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Un Product Owner Profesional

July 4, 2024
El Product Owner tiene la responsabilidad de maximizar la entrega de valor. Esta responsabilidad puede requerir desarrollar una variedad de competencias y habilidades como son: Liderar hacia el valor, Involucrar en la visión, y evolucionar el producto con la validación a través de un enfoque incremental y empírico. En esta entrada se muestran algunas de las competencias requeridas.
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The Role Of Agile In Lean Change Management

July 4, 2024
The implementation of an agile lean change approach is easy to talk about, but harder to execute. By focusing on incremental change, frequent feedback, and tailoring the approach to specific needs, Agile enables businesses to respond effectively to evolving markets and deliver greater value.
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Breaking Free from the Delivery Drain: Emphasizing Product Discovery

July 4, 2024
Product Managers and Product Owners often find themselves caught in the delivery drain, where their time and energy are consumed by the operational aspects of getting a product out the door. This focus on delivery not only drains their resources. But also forces them to operate on an operational level, leaving little room for the strategic and tactical thinking that drives real product innovation. To truly excel, product teams must shift their attention to product discovery. A critical yet frequently overlooked aspect of product management.
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Scrum is Hard and Disruptive #2 - Complexity and Risk

July 3, 2024
In their discussion titled "Scrum is Hard and Disruptive #2 - Complexity and Risk," Todd and Ryan explore how Scrum optimizes product management by emphasizing high-value delivery. They emphasize that while Scrum is designed for high-risk, complex projects, its success hinges on consistent product releases and iterative feedback loops to manage risks effectively.
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Scrum is Not... Scrum is...

July 3, 2024
In the ever-evolving landscape of project management, Scrum has emerged as one of the most popular frameworks for Agile development. Despite its widespread adoption, many misconceptions exist about what Scrum truly entails. Understanding the essence of Scrum is crucial for teams and organizations to harness its full potential and achieve their goals efficiently.
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Dislocated Team: "My Teammates are in 3 Different Time Zones! Help!?"

July 2, 2024
A former student of mine asked me a question: I've just started working with a product development team whose members live in India Standard Time, Central European Time, and East Standard Time I'd like to help to configure our Sprints. Do you have advice about stand-ups? How often? Should we meet later in the day? Any advice would be appreciated.
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Facilitating Effective Sprint Reviews

July 2, 2024
It is rare that teams get the full value that they should from their Sprint Reviews. We and others have experienced Sprint Reviews more as performance reviews or demos that feel like one-way presentations from the team. The opportunity for Scrum Teams and their stakeholders to explore the current and potential value of products, market insights and technology trends that could be leveraged is often missed. In this blog, in collaboration with Patricia Kong and Glaudia Califano, I share different ideas, challenges and facilitation techniques to help you and your teams have more effective Sprint Reviews.
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What Is a Product?

July 1, 2024
“A product is a vehicle to deliver value. It has a clear boundary, known stakeholders, and well-defined users or customers. A product could be a service, a physical product, or something more abstract.” - The Scrum Guide
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Debrief: Max, the AI Agent, a Scrum Team Member like any Other?

July 1, 2024
Discover how Max, an AI agent, integrates into Adrien's Scrum Team, enhancing productivity and bridging skill gaps. Uncover the groundbreaking music and clip generation product they are developing together. Explore the opportunities AI agents like Max bring to agile teams, and reflect on the insights from AI safety researchers Diego Dorn and Alexandre Variengien about the potential limitations and risks. Delve into the intriguing question: Is Max loyal?
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Agile is Not... Agile is...

July 1, 2024
Despite its widespread adoption, Agile is often misunderstood and misapplied. Many still hold onto traditional project management views, leading to confusion and ineffective implementation of Agile practices. To truly harness the power of Agile, it's essential to understand what Agile is not and what Agile is. Find out more about what Agile is and is not in this post from Sanjay Saini.
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Scrum is Hard and Disruptive - A Dive into Ken Schwaber's Timeless Insights

June 26, 2024
In this video, Todd and Ryan explore Ken Schwaber's 2006 white paper, which discusses why Scrum is hard and disruptive. They use cross-functional, self-managing teams to emphasize Scrum's foundation in iterative and incremental development. Lean thinking and empirical process control are core principles, ensuring continuous improvement through frequent inspection and adaptation. The hosts draw parallels to real-life scenarios, like youth football coaching, to illustrate the effectiveness of self-managing teams.
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Utiliza métricas en tu panel de producto

June 25, 2024
En este artículo, el PST Alex Ballarín te explica como las métricas de producto son el corazón de los paneles de producto, donde el equipo puede compartir y alinearse respecto a la información importante del producto, y mejorar así su toma de decisiones.
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From Project Management to Product Management

June 18, 2024
In our recent episodes, we've explored Lean Portfolio Management (LPM) and its pivotal role in optimizing value delivery for both businesses and stakeholders. LPM shifts from the traditional Project-oriented management to more impactful Product-oriented management. In this episode, Jeff and Patrick discuss the key disparities between Project- and Product-mindsets, and why that is important for Agile delivery.
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Delivering Value - Think Products, Not Projects

June 18, 2024
From our previous episode, you now know what Lean Portfolio Management is. The next question is: how do you maximize value with LPM to achieve your business objectives? Tune in to explore how Lean Portfolio Management uses products to deliver value.
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What is Lean Portfolio Management?

June 18, 2024
How do you prioritize and allocate resources across various projects to ensure optimal outcomes? How do you ensure alignment between these outcomes and your organization's strategy and business objectives? Tune in to this episode to learn how Lean Portfolio Management (LPM) can help executives, project/product managers, PMO leaders, and key stakeholders bring the most value to business objectives.
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Spikes are So... Ugh

June 17, 2024
I'm just going to say it. Most so-called 'spikes' do not belong on the Product Backlog. Learn more in this blog post from PST Mary Iqbal.

Speak Up to Lead: Why Public Speaking is Essential for Product Owners

June 17, 2024
While a variety of skills are needed to become a successful Product Owner—analytical skills, leadership qualities, creativity, problem-solving skills, strategic thinking, adaptability, and resilience—one key skill that is often overlooked is public speaking. This article from PST Joanna Plaskonka explores why public speaking is vital for Product Owners, Product Managers, and Product Leaders, and how it can be leveraged to achieve better outcomes.
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Misurare gli obiettivi in Scrum

June 12, 2024
Misurare gli obiettivi in Scrum è necessario per capire se stiamo realmente massimizzando il valore del prodotto. Nell’articolo precedente, gli obiettivi in Scrum, abbiamo esplorato perché e come Product Goal e Sprint Goal forniscono focus e autonomia allo Scrum Team. Aiutandoci a concentrarci sul resultato voluto per l’utilizzatore, piuttosto che sulle funzionalità da implementare. In questo articolo vediamo perché è importante che questi obiettivi trasparenti siano ispezionati ed adattati a frequenze regolari… empirismo all’opera con gli obiettivi!
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Complexity & Management Style

June 12, 2024
Predictive management and empirical management offer distinct approaches to handling complex work. Predictive management operates on the premise that the future course of work can be anticipated at the outset. Empirical management acknowledges that not everything about complex work can be known from the start.