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Blog Post
People who attend the PSM course or the Professional Scrum Foundations (PSF) course are given two attempts at passing the Professional Scrum Master I assessment.
3.8 from 4 ratings
Blog Post
In this blog article, we provide a quick overview of the most viewed blog articles over the past 18 months, giving readers insight into what they mind valuable to read.
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
Agile Metrics are meant to serve certain purpose(s) and can be very useful if leveraged appropriately. In this series, I want to share my experiences of how metrics may be used, abused and effectively become focal point of failure of Agile adoption in an organization.
4.7 from 6 ratings
Blog Post
One of the new concepts we introduce in the Kanban Guide for Scrum Teams is the Service Level Expectation, defined as: An SLE forecasts how long it should take a given item to flow from start to finish within your workflow.
4.8 from 20 ratings
Blog Post
In the Kanban Guide for Scrum Teams and the Professional Scrum with Kanban workshop, we introduce 4 key flow metrics that we believe Scrum teams can use to improve their flow.
4.9 from 88 ratings
Blog Post
As a servant-leader, the Scrum Master sometimes has to make very difficult decisions. This might even include removing someone from the Scrum Team. Obviously, this a difficult decision that should not be taken light-hearted. In this post, we'll share some perspectives on the kinds of situations wher...
4 from 2 ratings
Blog Post
It is beyond debate I'm afraid; business projects are prone to failure – particularly large and complex projects. There is some irony in that, no? The more you hope to achieve, the more likely you are to be unsuccessful. Learn how the tech industry uses the Scrum Framework to curb failure and delive...
4 from 82 ratings
Blog Post
I often use innovative games as a useful addition for Sprint Reviews. They help clients better understand and thus improve the product. One of my favourite games is the Speed Boat. The Speed Boat game explores user’s pains and jobs.
3.3 from 2 ratings
Blog Post
One of the reasons Scrum allows opportunistic discovery is due to its short and fast feedback loops. With the aim to build a high-performing Team and to get the best potential out of each individual and to help them be successful, Agile Coach needs to provide straight feedback to them. But giving st...
2.6 from 116 ratings
Blog Post
If you give a developer a verbal warning for surfing social media all day, you are crushing their autonomy. Insisting on core hours of 10am-4pm violates self-organisation. Personal development plans are so PRINCE II. Right? Well, maybe. On the other hand, having someone relatively experienced and...
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
Last year, Stefan Wolpers and Age of Product conducted a Scrum Master Salary Survey of the agile community. The effort resulted in the Scrum Master Salary Report 2017. This year will be joining this survey effort with Stefan Wolpers and Age of Product, with the goal of collecting data from...
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
Over the years, the tools we use to develop and deploy applications are significantly more robust, and most companies are working to become more efficient with their processes. But what is the next step toward improvement in software development? New expectations.
0 from 0 ratings
In this Scrum Tapas video, Professional Scrum Trainer Rich Visotcky gives viewers insight into a Scrum Team he was a part of at a bank from their beginning. Rich discusses the background as to why Scrum was adopted, how they built out their vision and honed in on value. You'll be amazed at the milli...
3.4 from 150 ratings
Blog Post
Hello great people of the world. Welcome back to Professional Software Delivery with Scrum (PSD) blog series with yours truly. This time we're going talk about how to use Scrum And DevOps. I am interested to discuss this topic because it's quite common I get a question from someone in the agile comm...
5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
When coaching for organizations, I am often met at the doors of the cathedral by exasperated management.  Frustrated for how Scrum is transformed to meet personal agendas and bias. 
5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
“Most executives, many scientists, and almost all business school graduates believe that if you analyze data, this will give you new ideas. Unfortunately, this belief is totally wrong. The mind can only see what it is prepared to see.” - Edward de Bono If you are ever hired as an agile coach,...
4.7 from 69 ratings
Blog Post
I would like to discuss Scrum and XP because I often get a question "When should I use Scrum or XP?" from people in the community.
3.8 from 4 ratings
Blog Post
We regularly work with teams that see the Daily scrum as irrelevant, disruptive, and boring. They are often right. Here are three common anti-patterns and three potential solutions.
3.8 from 3 ratings
Blog Post
Working as a Scrum Master I asked myself... "How do I know if my team are demonstrating the Scrum Values? What can I use to show their current state?" Remembering an exercise I did some years ago whist at my local Agile group - Agile Yorkshire, I thought I could use a "Spider Web" to visua...
4.8 from 462 ratings
Blog Post
In this series, I want to Introduce some helpful tips for Scrum Masters on “Systems Thinking” - a diagnostic Tool and a disciplined approach for examining problems more completely and accurately before acting. Lights on! Camera ! Read the Scripts, Role Play , Post me back the experimentati...
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
I’m lucky enough to work with different teams on a regular basis. In some cases, these teams have been doing scrum for years. These teams have become highly proficient when it comes to the events in Scrum. They always have Done software to be inspected at the Sprint Review. They have excellent, deep...
4.1 from 14 ratings
This short video provides an overview of the Scaled Professional Scrum with Nexus (SPS). In this video, course stewards and Professional Scrum Trainers (PSTs) Ravi Verma and Fredrik Wendt give you insight into the structure of the class and what you will learn over the 2 days. (
0 from 0 ratings
This short video provides an overview of the Professional Scrum Master (PSM) course created by Scrum co-creator and our founder Ken Schwaber. Course stewards and Professional Scrum Trainers (PSTs) Stephanie Ockerman and Simon Reindl give you insight into the structure of the class and wha...
0 from 0 ratings
In this presentation from Scrum Day India, Professional Scrum Trainer Venkatesh Rajamani discusses how self-organization is not about eliminating leaders, but rethinking their role in a more balanced way. (51:32 minutes)
0 from 0 ratings
In this webinar, we provide an overview of Nexus, describe how it is being used around the world to help organizations scale their Agile efforts with Scrum. Our presenters then demonstrate how these real-world scenarios using Nexus can be applied within the VersionOne Lifecycle solution. 
