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Blog Post

In Search of a Servant Leader

June 8, 2018
I was presenting at a local user group and wanted to explain the concept of what it is to be a Servant Leader. I find that by providing an example of something people can easily relate to the concept.
Blog Post

Myth 14: Refinement is a required meeting for the entire Scrum Team

June 8, 2018
In this post, we bust a myth that is at the heart of why refinement feels like a chore to many Scrum Teams: the belief that ‘Product Backlog refinement’ should be done as one or more required ‘meetings’ that must be attended by everyone in the team. We also offer some alternative approaches that fit more naturally with the flow of development.
Blog Post

🇺🇸 🇫🇷 Adapt and Evolve to Scrum

June 4, 2018
Over the centuries, humans have managed to adapt to many situations and evolve to become what we are today. History shows that we have an innate ability to adapt and evolve. This remains valid as part of a change in business, such as the adoption of Scrum.
Blog Post

What Are You and Your Team Avoiding?

May 31, 2018
What we avoid is still being processed and affecting our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors.  Sometimes we are aware this is running in the background, and we catch ourselves thinking about it.  Then we try to distract ourselves.  Often we don’t even have awareness, and the effects still show up.
Blog Post

Most Popular Videos (Updated June 26, 2024)

May 31, 2018
Based on the feedback that I have received from my blog about the most popular blog articles, I have decided to do the same for the video series.  Over the past few years, we have generated more than 160 videos to help people learn more about Scrum. Updated June 26, 2024
Blog Post

Agile Metrics: Velocity

May 17, 2018
Agile Metrics are meant to serve certain purpose(s) and can be very useful if leveraged appropriately. In this series, I want to share my experiences of how metrics may be used, abused and effectively become focal point of failure of Agile adoption in an organization.
Blog Post

Limiting Work in Progress (WIP) in Scrum with Kanban - What / When / Who / How

May 11, 2018
One of the key Kanban practices is Limiting Work in Progress. If you want to be pedantic, actually what this practice aims for is Reducing and stabilizing Work in Progress. This improves flow, provides predictability, and is actually even more important for creating a pull-based Kanban system than visualizing your workflow using a Kanban board. I worked with several clients that limited their WIP but didn't use Kanban boards. One could argue that maybe this practice deserves to be first in the list of Kanban practices, ahead of Visualization.
Blog Post

Myth 13: The Scrum Master can’t remove people from the Scrum Team

May 4, 2018
As a servant-leader, the Scrum Master sometimes has to make very difficult decisions. This might even include removing someone from the Scrum Team. Obviously, this a difficult decision that should not be taken light-hearted. In this post, we'll share some perspectives on the kinds of situations where removal is a viable option and some tips to do help you do so in the best way possible.
Blog Post

Calling All Industries: Your Process is Failing You

May 1, 2018
It is beyond debate I'm afraid; business projects are prone to failure – particularly large and complex projects. There is some irony in that, no? The more you hope to achieve, the more likely you are to be unsuccessful. Learn how the tech industry uses the Scrum Framework to curb failure and deliver customer value.
Blog Post

Agile Coach Toolkit #8: Limiting Work-In-Progress

April 27, 2018
Do your team members have a tendency to pick up the next task to work on in case they get stuck with current task because they are measured for ‘utilization’? Such multitasking isn’t just bad, but also has harmful effects and causes stress on the person as proven by a study at Stanford University.
Blog Post

A Wet Weekend with the Scrum Values

April 27, 2018
Over a wet weekend in the UK, my 12 year old daughter was looking for something to do and decided to draw a poster to while away some time. My daughter decided that she would help me by making a poster about Scrum ( honestly!, I am not making this up. I didn't realise how much I talk about a scrum at home.)
Blog Post

Professionalism is more important than Regulation

April 26, 2018
I recently wrote an article for Entrepreneur on why Tech Companies need a code of ethics which got me thinking more broadly about the role of ethics, values and professionalism and why the agile community have been thinking about it more than most.
Blog Post

Scrubbing Sprint Zero

April 19, 2018
I remember going on a PRINCE2 course a few years ago, and trying to determine how this celebrated stage-gated framework might be applied to an agile mode of delivery. I was employed in the UK public sector at the time, and I had come to know how instrumental "PRINCE2 compliance" can be to the striking of a defensive organizational posture. When all eventually fails you must be able to show that you followed appropriate procedure.
Blog Post

