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Learning Series
The Sprint Review is a working meeting where the Scrum Team presents their completed work to stakeholders and asks for feedback. The Scrum Team and stakeholders discuss the progress made toward the Product Goal, emerging changes in the business or technical climate and collaborate on what to do next
Learning Series
To keep work moving smoothly, the Developers get together for 15 minutes every day to focus on the Sprint Goal and to plan the upcoming day’s work. During the Daily Scrum, they identify any issues they need help in resolving, ask for help when they need it and adjust the Sprint Backlog, if necessary.
In this recorded session of Ask a Professional Scrum Trainer, Reshma (Simran) Nagrani answers questions about the Scrum Master Accountability, estimations, metrics, facilitation techniques and more! (58:45 Minutes)
5 from 3 ratings
Learning Series
Every Sprint starts with Sprint Planning where the Scrum Team determines what they plan to accomplish during the course of the Sprint. They make this transparent by creating a Sprint Backlog including the Sprint Goal, the selected Product Backlog Items and the Developers’ plan for delivering the work
Learning Series
To help ensure that the work the Scrum Team delivers is valuable, they need to work together, share ideas and responsibilities and have team ownership while also working closely with their stakeholders, including customers and end users.
Learning Series
The five Scrum Events provide regular opportunities for enacting the Scrum pillars of Inspection, Adaptation and Transparency. In addition, they help teams keep aligned with the Sprint and Product Goals, improve Developer productivity, remove impediments and reduce the need to schedule too many additional meetings.
Blog Post
This article describes how I used the Org Topologies™ Map to coach a team toward ownership of their own agile transformation journey. Read this article to learn how Org Topologie™s can be applied to coaching the agnostic, framework-free thinking tool.
0 from 0 ratings
Learning Series
Scrum Teams need to make decisions all the time. Helping teams reach a decision effectively, and gaining necessary buy-in from all team members can be challenging, especially when team members are unclear on who has the final say in making it. Understanding the decision rule, how a decision is made and whose input is required, is necessary because ambiguity in the decision process causes confusion and frustration.
When it comes to Scrum Teams delivering value effectively, collaboration is key within the team and also externally. Scrum Teams should work closely with their stakeholders and engage and collaborate with them closely during the Sprint to gain valuable insights proactively. This enables them to insp...
4.9 from 16 ratings
Blog Post
What is SAFe’s perspective on the Product Owner role? How does it differ from the Scrum Guide? Why is Product Ownership split to Product Owner and Product Manager in SAFe? SAFe’s approach to Product Ownership draws quite a bit of criticism. As a Professional Scrum Trainer who’s also a SAFe Fellow...
4.9 from 4 ratings
Blog Post
Mito: El Scrum Master actúa como policía para que se use Scrum. Esta es una metáfora para representar un Scrum Master que se enfoca más en el cumplimiento de Scrum de una forma mecánica sin usar los valores de Scrum ni enfocarse en la autogestión. El Policía de Scrum actua de forma impositiva y dire...
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
Solving your customers’ problems in a complex environment requires communication skills, empathy, patience, diplomacy, and professionalism. So let’s have a look at some typical agile negotiation scenarios.
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
La dirección y la gerencia de las organizaciones son claves para instaurar una cultura, estrategia y diseño organizativo que favorezcan la agilidad empresarial. En este artículo doy 5 ideas prácticas para ello sobre el caso de estudio de GymTonic.
5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
„Scrum funktioniert bei uns nicht!“ So lautet häufig die Reaktion auf meine Arbeit als Scrum Master. Ich höre diesen Satz bestimmt bei jedem agilen Coaching, Training oder Workshop mindestens einmal. Bei genauerer Nachfrage höre ich immer wieder die gleichen Probleme. Wie die Top 6 der „Scrum...
4.5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
En el contexto que vamos a describir, un developer en Scrum se refiere a un miembro del equipo de desarrollo de software que trabaja en la creación, diseño, implementación y entrega del producto de software.
