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Blog Post
A while ago we started working on a movie to illustrate the essence of agile leadership. What is it about? Are leaders still needed in an agile environment?
5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
This is a series on how to create more engaging and interactive Scrum Events with Liberating Structures and recover from Zombie Scrum.
4.8 from 2 ratings
Blog Post
The Scrum Guide provides no reference or guidance on how to get started with Scrum. That's because Scrum is a lightweight, minimal framework to encourage self-organization. I have heard it stated that Scrum is intentionally incomplete. There are no special Sprints in Scrum, such as Sprint Zeros, eit...
5 from 2 ratings
Blog Post
Welcome to the Agile Movers & Shakers interview series. Today’s guest is Ben Linders.
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
In my earlier article, I explained what Scrum Patterns are and why they could be useful for you in your transformation. In this blog, I discuss how to select and use the Scrum Patterns from the Pattern Languages.
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
How to start an Agile transformation? What are the initial steps? In this article I explain how transformations could be planned using Scrum Patterns and systems thinking.
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
Within the Scrum process, there are eleven basic elements that make up the framework. 3 roles, 3 artifacts, and 5 events. Practitioners need to learn to apply and understand the principles behind these in order to obtain the full benefits of the Scrum process.
5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
Hey awesome people. I hope you are starting the new year with excitement. One of the most popular questions I got in my Professional Scrum Master (PSM) class from the past years is: "What are the differences between Project Manager and Scrum Master?"
5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
You have a big heart and a lot of determination, and you want to create a better world. That may mean empowering and supporting your team.
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
For me, 2019 was all about purpose. This means aligning all my effort in things that matter: professionally, social causes, community, and connecting with family and friends.
This year started out with me doing talks on innovation and resilience. This is one of my passions as innovation has been ...
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
Fighting organizational impediments as a Product Owner? Combine powers and utilize the Product Owner and Scrum Master symbiosis. And create more focus at the same time.
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
It’s that time again. The end of the year, where many of us take a step back to reflect on the year that will almost be over soon and create another new year resolution. Like many of you, I do the same. On my last year life retrospectives, I wrote about servant leadership.
5 from 3 ratings
Blog Post
In a series of blog posts, I want to share how you can use Systems Thinking to resolve complex problems such as software teams not delivering the right software fast enough.
4.7 from 3 ratings
In this Scrum Tapas video, Professional Scrum Trainer Ram Srinivasan takes a look at 8 common myths and misconceptions from people about Scrum discussing why they are not true and what it really means. (10:53 Minutes)
5 from 2 ratings
In this Scrum Tapas video, Professional Scrum Trainer Guus Verweij discusses how acceptance criteria can be added to Product Backlog Items individually in additional to an overall Definition of Done and why it may be a good idea. (4:19 Minutes)
4.8 from 5 ratings
Blog Post
This post is an excerpt from the book that we’re writing, the ‘Zombie Scrum Survival Guide’. It’s our way of delivering small increments and involving our stakeholders. So we’d love to hear your feedback, encouragements and wild ideas. You can also listen to us reading this post on our podcast.
4.3 from 11 ratings
Blog Post
Technical debt is a plague on software development in companies big and small. But what is it? What problems does it cause? How can we remove it? Watch this video blog from Robert Pieper, CEO of Responsive Advisors to find out.
5 from 1 rating
In this Scrum Tapas video, Professional Scrum Trainer Ravi Vajaria discusses some of his experiences when a Product Owner or Scrum Master either also plays another role on the Scrum Team or when Development Team members perceive that they do. He talks about how it can change the dynamic of the team...
2.1 from 5 ratings
In this Scrum Tapas video, Professional Scrum Trainers Louis-Philippe Carignan and Daniel Vacanti who is also the co-creator of the Professional Scrum with Kanban (PSK) class, Kanban Guide for Scrum Teams and Kanban Method discuss the origins of the PSK class and provide some insights into what will...
4.3 from 3 ratings
Blog Post
Announcing our upcoming book with and Addison-Wesley.
5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
Hey awesome people. I hope you are having a great time with your friends and families in this holiday season.
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
In 2017, I was talking to the head of the Agile Coach Group of a large bank. She asked me to come over to work with her and help to roll out their standard way of working across all branches in Europe.
5 from 2 ratings
Blog Post
While Diana Larsen continues her coaching, mentoring, and consulting practice in a limited way, she has shifted more toward involvement as a co-founder of the Agile Fluency Project, a startup...
0 from 0 ratings
Este white paper contém as experiências pessoais do Professional Scrum Trainer Barry Overeem atuando como Scrum Master e as 8 instâncias que ele documentou com uma perspectiva detalhada: O Scrum Master com um Líder Servidor, Facilitador, Treinador, Gerente, Mentor, Professor, Removedor de Impediment...
5 from 2 ratings
Blog Post
The Professional Scrum Master (PSM) workshop has a module that talks about the Definition of "Done" (DoD) and Technical Debt.
4.6 from 18 ratings
Blog Post
If there is one trend that has surpassed Agile in our profession over the last five years, I would say DevOps would be a good culprit. As we’ve seen an explosion of tools to implement CI/CD in our Scrum teams, we’ve also seen some of our Agile practices being challenged by this new reality.
