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Intro to Scrum (8 of 16): What is a Sprint?

February 16, 2023
For those new to the concepts of Scrum and its framework, Sprints can be a topic of curiosity. Does it mean sprinting to the end as fast as possible? Do we have any downtime between Sprints? And most importantly, what's the point of a Sprint? Learn all about the Sprint as it is defined in the Scrum Guide in this vlog.
Blog Post

How to Get Scrum Teams Comfortable Asking for Help

February 15, 2023
Many of us find it difficult to ask for help at work, which is a problem if you are part of a Scrum Team. Interdependence and collaboration are central to Scrum, but these practices don’t always come naturally to those new to the framework. In this post, we explore the incorrect assumptions tied up in asking for help and actions a Scrum Master can take to create the best conditions for a strong interdependent and collaborative team.
Blog Post

[VLOG] Think of your Sprint Review

February 15, 2023
Is your Sprint Review effective? In this VLOG, I explain the foundation of the Sprint Review event concisely and precisely containing 4 questions to trigger you to think of improving your way of conducting the Sprint Review.
Blog Post

Accountability and Delivery

February 13, 2023
Accountability is the act of being answerable or accountable for something. It is a key component of any successful organisation. In this blog post, we will cover the benefits of organisational accountability and how it can help you improve value delivery.
Blog Post

Scrum Master Guide: Everything You Need to Know to Get Started

February 13, 2023
Scrum is a popular Agile project management framework that has been adopted by organizations worldwide. A Scrum Master is a critical member of a Scrum Team, responsible for facilitating the process and ensuring the team follows Scrum practices. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about being a Scrum Master, including the role and responsibilities, the skills you’ll need, and how to get started.
Blog Post

Effektive Kommunikation: Wie du mit nur 3 Facilitation-Methoden die wichtigste Fähigkeit in deinem Scrum Team förderst

February 13, 2023
Wenn die Scrum Events in deinem Team aktuell noch so aussehen: - In Meetings reden alle durcheinander. - Larry wiederholt sich ständig, wie eine Schallplatte, die einen Sprung hat. - Am Ende findet immer nur die lauteste Stimme Gehör. Dann ist es Zeit, dies zu ändern! Lies weiter und du erfährst, wie du mit nur 3 Facilitation-Methoden die Kommunikation in deinem Scrum Team förderst.
Blog Post

🇮🇹 Creare prodotti complessi - L'esempio Spacex

February 8, 2023
Creare prodotti complessi impone una strategia di sviluppo centrata sull'esplorazione di soluzioni incrementali. SpaceX è un'ottimo esempio di come un prodotto evolve nel tempo, facendo tesoro dell'esperienza. Spesso, in formazione o in clientela, mi sento dire che è impossibile sviluppare prodotti fisici in modo iterativo e incrementale. "Sai Fabio, questo non è software, noi facciamo prodotti fisici complessi". Ok ok, capisco 😊.
Blog Post

Die 3 schlimmsten Fehler mit Working-Agreements – und wie Scrum Master diese für immer vermeiden

February 6, 2023
Unternehmen erwarten, dass Scrum Master eine respektvolle Kultur schaffen. Working-Agreements sind eine einfache Möglichkeit, Respekt im Team zu fördern. Leider ist es ebenso einfach dabei Fehler zu machen. Fehler, die Teammitglieder zu Einzelkämpfern werden lassen. Fehler, die zu keinen wirksamen Verbesserungen in der Retrospektive führen. Fehler, die dazu führen, dass neue Mitglieder im Team nicht wirklich ankommen. Erfahren Scrum Master übernimmt die Verantwortung, dass diese Fehler nicht passieren. Wenn du auch bereit bist, diese Verantwortung zu übernehmen und dabei diese Fehler vermeiden willst, dann lies weiter…
Blog Post

Intro to Scrum (4 of 16): What is a Scrum Team?

February 3, 2023
Is a Scrum team like a rugby team where everyone works together to move the ball? Or is it more like a golf team where we add up the scores of all the individual members at the end? Watch this video to find out what the Scrum Guide definition says and what that all really means to you.

Descubrimiento de producto con Lean Startup

February 3, 2023
El descubrimiento de productos es el proceso de investigar, probar y validar ideas para nuevos productos o características usando Lean Startup. Para garantizar que se satisfagan las necesidades de negocio y que se proporcione valor es estrictamente necesario descubrir que quieren los clientes. El objetivo es identificar oportunidades y tomar decisiones informadas sobre qué productos o características construir y cómo construirlos antes de ejecutarlos. Uno de las mejores maneras de usar esto del descubrimiento de producto es lo que ahora te lo comento.
Blog Post

What is the Increment?

