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Is Scrum Hurting Your Agility?

December 9, 2018
Most organizations are using Scrum, however, many of them feel like the agility of their organization has degraded, and they might be right! Often, using Scrum starts out as a way to improve development efforts coordinated within an IT division or department, but that is not the most effective organization structure to potentially get maximum benefit from Scrum.
Blog Post

Servant Leadership 101: The 4 V’s to Create a Strong Foundation

December 7, 2018
Servant-leaders must create a strong foundation that helps people feel empowered to take action, enables them to move forward in a common direction despite uncertainty, and to feel inspired and resourceful during challenging times.  The 4 V’s can help you establish this strong foundation:  Vision, Values, Value, Validation.
Blog Post

Transparency in Queues

November 27, 2018
At one point or another in our lives we have all experienced a long queue, stuck in a car on the motorway, sat on a train waiting for an open platform. My favorite memories stretch back to that line for the lunch at primary school where it was cake and custard day!
Blog Post

Why Scrum Requires Completely “Done” Software Every Sprint

November 27, 2018
In Scrum, “Done” doesn’t support adjectives like “nearly”, “pretty much” or “almost”. Work is “Done” or it isn’t . And there is a very powerful, compelling reason behind this: the Scrum Framework only helps to reduce the risk of wasting money and effort when you deliver “Done” software every Sprint; a new version of your product that is, or with the proverbial press of a button can be, released to users. In this post I underscore how essential this rule is to Scrum.
Blog Post

Lessons from Scrum and Photography

November 22, 2018
Photography may sound simple but is actually a problem of complex domain. There are many variables - light, subject, motion, distance, composition, framing -  that come into play while capturing an image.
Blog Post

My Journey Toward Becoming a Professional Scrum Trainer

November 15, 2018
Woohoo! Last week marked the official announcement from that I’m finally a Professional Scrum Trainer. I’m excited, amazed and incredibly humbled to join this community of professionals. In this post, I would like to share this journey. Perhaps it will inspire you towards a similar journey, or help you if you’re already on it.
Blog Post

The Value of Scrum Certifications

November 13, 2018
Ahhh... the never-ending debate. What's the value of (Scrum) certifications? Is there any value? Why should you get certified? Is it even necessary? In this blog, Chee Hong gives his opinion about the value of certifications and the reasoning behind getting certified.
Blog Post

Improving SAFe Through Professional Scrum

November 7, 2018
The Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe™) is one of the most popular approaches to applying agile at scale out there. SAFe's perspective is that "Nothing beats an Agile Team" and it doesn't try to reinvent the wheel or even innovate too much when it comes to the Team level
Blog Post

What Do Agile Leaders Do?

November 5, 2018
I’ve had this ongoing discussion with a few of my colleagues who says that the term “agile leader” is an oxymoron - that the ideal organization is a bunch of Scrum Teams and not much else.

Scrum Mucho Más que Roles, Eventos y Artefactos.

November 4, 2018
Cuando se trata de representar Scrum en muchas ocasiones se usan algunas imágenes que muestran los roles, eventos y artefactos para definir Scrum. Si solo se usan estos elementos o se define Scrum en base a estos elementos se puede estar fomentando un enfoque mecánico de Scrum o un Scrum flácido que finalmente no es Scrum. Estos tres elementos de Scrum son solo una parte de la historia. Cada elemento de Scrum tiene un propósito específico dentro del Framework, obviarlos tiene un impacto en el cambio cultural y el fomento de la innovación, la madurez de los equipos y en el impacto en el valor de negocio entregado a los clientes, usuarios, interesados y la organización.
Blog Post

Agile Chair Exercise- Some Alternate Suggestions

November 1, 2018
If you've been at an Agile conference, been a Scrum Master for quite some time and joined an Agile meetup group (here in The Netherlands there are several), then you probably found that games can be very quick ways to energize any meeting and to drive learning through fun.
Blog Post

Building Integrate And Release Often

October 30, 2018
This week, we are building our new website with a Scrum Team. Practicing what we preach, we are doing this in the most Agile, iterative way we can. So yes, we're making all the expected mistakes. In this post, we share what we learned about flow and releasing more often - with examples that are as real-life as imaginable :)
Blog Post

Scaling Scrum to the Limit

October 26, 2018
You’re likely to have been asked the question: “we need to go faster, how many more people do we need?” Most people naturally understand that just adding a random number of people isn’t likely to make us any faster in the short run.
Blog Post

Using Scrum in the Music Industry

October 24, 2018
I live many lives – in one of them, I am happily residing in the world of software development where I am also a Professional Scrum Trainer. In another, lesser known one – I am Band Manager (and former band member/musician myself) to a highly-regarded and awarded independent/underground musical act. 
Blog Post

Почему фокус на индивидуальной занятости снижает скорость команды (часть I)

October 16, 2018
Это первая из серии статей, в которых мы вместе будем исследовать вопрос узких специалистов в Скрам-командах, теорию очередей, системную/локальную оптимизации и обучение в командах.
Blog Post

Create Focus with Ecocycle Planning

October 15, 2018
In this post, we explain one of the more complicated Liberating Structures called Ecocycle Planning. It helps to bring clarity in your activities as an individual or as a group of people and to identify where your energy and time you should go.