5 from 4 ratings
Blog Post
The other day I had a conversation with a colleague. He was looking for an opener for a talk - something catchy to illustrate to his audience (mostly finance and banking) that there could well be a need to change their current ways of working.
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
Recently I ran into a beautiful piece of text, written by Rachel Naomi Remin. In this text I read the following phrase: "Perhaps the secret of living well is not in having all the answers, but in pursuing unanswerable questions in good company."
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
Not all companies need to be agile companies. What does it really mean to be an agile organization and how do you know if you need to be one? Watch this short 4 minute episode of Responsive Advisors Agile B-Sides video blog to find out!
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
Software and online-services companies are undergoing quick implementation of the Scrum framework in their Products. Scrum is a process framework that enables deliver complex products iteratively and incrementally while controlling the risk.
5 from 2 ratings
Blog Post
This blog post gives you an overview of the paper "Liberating Structures - an Antidote to Zombie Scrum". It describes what Zombie Scrum is about and offers tangible examples of how to recognize, treat, and prevent Zombie Scrum by using Liberating Structures.
5 from 1 rating
In this episode of Ask a Professional Scrum Trainer, PST Pawel Mysliwiec answered questions about story points, estimating, the Scrum Roles, the Scrum events, scaling, using Scrum with Kanban and more!
4.5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
On November 22nd, 2019, I gave the closing keynote at Scrum Deutschland, a talk called 'The Four Things You Do To Prevent Value Delivery'. In this keynote, I discussed the trends I found during my research at multiple organizations.
5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
I’ve been teaching the class Professional Scrum with Kanban (PSK) for the last year now and I strongly believe parts of its content will send some of our current practices and books to the Agile museum.
5 from 2 ratings
Blog Post
Outcome mapping enhances Product Backlog transparency by making transparent the relationships between goals, stakeholders, outcomes and outputs created by a Scrum Team
4.7 from 148 ratings
Blog Post
Last week, about 30 members of the Hands-on Agile community in Berlin came together to identify opportunities for personal and professional growth for the coming year, using Liberating Structures’ Ecocycle Planning in the process, to further your Scrum Master career 2020.
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
Can anyone be a Product Owner (PO)? What’s the best position in the company to fill that role? With Scrum you have one and only one Product Owner for a given product...
5 from 2 ratings
Blog Post
Hello awesome people. Today I want to share with you my personal guidelines that I have been using to recruit/hire Scrum Masters from the job market.
5 from 3 ratings
Blog Post
What baffles me each time I look at the numbers with regards to Scrum certifications, is the low amount of PSD Certified Software Developers in relation to the certified Product Owners and Scrum Masters out there.
5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
Some people just happen to learn more from short movie clips. And they can be a great way to bring some humor in. Also available as a Youtube Playlist.
5 from 3 ratings
This article describes what Zombie Scrum is about and gives you tangible examples of how to recognize, treat, and prevent Zombie Scrum by using Liberating Structures.
4.8 from 3 ratings
Blog Post
Scrum Master anti-patterns: The reasons why Scrum Masters violate the spirit of the Scrum Guide are multi-faceted. They run from ill-suited personal traits and the pursuit of individual agendas to frustration with the team itself.
4.3 from 3 ratings
Blog Post
Sir Isaac Newton, Louis Pasteur, Marie Curie, Albert Einstein, and Nikola Tesla; this woman and these gentlemen are considered to be some of the greatest scientists of all time.
4.8 from 6 ratings
In this Scrum Pulse webinar, Leonoor Koomen, Owner of and Lead Agile Enterprise Coach at ING discusses with Patricia Kong, Product Owner, Enterprise Solutions at, the lessons she has learned from working with top executives at companies in a variety of industries such as banki...
5 from 4 ratings
Blog Post
Nearly every conversation I have with people who are trying to bring agility to their organizations eventually comes around to the challenge of changing the culture of the organization. They often feel alone and frustrated in their efforts, successful working with their own teams, but surrounded by ...
0 from 0 ratings
This episode of the Agile Wire podcast features as discussion with Chad Beier from on Organizational Agility and the Professional Scrum Master II course. (48:04 Minutes)
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
In this blog, Professional Scrum Trainer Magdalena Firlit talks about some of the differences in words between English and the Slavic languages with helpful tips for translations when it comes to Professional Scrum certification assessments.
4.9 from 19 ratings
Blog Post
The Clerk is your personal waiter for all your user story serving. Gathering all the wishes, user stories and demands is what The Clerk does.
4.5 from 2 ratings
Blog Post
If Scrum were to be reduced to one purpose and one only, it would be the creation of a "Done" increment. Although the DoD serves as a crucial part of Scrum, it is also often neglected by many Scrum teams. Try out the DoD EvoCycle, a simple technique to effectively manage your Definition of Done.
4.6 from 7 ratings
Blog Post
Some of the most famous and influential leaders of all times include people like Mohandas K. Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King Jr. and Abraham Lincoln.
5 from 5 ratings