The Imperceptible Product Owner

April 19, 2018
In this blog, PSTs Sjoerd Kranendonk and Wilbert Seele explain how to achieve more and risk less by being a less visible Product Owner. In the Scrum Guide the following is written about the role of the PO: "The Product Owner is responsible for maximizing the value of the product and the work of the Development Team."
Blog Post

Agile Coach Toolkit #7: Straight Feedback

April 18, 2018
One of the reasons Scrum allows opportunistic discovery is due to its short and fast feedback loops. With the aim to build a high-performing Team and to get the best potential out of each individual and to help them be successful, Agile Coach needs to provide straight feedback to them. But giving straight feedback is a daunting task especially since we are dealing with human emotions. In general, just the utterance of the statement, “I would like to give you feedback” sends the heart racing for a lot of people.
Blog Post

Line Management is not “Agile”

April 17, 2018
If you give a developer a verbal warning for surfing social media all day, you are crushing their autonomy. Insisting on core hours of 10am-4pm violates self-organisation. Personal development plans are so PRINCE II. Right? Well, maybe. On the other hand, having someone relatively experienced and influential on your side, to help shape your career and keep you off the annual redundancies list might actually be quite useful.
Blog Post

The Start of "Your Scrum Master Journey"

April 15, 2018
In this blog post we've shared our ideas on "Your Scrum Master Journey" and the first steps we've made at a Dutch customer.This week Christiaan Verwijs and I facilitated a workshop at a Dutch customer in which Scrum Masters could provide a pitch for participating in "Your Scrum Master Journey".
Blog Post

The Scrum Master Trends Survey 2018 is Open

April 11, 2018
Last year, Stefan Wolpers and Age of Product conducted a Scrum Master Salary Survey of the agile community. The effort resulted in the Scrum Master Salary Report 2017. This year will be joining this survey effort with Stefan Wolpers and Age of Product, with the goal of collecting data from more participants on a global scale to help increase participation and gather new insights.
Blog Post

Diversity in Scrum Teams Boosts Innovation

April 10, 2018
Teams with high diversity are more innovative. They have more perspectives that create a higher rate of idea flow. More new ideas are generated that lead to new products and innovations than in homogeneous teams.  What is innovation?
Blog Post

Scrum from the trenches - the Sprint Goal

April 6, 2018
In the "Scrum from the trenches" blog post series I like to address topics that I encounter in practicing Scrum in the real world, with real Scrum Teams. Sharing where theory comes into practice, what challenges teams encounter along the way and ways to help Scrum practitioners use the power of empiricism to overcome these challenges.
Blog Post

Future Expectations of Software Development

April 5, 2018
Over the years, the tools we use to develop and deploy applications are significantly more robust, and most companies are working to become more efficient with their processes. But what is the next step toward improvement in software development? New expectations.
Blog Post

Making Tech Debt Visible

April 4, 2018
As a Product Owner, there is nothing more frustrating than having to use valuable development time to deal with technical debt. Like death and taxes, it’s just never a good time when those lurking defects decide to unravel.
Blog Post

Scrum And DevOps

March 31, 2018
Hello great people of the world. Welcome back to Professional Software Delivery with Scrum (PSD) blog series with yours truly. This time we're going talk about how to use Scrum And DevOps. I am interested to discuss this topic because it's quite common I get a question from someone in the agile community, "Should I use Scrum or DevOps?".
Blog Post

Agile Coach Toolkit #4: Effective Facilitation

March 26, 2018
As an Agile Coach, you frequently encounter situations which demand quick thinking to get things moving in the right direction. Over time I have found few techniques which come out handy and always keep these in my playbook in case need arise. This is the fourth part in the series of tools that I have found useful in my role as Agile Coach – Effective Facilitation.
Blog Post

Agile Coach Toolkit #3: Asking Powerful Questions

March 21, 2018
As an Agile Coach, you frequently encounter situations which demand quick thinking to get things moving in the right direction. Over time I have found few techniques which come in handy and always keep these in my playbook in case needs arise. This is the third part in the series of tools that I have found useful in my role as Agile Coach – Asking Powerful Questions.
Blog Post

Scrum Master Studio Series: Frame# 1

March 14, 2018
In this series, I want to Introduce some helpful tips for Scrum Masters on “Systems Thinking” - a diagnostic Tool and a disciplined approach for examining problems more completely and accurately before acting.  Lights on! Camera !