). But now that you have a real Product Owner on board, a new problem arises: this person is incredibly busy. How can you relieve their workload? Through delegation. And delegation can be done either to the teams or by creating a Product Owner Team.
Blog Post

Enabling Multifunctional Learning

May 14, 2023
Scrum Masters and management, when faced with failures in their initiatives related to multifunctional learning, conclude that people do not want to learn. But people are glad to learn when organizational design supports multifunctional development.
Blog Post

Mitosis and Express Kickoff

April 4, 2023
In this article I share the case of mitosis – splitting a large team of 19 people into two independent feature teams working from a single Product Backlog. After the division, I helped the teams create a common identity and agree on norms of conduct. This case is just an episode of Agile transformation in a business unit of several hundred people.
Blog Post

Product Titanics - How Modern Organizations Waste Adaptability

March 1, 2023
In the quest for short-term gains and rapid productivity, organizations are sacrificing their long-term agility and adaptability, just like the Titanic did. But fear not! We can learn from history and prevent ourselves from meeting the same fate. So, let's explore how companies can avoid becoming the next Titanic and instead chart a course for long-term success.
Blog Post

Develop Enterprise Agility With Product Groups

February 23, 2023
In a context of an enterprise a cross-functional team is not enough. A concept of a Product Group that extends cross-functional team is helpful. A Product Group is a semi-autonomous unit with P&L responsibility that consists of cross-functional teams, shared functions, systems and roles. Multiple Product Groups in an enterprize optimize for learning and adaptability. They are augmented with shared services that create economies of scale and optimize for efficiency. That's the prototype of an Agile Organization.
Blog Post

Guiding Teams in Multi-Skill Development

May 31, 2022
The work of solving a complex problem (for example, a feature) with interdependent tasks rarely distributes evenly among the people in a cross-functional team. The solution is a team of multi-skilled specialists. A team of multi-talented people experience fewer bottlenecks as they can help overloaded team members, and therefore reduce the time to solve a complex problem end-to-end. The team develops multi-skilled members by working in three preferred modes: pairing, mob-programming, and swarming continuously. Some other techniques are: StarMap, visualizing the flow of work, and Slack Time.
Blog Post

Guiding the Organization in Multi-Skill Development

May 23, 2022
Working from a single product backlog creates an inevitable knowledge gap in single-skilled team members. Over time, team members develop secondary or even tertiary skills and become multi-skilled specialists. On an organizational level introduce cross-functional managers that focus on the whole team development. Also you need to create a system of human operations that supports multi-skilled specialists.
Blog Post

The Critical Agile Organization Design Guidelines

April 24, 2022
Many problems at the workplace are not the fault of the individual managers or teams. They are often the result of working in an organizational design(OD) that impedes rather than supports Agility. The OD determines, to a large extent, how people cooperate, the prevailing mental models, and how work gets done. To change all of this takes time and requires people to unlearn old lessons and relearn new ones that support Agility. 
Blog Post

Multi-Functional Learning is the Heart of Agility

March 10, 2020
In this article, we shall investigate why the learning and development of multi-functional specialists in Scrum is the core of organizational Agility and value optimization. Many Development Teams are not collaborating as real teams, but as a collection of narrow specialists focused on "their" tasks (QA, Backend, iOS, Android).
Blog Post

Enhance Agility With Refinement

February 3, 2020
Product Backlog Refinement (PBR) is an ongoing process in Scrum. But in a scaled Scrum, complexity vastly increases, and Refinement becomes mandatory. In this article, I will explain how you can use Refinement to your advantage and enhance organizational agility.
Blog Post

Designing a Team Culture

April 13, 2019
Teams are becoming the fundamental organizational entity, individual responsibility is being replaced by that of the team. But responsibility does not come about all by itself.
Blog Post

Почему фокус на индивидуальной занятости снижает скорость команды (часть I)

October 16, 2018
Это первая из серии статей, в которых мы вместе будем исследовать вопрос узких специалистов в Скрам-командах, теорию очередей, системную/локальную оптимизации и обучение в командах.
Blog Post

Скрам-мастер как лидер-слуга (russian)

September 30, 2018
В 1970 году Роберт Гринлиф дал рождение парадоксальному термину “лидер-слуга”. Кажется, что слова “лидер” и “слуга” кажутся противоположностями друг другу. Но в этой парадоксальности заложен глубокий смысл. Вот что пишет о "лидере-слуге" Роберт Гринлиф:
Blog Post

DoD defines agility

August 15, 2018
Big organizations use Scrum as a driver of agility. But often after launching, management start focusing on the speed of development instead of quality. DoD is often weak and the company's agility is reduced as a result.
Blog Post

Open Space and Scrum

November 11, 2017
Open Space is one of the methods that allows organizations to make inspirational meetings and events. I was lucky enough to use Open Space in various contexts, with Scrum Teams. The concept has always worked.
Blog Post

A Systemic View on the Role of the Scrum Master

September 23, 2017
In this article, I suggest that you take a look at the role of a Scrum Master with a help of causal loop diagrams. They help to see a bigger picture of what is happening over time. Quite often, we observe the cause-and-effect relationships on a short-time horizon period, and do not notice when the links are spaced in time.
Blog Post

Why the Product Owner Needs Power

August 31, 2017
In Scrum, the Product Owner is an entrepreneur and the mini-CEO of a product, who is able to make fast decisions. The success of the Scrum Team and company as a whole depends on whether the Product Owner is real.
Blog Post

How To Ensure That Scrum Teams Launch Successfully

August 24, 2017
Most of the Agile transformations I have witnessed have started like this: First, a company raises a strategic initiative on so-called Agile implementation. A large budget is allocated and a tender is arranged to purchase Agile coaching services from companies on the market. Then employees are trained, and the pilot teams start working. However, they immediately stall, because there is lots of tension between them and an old cultural landscape.
Blog Post

When Product Backlog Is A Mess

June 27, 2017
I work with a lot of companies that are learning to use Scrum as a tool for agility driver. Recently, I spotted a trend: if a Scrum Team cannot articulate their Sprint Goal, the problem quite often lies with the Product Backlog.
Blog Post

Sprint Review: Much More Than Just A Demo

June 5, 2017
Many of those practicing Scrum mistakenly call the Sprint Review a Demo. Is it just a matter of terminology? From my point of view, the Sprint Review is the most underestimated Scrum Event, and for many companies, its potential is yet to be revealed. It is true that the Demonstration or Demo is an essential part of the Sprint Review, but it isn't the only one.
Blog Post

Agile Clock

May 18, 2015
Do you want to pass a small test? It is very simple - please reproduce in the exact sequence literally four values of ​​Agile Manifesto.
Blog Post

With A Little Help From My Friends

August 12, 2014
We shall talk about the most important, from my point of view, team’s trait - Helping Each Other. After discussion I will give you a powerful game that can help you to foster and promote real “one for all, all for one” team spirit.