February 3, 2023
We have a Product Owner, a Product Goal, and a Product Backlog in Scrum. Why don’t we have a Product but an Increment? Read this blog to understand the reasoning behind the naming.
Blog Post

Why Should I Use Personal Scrum?

February 3, 2023
For 10 years I have been using an adapted version of Scrum to organise my personal and professional life. I call this the Personal Scrum System. The Personal Scrum System is simple and it can help you achieve your Goals, whatever they might be.

La visión de producto

February 1, 2023
En la gestión de producto la visión de producto es muy importante para proveer motivación y propósito al equipo de Scrum y el alineamiento con el negocio. Con una visión apropiada la autogestión llega a tener sentido para orientar adecuadamente el foco del esfuerzo compartido para entregar valor.
Blog Post

Self-Managing: Scrum’s Most Misunderstood Phrase 

February 1, 2023
Self-managing doesn’t mean that the Scrum Team — or the Scrum Master — is all-powerful.  (Sorry, not sorry!)  It means that the organization gives the Scrum Team the mandate to deliver value according to the product vision and goal within a set of guardrails.  
Blog Post

Lean Startup and Scrum

January 31, 2023
Lean Startup provides an approach to delivering breakthrough businesses. It does that by focusing on learning and working with customers and stakeholders to explore the problem and product space. By connecting the ideas of Lean Startup with Scrum practitioners have a blueprint for exploring risk and value. In this blog, we discuss how the two approaches can work together.
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Scrum auf einem Blick: Scrum in 11 Schritten erklärt

January 30, 2023
Der Scrum Guide leistet bereits eine gute Arbeit, das Scrum-Rahmenwerk in seiner Ganzheit zu erklären. Für Scrum-Neulinge ist diese Darstellung zu theoretisch, sie suchen als ersten Einstieg einen Schnelldurchlauf durch einen Sprint. Wenn du weiter liest, dann bekommst du diesen Schnelldurchlauf.
Blog Post

The Future of Agile Roles != The Future of Agility

January 26, 2023
The story of Capital One laying off hundreds of people in Agile roles is making the rounds. I have no direct connection to Capital One, so I can’t comment about what’s going on there. I'll just say that based on what I hear from people who've been involved, the reality is more complex than it seems on the surface. Check out my thoughts about the future of agile roles and agility in general.

Porqué no te recomendamos usar story points ni velocity

January 26, 2023
En cada interacción que tengo con un equipo ágil, siempre sale la conversación de la velocity y los story points. Siempre siempre siempre, no falla nunca. Y siempre, eso en un punto de inflexión en la relación que tengo con el cliente o las personas que estén compartiendo una capacitación conmigo. Básicamente, unen siempre story points y velocity a Scrum, cosa que no es cierta, ya que nunca han sido mencionados en la guía Scrum. Dejadme explicar porqué recomendamos usar story points ni velocity en tus equipos explicando que son estos 2 conceptos.

El Scrum Master entrega servicios de Coaching Ágil

January 26, 2023
Los mejores Scrum Masters nutren y aumentan sus habilidades y experiencia de coaching ágil con el tiempo, enfocándose en varias áreas que sienten que los ayudarán a ser más eficientes y efectivos. Si bien las técnicas de entrenamiento, consultoría, mentoría, entrenamiento, invisible pero presente y facilitación son las herramientas principales del Scrum Master, saber cuándo y cómo usar una herramienta, técnica o enfoque específico es esencial para que un Scrum Master pueda ayudar a entregar valor.
Blog Post

Machst du diese 5 Fehler, wenn du bei der Meeting-Moderation auf „schwierige Personen“ triffst?

January 23, 2023
Nichts ist alarmierender als eine solche Aussage: „Sprich bitte in der Pause mit der Labertasche, das halte ich nicht mehr aus!“ Wirst du als Moderator eines Meetings von einem Teilnehmer so angesprochen, sollten alle Alarmglocken läuten. Jetzt wird es höchste Zeit, zu handeln. Unerfahrene Moderatoren begehen reihenweise die gleichen Fehler! Willst du nicht als unerfahren abgestempelt werden, lies weiter. Ich verrate dir fünf „schwierige Personentypen“, auf die ich in den vergangenen Jahren gestoßen bin. Und ich zeige dir, wie du Fehler vermeidest, die ich in diesen Situationen gemacht habe.