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
As an Agile Coach, you frequently encounter situations which demand quick thinking to get things moving in the right direction. Over time I have found few techniques which come out handy and always keep these in my playbook in case need arise. This is first part in the series of tools that I have fo...
5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
Try organizing a party in a “Yes, but…” atmosphere. The result is probably a zillion obstacles identified, but no party.
4.5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
TRIZ is a facilitation technique to stop counterproductive activities and make space for innovation.
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
"The most important metrics are: did we execute the way in which we said we would, and did we deliver the value to the business that we had promised?" - Jamie S. Miller In an earlier post we took a critical look at metrics and at how easily they can be abused. Pretty much anything can be meas...
3.3 from 353 ratings
Blog Post
Chris is a true example of an new type of leader. Not because he is a great speaker, nor because he has a big vision or has world changing ideas. Just because of one seemingly simple skill. A skill which is very hard to master. He recognizes the defining moments when he has to live the ambition. He ...
0 from 0 ratings
In this episode of Agile.FM, host Jochen Krebs talks with Steve Porter who is a Professional Scrum Trainer on staff, working closely with the PST community at where he is also responsible for the curriculum.
2.4 from 96 ratings
Blog Post
Today we announced a new class Professional Scrum With Kanban. This class helps teams practicing Scrum to apply the practices of Kanban without breaking Scrum. It shows how visualization and flow are great partners in delivering Done software and how Scrum with Kanban helps teams become more profess...
3.9 from 5 ratings
Blog Post
Scaling is a popular strategy these days: scaling innovation, scaling agile, scaling whole organizations. But scaling can easily undermine agile principles like focus and minimal viable product, and the abilities to deliver, learn quickly, and pivot decisively when required.
4.8 from 3 ratings
Blog Post
I have recently been helping a new Scrum team get started with the framework and helping them to set themselves up with the best chance of being successful with Scrum. After a two week sprint in which they did deliver an increment and learned a lot about the product that they would be work on, it...
0 from 0 ratings
Professional Scrum Trainer David Dame didn't speak until the age of 12. Born with Cerebral Palsy he has used his every day challenges to help companies and individuals become more adaptive, more understanding and more engaged with one another. A fabulously insightful interview with a truly inspirati...
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
Being a professional with a disability is like working two careers:  The one I get compensation for - leading organizations to adapt continuous change. The other career - managing an organization of personal support workers to allow me to have a full life. 
4.5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
Recently I worked with a new customer in Denver to help them move towards a greater degree of Scrum in their software development. The idea that Scrum is for everyone in your organisation is kind of new, but it reflects the modern understanding of the way people work, and the rejection of Taylorism ...
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
Improve your Scrum events with the Liberating Structure “1-2-4-All”. Unfold open conversations and sift ideas and solutions in rapid fashion. Your Scrum events (and other meetings, events, workshops) will never be the same!
4.5 from 200 ratings
Blog Post
Stop the traditional introduction rounds and start using Impromptu Networking. A facilitating technique to rapidly share challenges and expectations and build new connections.
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
Back in the early days of Scrum, the Scrum Master role was exciting. The days of the pigs & chickens, the days when being a Scrum Master was considered dangerous. In those times there was the saying a dead Scrum Master is a useless Scrum Master  And even today I still use that when selecting a...
0.5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
The Sprint is one of the five Scrum events.  In my Professional Scrum Courses, this is the event that people often forget about because it is a container event, not necessarily something you distinctly schedule on the calendar.
4.3 from 220 ratings
Blog Post
Specify only the absolute “must dos” and “must not dos” for achieving a purpose. Ideal for creating a Definition of Done, a Minimal Viable Product or a Team Manifest.
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
It’s been a year since I joined the Professional Scrum Trainers Community. 2018 marks my fifth year in teaching Scrum. Allow me to reflect on this journey. In the beginning, I would literally run to another building, which was at least a block away, to meet my colleagues very eager to ...
5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
In August 2015, Ken Schwaber and introduced the Nexus framework to the public via the Nexus Guide, the definitive guide to scaling Scrum. Today, on January 17, 2018, we release the first update to the Nexus Guide.
0 from 0 ratings
An online version of The Definitive Guide to Nexus
4.6 from 164 ratings
Blog Post
In this article we’ll bust the myth that in Scrum too much time is spend in meetings. We’ll not only describe how time-consuming the Scrum events factually are, but also clarify the purpose and importance. After explaining the origins of this myth, we’ll offer some practical tips to prevent or resol...
4.9 from 19 ratings
Case Study
With Scrum, World Servants Product Owners are able to identify which of their requests are higher priority and should be completed first. In turn, they also use Scrum to help them collectively agree on which backlog items should be assigned to the IT department in the next Scrum Sprint - a time-box ...
2 from 1 rating
Blog Post
Everyone building software products today aspire to be able to seamlessly update the production software in a continuous manner. To be able to deploy code without the ‘normal’ friction of process controls, reviews, test departments and committee meetings.
3.7 from 223 ratings
Blog Post
Every day I wake up and wonder, “Where am I”? Where am I going? I was not clear on where am I heading. I started as a Java developer in EDS- Electronic Data Systems and Progressed through the various assignment. But what my Institution gave me? Institutions are just cloning people, and every...
3.5 from 3 ratings
Blog Post
Do you ever influence or coach people? How? Do you use a gut feel approach or do you have coaching patterns that you use? I have several coaching patterns that I step through when trying to influence people. I also have a strategy for using these patterns. Let me share with you with an example ...
3.4 from 187 ratings