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
As Agile practitioners, we know the importance of being adaptable and embracing change. Yet, we’re all creatures of habit, and breaking free from our habitual behaviours can be challenging. While habits can provide comfort and predictability, they can also hinder our growth and limit our ability to ...
5 from 2 ratings
Blog Post
Not all stakeholders are the same and hence we can't apply the same communication strategy to all. In this article, we have 3 steps of the Stakeholder Communication Strategy.
3.5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
Each of the Scrum Artifacts is inspected in one or more Scrum Events to detect undesired variances. So is the Product Backlog. Go check it out!
5 from 1 rating
Learn the importance of Psychological Safety on Scrum Teams. (19:06 Minutes)
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
A workshop that enables teams and management to clearly express essential needs to use Scrum more effectively
4.5 from 3 ratings
Blog Post
„Wie kann ich eine Retrospektive online durchführen?“, lautet eine Frage, die ich in letzter Zeit oft gehört habe. Die Fragenden suchen nach einem einfachen Format, welches sich online bewährt hat. Nach jahrelangen Erfahrungen mit Online-, Offline- und hybriden Retrospektiven lautet der wichtigst...
0 from 0 ratings
Learning Series
Guidance for how to prepare to earn the Professional Scrum Facilitation Skills certification.
Blog Post
The Scrum Guide gives us a maximum one-month timebox for the Sprint. That means while it can’t be longer than a month, it can — and likely needs to be — shorter. So, how do we choose the right Sprint length for our product? In this article, I share three questions to determine the right Sprint lengt...
4.7 from 9 ratings
Blog Post
A good Scrum Master is like a Swiss army knife, able to adapt to any situation and provide the team with the tools it needs to succeed. 
4.8 from 2 ratings
Blog Post
The phrase 'accountable but blameless' is my new favorite phrase because it captures so much about positive team culture in Scrum.
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
Scrum Master investieren zu viel Zeit in das Lernen von Methoden, Prozessen und Rahmenwerken. Ich schließe mich selbst dabei nicht aus! Es ist doch so: Als Scrum Master, sind wir für die stetige Veränderung im Unternehmen verantwortlich. Die Änderung gelingt nur im Dialog. Was du als Sc...
4.5 from 3 ratings
Blog Post
La frase “Las personas que mejor saben cómo mejorar el trabajo son las personas que hacen el trabajo” es una declaración. Esa declaración enfatiza la importancia de escuchar y valorar las opiniones. Además también resalta obtener comentarios de quienes están más involucrados en una tarea o tra...
4 from 1 rating
Blog Post
Each Scrum Event serves Inspection, the second pillar of Empiricism. So does the Sprint itself. How? Find out ...
0 from 0 ratings
PSTs Martin Hinshelwood and Simon Reindl have come across some chatter about Product Management being obsolete. PST Ralph Jocham joins to discuss the differences between Product Owners and Product Managers, and whether this chatter holds any truth. (59:27)
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
Die zehn wichtigsten Gründe Ihren Teams auf dem Weg zur Agilität zu vertrauen
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
„Können wir nicht einfach so ein Meeting machen und einfach reden, ohne ein besonderes Format? Es fühlt sich so natürlicher an.“ Welche Probleme entstehen ohne einen Facilitator? Aus meiner Sicht: 👉 Weniger Teilnehmer sprechen. 👉 Nicht jeder hat das gleiche Mitspracherecht. 👉 Die Teilnehm...
4.8 from 2 ratings
Learn how you can complement Scrum by adding your own context and additional processes, techniques and practices such as Kanban, EBM, User Experience and more.
3.9 from 7 ratings
Blog Post
Learn what it takes to be a successful Scrum Master. If you're wondering if you should become a Scrum Master, then watch this video and find out!
5 from 3 ratings
Blog Post
I often get asked this question. You can, but it does not mean you should. Let me explain why.
