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Un gran Product Owner

June 12, 2020
Un gran Product Owner tiene que estar enfocado en producir experiencias e impactos sorprendentes en los clientes a la vez que soporta el cambio de la organización hacia la agilidad con un enfoque de producto brindando el soporte necesario para que el equipo de desarrollo pueda optimizar el trabajo que realiza.
Blog Post

Scrum Master tactics: Waste Charting by burning cars

June 8, 2020
The Scrum Master tactics series are a series of articles in which I write about and explore contemporary techniques that will aid you in your journey as a Scrum Master. The tactics explained stem from my personal experience as a Scrum Master which I accumulated over the years in working with many different teams and contexts.
Blog Post

Velocity alone doesn’t measure success

May 29, 2020
Many scrum teams use a metric called velocity as their primary metric. Velocity is commonly defined as the number of story points you finish over time, usually measured by sprints. Measured from sprint to sprint, it becomes a sort of gauge of success. If it stays the same or goes up, that’s great. If it goes down repeatedly, there’s a problem that needs to be investigated.
Blog Post

Is Accessibility Enough?

May 21, 2020
Today, on Global Accessibility Awareness Day, I look back on how far we have come as a society in making things accessible for people with disabilities. Yet, how far behind we are in inclusive user and customer experience. Just because I ‘can’ use your product or service, it does not mean I ‘want’ too.