5 from 5 ratings
Blog Post
In this vlog, PST Joshua Partogi shares five tips on how to overcome boredom as a Scrum Master.
4.5 from 5 ratings
Blog Post
In questo articolo, Cynefin, Scrum e Agile, condivido parte della trascrizione di una conferenza di Dave Snowden del 2017. Mi ha permesso di capire che cos’è un sistema complesso e perché Scrum e Agile sono, al momento, gli approcci più efficaci per risolvere problemi complessi.
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen Kategorisierung und Sinnschaffung? Der Unterschied war mir auch lange nicht klar. Erst nachdem ich ein Training bei Dave Snowden besucht habe, habe ich es verstanden. Wenn du keine Zeit hast das Training zu besuchen, du aber nach besseren Wegen suchst, wie...
4.8 from 2 ratings
Blog Post
The Top Ten Business Reasons to Trust Your Teams
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
Tener disciplina y motivación es fundamental en cualquier transición ágil. De hecho, son dos conceptos relacionados pero distintos que juegan un papel importante en la consecución de metas y la autorregulación del comportamiento.
4 from 1 rating
Blog Post
The specific roles and responsibilities of a manager and a Scrum Master may differ in some key ways, but the core skills, responsibilities and accountabilities required for both roles are quite similar. In this video, I will discuss 5 ways a Scrum Master and a manager are similar.
4 from 2 ratings
Blog Post
Wie wird der Erfolg deines Scrum Teams gemessen? Die Chancen stehen gut, dass der Erfolg des Teams am Verhältnis von versprochenen zu gelieferten User Stories festgemacht wird. Laut dem 15. State of Agile Report trifft dies bei 35 % aller Unternehmen zu. Warum ist diese Einstellung noch so weit v...
4 from 1 rating
Blog Post
Each Scrum Event serves Inspection, the second pillar of Empiricism. So does the Sprint Retrospective. How? Find out ...
5 from 2 ratings
In the latest episode of the Community Podcast, open questions from a recent webcast around EBM and engaging stakeholders are answered. (30:44 Minutes)
5 from 3 ratings
Blog Post
Errfahren Sie mehr darüber, wie sich ein Projektmanagement-Tool in einen bürokratischen Albtraum verwandelt, was der Grund dafür sein könnte und was wir dagegen tun können.
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
Agile development is all about building a collaborative, empowered team that delivers value to the customer. However, upper management may prioritise traditional metrics like deadlines and budgets in some organisations over team dynamics. As a Scrum Master, balancing these priorities and ensuring th...
5 from 2 ratings
Blog Post
Scrum is the most popular Agile framework. According to’s 16th annual report, 87% of organizations using an Agile framework use Scrum. That’s up from 58% of Agile teams using Scrum, as documented in the 14th annual State of Agile report. 
5 from 2 ratings
Blog Post
Hiring a Scrum Master? Unfortunately, most Scrum Master job descriptions are not suitable and may not attract the right talent. In this video, PST's Jason Malmstadt and Gregory Crown will provide some helpful ideas and things to consider to help you get started with writing a good job description th...
5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
Unerfahrene Scrum Master glauben, sie müssten möglichst viele Facilitation-Techniken kennen. Dem ist nicht so. Klar, du findest viele hilfreiche Moderationstechniken im Internet. Aber das heißt nicht, dass du auch jeden Ice-Breaker oder Energizer verwenden, jedes lustige Bildchen malen oder an...
5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
Bring Scrum Masters together and see where they can help and support each other
5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
Como tudo na vida, a rotação do Scrum Master tem seus prós e contras. Cada equipe deve avaliar suas próprias necessidades e escolher se terá um papel fixo ou rotativo. Independente da decisão tomada, é imprescindível cultivar uma dinâmica de aprendizado. Algumas vezes será necessário testar as duas ...
4.3 from 2 ratings